New HubSpot Account & Billing screens

We’ve built a new Account & Billing experience from the ground up to give you easier access to new and useful details on the state of your HubSpot account.


GrowthBot, your soon-to-be BFFL, is now available on Slack!

How was organic traffic last week? What keywords is your competition ranking for? What software does your competition use? What is Hotjar?


"Company Insights" Tab in Prospects to be Removed on 9/1

At HubSpot, we’re always looking to move your inbound marketing and sales processes forward. Sometimes, that means creating new tools — in the past few months, you’ve seen things like Team Meetings, a brand new iOS app for HubSpot CRM, multiple pipelines, a redesigned Sequences editor, and more. Other times, it means making the difficult choice to sunset tools. 


Send & Deliver Email in Your Recipients Timezone

Emails sent at odd hours are often ignored, or worse, sent right to the trash. As inbound marketers we all want to deliver a good experience, and also want to get the best performance out of our email. So shouldn't those emails arrive in everyone's inbox based on their timezone?


Improved Integration: Your Inbox and HubSpot CRM Are Better Together

We’ve made significant improvements to the way Gmail and Office 365 integrate with HubSpot. This new, two-way integration means that any email you send through the CRM will appear in the sent folder of your inbox. Any replies to that email will also be logged in the CRM:


Track and Publish Pages from Content Staging

Launching a new website, or even just a few pages can be stressful. There are always edits that need to be made, but tracking those edits is difficult. Today we are introducing a few updates to Content Staging that will help you track, and publish pages.


Easily Add an Image Gallery to Your Landing Pages or Website

When you're working on creating content, figuring out how to insert a gallery of images should not be the most time-consuming part of your day. Today we're happy to introduce a brand-new module available in all HubSpot accounts, the Image Gallery. 


Sunsetting Indexed Pages Metric within the Competitors Report

If your inbound marketing is working, the Indexed Pages metric within the Competitors Report may be one way you are judging success. But the number of Indexed Pages alone does not determine success for inbound marketers, it's about the quality of those pages and the people coming to them - not just the quantity.


A Refreshed Look for Page Performance

When you log into HubSpot today, you'll find a cleaner full-screen interface for the Page Performance report. Chances are good you won't notice much of a change --- you've had the ability to opt into the new design for a few months. Today, we're excited to officially launch the refreshed look.


Meet GrowthBot from HubSpot Labs!

When you’re growing a business, your day is filled with countless to-dos, questions, and data-pulls. These needs arise all the time and not always at the most convenient times. GrowthBot makes you just a little bit faster at doing just about anything.  


Four Updates to Contact, Company, and Deal Records

When you’re digging into your contacts, companies, and deals, you need quick and easy access to all the information you have about them. The faster you can find the information you need, the more efficiently and effectively you can follow up with your leads.


[HubSpot Partners] Lead Registration Beta

HubSpot Partners can now easily register a lead directly within the HubSpot platform - reducing, errors, and making you more efficient. 


Append Values to Multi-Checkbox Properties with Workflows

With Workflows, you can update property values for many records at once, rather than making one-off changes --- saving you precious moments in your day. Not quite sure what we're talking about? Take a glance through this help document, then come right back.

In many situations, the value of a property needs to be updated, rather than overwritten. Now, appending values to multi-checkbox properties is easy to do in HubSpot.


[HubSpot Partners] Capacity Manager Beta

As a HubSpot Partner it's difficult to tell where you are within your registered lead capacity, and how to remove one. Today we're introducing the beta of Capacity Manager, a brand-new tool that allows you to easily de-register domains so new leads can be registered. 


Heads Up: Navigation Changes Coming for Partner Portals on 7/13

In order to streamline access to the template marketplace, and partner profile within Hubspot we are making some minor navigation changes to partner portals. These changes will display in only partner portals beginning on July 13. Let's dive-in to the updates.


Booking Meetings Just Got Easier...

