Schedule a sequence to begin on a specific day & time

Sequences allows salespeople to send a series of targeted, timed emails to nurture a prospect over time. And now, Sequences allows you to schedule the exact day & time a sequence will begin for a prospect.


Create Content Directly On The Page [New Content Editors]

Creating beatuiful, engaging, and desired content is a key to the inbound methodology. But the actual process of writing, and designing that content shouldn't be difficult. Starting today brand-new inline editors that allow you to create content directly on the page in an easier way than ever before.

Update: On April 8th, 2016 we will remove access to the previous "split-screen" version of the editors. 


Ask Custom Questions When Your Prospects Book a Meeting

Meetings, a feature of HubSpot Sales, takes the hassle out of keeping your calendar full of appointments by letting prospects book you without the usual email back and forth. And now, it's possible to ask any kind of custom questions on your booking screen.



Social Auto-Fill for Forms Being Removed

In August 2015 we released a beta of Social Auto-Fill for forms that allowed you to easily integrate Google+, and Facebook into your forms at the click of a button. The ideas was, with these options available to your visitors they would click a network, sign, and it would pre-fill the form.


Use Your Website's Custom Colors in Leadin

Leadin has a new feature that automatically pulls your website's colors so you can customize your popup form to your own branding. Previously, we had basic colors to select from; now your popup forms will align with the rest of your site. The best part? You don't even need to enter your own hex codes- Leadin will do all the work for you. 


Create Multiple Deal Pipelines in HubSpot CRM

Not all of your company’s customers and prospects fit the same mold. They might vary in size, industry, or geography --- or, if your company is like ours, various segments of your audience might be looking to buy entirely different products from you. With such varied customer profiles and needs, not all Sales cycles within an organization can be created equal.


Set Featured Images Independent of Images Within a Blog Post

A picture can be worth a thousand words and considering how much time and strategy goes into writing blog titles... the same customization and care should be put into a post’s featured image.


Add Multiple Users to your Leadin Account

Use Leadin? It's now easy to add multiple users to your account. Previously, you could only have one user, and the only way to work in teams was to give someone else your username and password. Now, multiple users can access the same portal. 


Welcoming Leadin to Product Updates

You may have heard about a little tool that we call Leadin. It is a lead capture and insights tool that was unveiled at INBOUND 2015. Moving forward, we'll be posting updates about Leadin right here. In case you missed the details about Leadin at INBOUND, here is a little overview of what Leadin does to familiarize you with the tool. 


An All New Dashboard for HubSpot Partners

HubSpot partner? We've redesigned your partner dashboard to give you clearer look at the status of your accounts, and your progress toward the next step in your journey as a partner. The new dashboard is now available in any portal with the partner navigation.


Better Together - Sequences & Meetings

Throughout your sales process, it's important for every message you send to your prospect to be in context. For example, if you have a prospect enrolled in a sequence and then book a meeting with them, chances are you may want to adjust the message in any further emails you send to them.


Send Better Email with HubSpot: Improved Verification & Review Process

Personalization in email is really important. But sending an email with a broken personalization token, or forgetting to set default values (resulting in blanks in your emails) can and has happened to the best of us. Sending links or images with broken URLs is also super embarrassing.


Schedule Meetings, Right Inside Gmail

Scheduling demos, calls, and appointments shouldn’t be so hard. Meetings, a feature of Sidekick for Business, helps make connecting with your prospects fast and easy. And now, it's faster than ever.


Deep Dive into Your Workflow Performance

Let's say you've made some tweaks to your favorite lead nurturing workflow over the last few months --- swapped out some email copy, changed a delay, and added a new if/then branch. When making changes to your assets, it's pivotal to have the necessary data to determine whether your optimizations are having a positive impact. With HubSpot's refreshed Workflow Performance interface, we've made it easy to pinpoint what's working and what's not in your Workflows.


HubSpot Connect Spotlight

HubSpot helps marketers and salespeople create an inbound machine. However, we know there are other tools and technology you use to run your business. Whether you have another software you love or are looking for something new to solve a specific problem, HubSpot Connect is here to help.

The Connect team focuses on building integrations with the best technology partners in the world. Here's what we've been up to. 


Easily Find Your Top Converting Blog Posts with the New Blog Dashboard

Blogging is an important first-step in Inbound Marketing and attracting leads to your business. UManaging and undersanding your blog content is an important part of the top of your funnel, but it shouldn't be hard to do so. 


Enroll Contacts Without Email Addresses in Workflows

As marketers, we rely on email addresses to communicate with our database. On the sales side, that's not always the case. For many sales teams, having an email address isn't a make-or-break situation - they frequently work leads by phone, or track prospects who they haven't yet built up a complete record for.


Smart Content: Tailor Visitor Experience by Preferred Language

Your visitors aren’t one-size-fits-all. The languages you display content in, shouldn’t be either. Tailoring your customer experience so that fits every individual visitor, regardless of where they are visiting from, and in the language they use, improves every aspect of your inbound marketing and helps increase conversion rates.


See an Email Digest of Contacts Completing Your Sequences

sequence-digest.pngUse Sequences? You'll now receive a weekly Sequences email digest that details the contacts who finished a sequence over the course of the past week.
When a contact is enrolled in a sequence, it's possible for weeks or months to go by where a specific contact might not be front of mind. The Sequences email digest is an easy way to stay up to date on which of your contacts require follow up or a next step to be taken. 

Easily View Revisions to Your Templates, Coded Files, and Custom Modules

For any developer or designer you know that finding a specific change that was made to your code or design can be frustrating, especially when it happens to affect other functionality. This frustration results in hours spent removing changes or searching for an edit that was made, but it doesn't have to be that way.