Team Meetings, the newest addition to HubSpot Sales, makes it even easier for teams to collaborate and connect with contacts. Team Meetings brings two new meeting link types to Meetings: Group Meetings links, and Round Robin Meetings links.


Introducing: Out of Office Reply Detection for Sequences

A reply to an email that is sent as part of a Sequence will automatically unenroll that contact from the Sequence. But an automated, out-of-office reply isn’t really a sign of engagement the way that an actual reply is. Now, Sequences detects out-of-office replies, ignored them, and keeps those contacts enrolled in the Sequence.


Customize Your Time Zone & Website URL in Leadin

Today, we're excited to launch two customization updates for your LeadIn account: the ability to easily update your account's timezone and website URL within the tool.


A New Way to Drill into your HubSpot Dashboard Data

When it comes to reporting, you need the ability to dig under the surface of your metrics, in order to find tangible takeaways and actionable next steps.

Today, you have the power to drill into your HubSpot data in two new ways.


Introducing Leadin's New Lead Flows Dashboard

Two weeks ago, we announced Lead  Flows, an uber-powerful new lead conversion tool in Leadin. Lead Flows are fantastic on their own, but are even more valuable when they can be edited and analyzed from one place. Today, we're excited to launch a new dashboard for Flows that provides the key metrics for every conversion path on your site, in one place.

Save Email Templates Directly from Gmail

Creating content is hard work. When it comes to drafting new email templates, we often forget that our inbox is ripe with inspiration. The latest update to HubSpot Sales helps you tap into that inspiration by giving you the ability to save any email as a reusable, reportable Template directly from your Gmail inbox.


[HubSpot Connect] - AdRoll Integration

HubSpot helps marketers and salespeople create an inbound machine. However, we know there are other tools and technology you use to run your business. HubSpot Connect is your place to find the best HubSpot powered integrations and conections. Today we are excited to Welcome AdRoll as a new Connect Partner. 

What’s this integration partner do?
AdRoll is an advertising platform that allows users to reach customers across devices, browsers, and apps via access to over 500 ad exchanges, including native inventory like Apple iAd, Facebook, Twitter, and Google.  Video overview of AdRoll


[HubSpot Connect] - Drift Integration

HubSpot helps marketers and salespeople create an inbound machine. However, we know there are other tools and technology you use to run your business. HubSpot Connect is your place to find the best HubSpot powered integrations and conections. Today we are excited to Welcome Drift to HubSpot Connect. 

What’s this integration partner do? 
Drift is a sales and marketing tool designed to help increase website conversions and better connect sales and marketing with people visiting your site. Currently, their main feature enables website chat for visitors and allows salespeople to respond via chat from email or Slack.

How does Drift integrate with HubSpot?
When you engage with website visitors via Drift, all of that information is stored on the user’s contact timeline in HubSpot. This allows your sales team to tailor their outreach based on a certain activity, like viewing your pricing page. And marketers to create workflows and lists based on conversations that have happened via Drift so every prospect gets a personal touch. 


Easily Edit Blog & RSS Emails Within HubSpot

Your automated blog and RSS emails are a reflection of your brand. Now you can edit them directly within HubSpot and make sure they're perfect. Starting today you can now edit  and format blog & RSS emails that are sent out from HubSpot.


New Insights into HubSpot CRM Exports

Data security is vital to a growing sales team. You need full control and visibility into who's doing what in your CRM. With that in mind, last month, we introduced advanced permissions. Now, we give managers and admins the ability to see who's exported what from HubSpot CRM. 


A New Way to Build HubSpot CRM into Your Google Apps Routine

Today, we're excited to announce that HubSpot CRM is now available in the Google Apps for Work Marketplace and has been chosen as one of Google's “New and Notable” applications for the month of June. You can read the full details of the launch here. In this post, we'll walk you through  what the new Google Apps functionality entails and how to set it up.


HubSpot Ads & Campaigns integration

Inside HubSpot Ads, you can now associate ad campaigns with Hubspot Campaigns. This update will allow you to clearly see the impact of paid media run through the Ads Add-On in the campaign view as well as sources. In sources you will now see paid campaign data along with the term passed through the ads tracking link.


A Better Way to Track Your Social Ads

Online ads can play a key role in amplifying Inbound, empowering you to drive increased traffic to landing pages and to get more "bang for their buck" from content campaigns. That said, not all ads are created equal. When it comes to reporting, it's pivotal to be able to slice and dice Search and Social ad campaigns separately, to make the right optimizations for each channel.


[HubSpot Connect] - WorkflowMax Integration

HubSpot helps marketers and salespeople create an inbound machine. However, we know there are other tools and technology you use to run your business. HubSpot Connect is your place to find the best HubSpot powered integrations and conections. Today we are excited to feature WorkFlowMax. 


Introducing Lead Flows by Leadin

We've been working very hard over the past few months to develop something we think is really special. Lead Flows help you take a page with a good amount of traffic and give your visitors a relevant offer to help them convert into leads. What that really means is that Lead Flows combine your CTA (call-to-action), Form, and Deliverable into one unobtrusive widget on the page. 

What are Lead Flows?
Lead Flows are a lead conversion path to convert website visitors into leads. They can be a slide-in box on the lower left or right, a pop-up overlay, or a dropdown banner that are triggered by scroll, time on page, or exit intent.

Why are they different?
Typically, the lead conversion flow sends a visitor from email/social/organic to a blog post with a CTA, then to a landing page where they fill out a form, then to a thank you page where they can download the content. This still applies for more permanent offers that need somewhere to live (i.e. a training course or a webinar explanation), but for offers that don't require a landing page, Lead Flows are a more streamlined and flexible way to convert visitors on your website into leads. It is also helpful for those who may not have many opportunities on their website for people to convert. 

What does a Lead Flow look like?


[Now Live] Minor Navigation Change - Contacts Menu

To provide a better user experience and create consistency across our different apps, we are making a minor change to the HubSpot navigation. The Contacts menu is moving to the second item in the nav (just to the right of Dashboard) on all portals.


New Simplified Navigation within Template Marketplace Accounts

The navigation within template provider accounts has been slightly different than the navigation within the Marketing Platform. Today, we're simplifying the navigation within the template marketplace portal and making it very similar to the marketing portal.


A New Design for Your Marketing Dashboard

For many HubSpot customers, the Dashboard is the first stop in your day. We refer to it lovingly as the "morning cup of coffee" report, where you find the quick-hit scoop on your most important metrics --- leads, contacts, customers, asset performance, personas, and more --- before diving into the day's tasks. 

When it comes to your Dashboard, you need easy access to the data that's most relevant to your team, laid out in a way that aligns with your priorities. With that in mind, we're excited to launch brand new design for your HubSpot Dashboard that makes it easier than ever to customize your "morning cup of coffee" marketing metrics. 


A Simple, Focused Writing Experience in HubSpot [Beta]

Great content starts with an idea, and you likely have one place for these ideas. Whether it's a notebook, or writing them in your task management app, or even a solution like Evernote. The problem is, in these central locations your content isn't fostered towards creation, it's often just stored.


New HubSpot Sales Tools Now Available in Outlook

HubSpot Sales tools are designed to make your job easier. That’s why we’re excited to introduce added flexibility and functionality to HubSpot Sales Tools for Outlook.


New Integration: Revenue Conduit

HubSpot helps marketers and salespeople create an inbound machine. However, we know there are other tools and technology you use to run your business. HubSpot Connect is our effort to unite those tools, through powerful integrations into HubSpot. 


Automate Lead Rotation and Task and Deal Creation in HubSpot CRM

According to a recent study, sales teams spend less than a third of their time actually selling. The rest is spent on administrative tasks like creating CRM records, logging manual activities, and searching for relevant content to send to leads. 


An Easier, Friendlier Sequences Editor

The Sequences editor has been redesigned to make editing sequences faster and easier. A new sidebar makes it easy to drag & drop new templates & tasks into place, and find templates easily with search.


Advanced User Permissions for HubSpot CRM

As your sales team grows, it becomes more and more necessary to control access to information. Which team members should be able to add properties and update deal stages? Should everyone be allowed to import and export data? 

Now in HubSpot CRM, you can set much more granular permissions, ensuring that team members are only able to access the information that’s relevant to them.


Announcing HubSpot CRM for iOS

Your work doesn’t end when you step away from your desk. You and your team are updating notes while out on the road, searching for phone numbers on your way into the office, and checking in on key deals throughout the day.

Now, HubSpot CRM for iOS lets you take your inbound sales process with you, everywhere you go. Researching contacts, updating deals, and connecting with customers is easy and intuitive, regardless of where you are.


[HubSpot Connect] - Beacon Integration

HubSpot helps marketers and salespeople create an inbound machine. However, we know there are other tools and technology you use to run your business. Whether you have another software you love or are looking for something new to solve a specific problem, HubSpot Connect is here to help.


A New Way to Access HubSpot Sales from Gmail

One of the things that HubSpot Sales users tell us they like most is how easy it is to access templates, sequences, and documents right from their inboxes. Now, we've made it even better with the new HubSpot Sales Gmail window.


HubSpot Connect - Start A Fire

HubSpot helps marketers and salespeople create an inbound machine. However, we know there are other tools and technology you use to run your business. Whether you have another software you love or are looking for something new to solve a specific problem, HubSpot Connect is here to help.


[Beta] - Content Staging for Multiple Domains

When we released Content Staging for Website Platform customers at INBOUND15, one of the first pieces of feedback we recieved was for supporting multiple domains. Today, I'm happy to announce that Content Staging supports any domains connected to an account.


[Heads Up] - Navigation Changes in HubSpot CRM & HubSpot Sales

As a part of the announcement of HubSpot Sales, we are making a few small changes to the navigation our users will see when accessing HubSpot CRM or HubSpot Sales. Now, you'll see one of two different sets of tools when you login, depending on the tools you use -

Use HubSpot Sales but not HubSpot CRM? Here's what you'll see - Read More >>

Sidekick is now HubSpot Sales!

Three years ago, HubSpot started an experiment that we called Sidekick. It's grown in a big way, and we've decided to bring Sidekick home to the HubSpot brand. As of today, Sidekick will be known as HubSpot SalesYou can read more of the back story behind the change here on HubSpot's Company News Blog.


An Easy Way to Share Your Availability In Email Templates & Marketing Emails

Meetings, a feature of HubSpot Sales, makes it easier than ever to share your availability and let your prospects book you without the back-and-forth. And now, Meetings Personalization Tokens mean you can easily include your meetings link in a sales email template or sequence, even in a marketing email in HubSpot Marketing!


Template Marketplace: Performance Stats Being Removed

Knowing how a template is performing before a customer purchases it can be a big driver of sales. Unfortunately, we found these stats were not properly being aggregated and as a result sometimes displayed incorrect information.


[Now Live] HubSpot - Google AdWords Integration

As of today, our Google AdWords integration is live and available to all customers via the Ads Add-on.

Connect your AdWords account to HubSpot today through a free trial of the Ads Add-on.

The Ads Add-On connects directly to your AdWords account through OAuth. Allowing HubSpot to edit AdWords campaigns and pull in ads data to combine with HubSpot data. This magical combination of data gives you the ability to automatically track ad conversions. It also shows you the ROI of ads down to the keyword, as well as which ad clicks turn into customers. 


Booking Meetings on your Office 365 Calendar Just Got Easier

Scheduling demos, calls, and appointments shouldn’t be so hard. Meetings, a new feature of Sidekick for Business makes connecting with prospects (and generating new leads) fast and easy. And now, Meetings is available for Office 365 calendar too! If you are a Sidekick for Business user, you can log in and connect your calendar now.

Meetings gives you a personalized page where your prospects and customers can see your availability and book a meeting - all without the usual email back and forth.


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