Place Calls Right Inside Gmail or Outlook with Sidekick for Business

Imagine that you've just received a response from an important prospect, and you want to give them a call. Instead of having to switch over to your CRM, search for their record, then dial your phone, it's now one click from the Sidekick sidebar in your inbox.


Send Later - Use timing to your advantage with Sidekick & Gmail

With email, timing is often the difference between a quick response vs. being lost in the pile. With Send Later from Sidekick, you can write emails when it’s convenient for you, and schedule them to send at exactly the right moment.


A New Way to See the Status of Your Sequences

Sequences is designed to help sales folks automate future follow ups when the details of a discussion are fresh in their mind rather than setting a task that they later need to follow up on.
Now, the Sequences Enrollment Status Screen gives users of Sequences a birds' eye view of where each of their contacts are in a sequence and easy ways to edit their status.

HubSpot COS Uploader being Sunsetted

A few years ago, HubSpot introduced the COS Uploader as a way developers and designers could work locally with files on the Content Optimization System. During INBOUND15 we introduced a new FTP that has the same functionality of the COS Uploader, but is bi-directional and allows you to use many of your favorite FTP clients.


In Beta - Design Manager Revision History

A new revisions dialogue is now in beta for templates, coded files and custom modules within the Design Manager. Now you can see when someone edits a template, coded file, or custom module and who it was that made the change. You can also see visual changes to the template, coded file or custom module directly from the revision history.


Schedule Email Dashboards For Your Team [Reporting Add-On]

Many teams rely on scheduled reporting emails to keep everyone in the loop on sales & marketing performance. Email Dashboards, a new feature of the HubSpot Reporting Add-On, allows you to schedule an email digest of any dashboard that will get sent to your team on a regular basis.


Sidekick Now Available On Your Windows Desktop

Love Sidekick, but not a Google Chrome user? The new Sidekick for Windows app makes it possible to get Sidekick notifications and view your Sidekick stream right inside Windows - no need to also run Google Chrome.


In Beta - Smart Content by Preferred Language

Your visitors aren’t one-size-fits-all. The languages you display content in, shouldn’t be either. Tailoring your customer experience so that fits every individual visitor, regardless of where they are visiting from, and in the language they use, improves every aspect of your inbound marketing and helps increase conversion rates.


Sidekick Now Supports Outlook for Windows 2016

Use Outlook 2016 for Windows? You'll be excited to know that we've expanded our support to cover the latest and greatest that Outlook has to offer.


An Easier Way to Schedule Meetings

Scheduling demos, calls, and appointments shouldn’t be so hard. Meetings, a new feature of Sidekick for Business that works with Google Calendar, helps make connecting with prospects (and generating new leads) fast and easy.

Meetings integrates with HubSpot CRM & Google Calendar to give you a personalized page where your prospects and customers can see your availability and book a meeting - all without the usual email back and forth.


Transactional Email: Single-Send API

Transactional email is the best way to send, and deliver, relationship-driven emails. But most transactional email is hard. If you want to customize individual transactional emails, it involves a significant amount of engineering time, and you may end up losing control over the email.


Refinements to Dashboard Sharing & Permissions

Using HubSpot's reporting add-on with HubSpot CRM or our marketing tools? We've made a number of refinements to the reporting dashboard.


New CRM Notifications & Improved Settings

Two improvements have been rolled out to notifications in HubSpot CRM - assigment notifications, and a new settings screen that gives you more granular control over which notifications you receive and when.


HubSpot Connect- PandaDoc Product Update

We're excited to share an update on our latest CRM integration partner PandaDoc. Their software makes it easy to create, deliver, and eSign your team’s quotes, proposals, contracts, and other sales collateral right from HubSpot CRM. Built for sales team’s, PandaDoc can automate the sales approval process and save hours on every quote, proposal, and contract you send.

Ensure fast, error-free pricing with PandaDoc’s CPQ module. Replace printing, scanning, faxing, and snail mail with legally binding electronic signature software.


Easily Add Captcha to HubSpot Forms

As marketers it's our mission to generate leads for our sales team. But, we should aim to generate quality leads that come from real individuals and not necessarily bots or scripts.


Schedule Tasks Using Sequences

Many sales processes involve a mix of email and other sales actions (like making a call, connecting with a prospect on LinkedIn, or taking another kind of action.) Now, Sequences supports these other types of activities by making it possible for you to schedule tasks for yourself in addition to sending emails.


Get Personalization Recommendations with Smart Content Insights

As marketers we understand the importance of relevance in communicating with prospects and customers. But getting started making those communications more relevant can be hard.


An Easier Way to Make Bulk Changes in HubSpot CRM

New options on the Contacts, Companies & Deals views make it easier to select and make changes to your records in bulk. When clicking the Select All checkbox, you'll now be presented with a banner that allows you to select all of the records in your view (instead of just the records on the current page.)

Compare Landing Page Performance

Your landing pages are crucial to a successful lead generation strategy. You may have two different landing pages with vastly different performance, but understanding each requires manual work. 


A New Way to Manage Deal Stages in HubSpot CRM

Want to edit your deal stages in HubSpot CRM? A new deal stage editor is now available. The deal stage editor now lives in Settings (instead of behind the gear icon on the deals screen), and makes changing your deal stages faster and easier than before.

Maximizing Lead Generation with HubSpot CRM & Zapier

How did you hear about our company? That common question leads to an array of answers, such as a web search, word of mouth, news story, or reviews blog. And just as your customers learn about your product in a variety of ways, so too do they come to you: some through your website's contact form, others through a trade show booth and some through personal email correspondence. Many leads from many places. That's the way it is.


Clickmap Visualization - See where users are clicking in your emails

Knowing where users are clicking on your emails is extremely valuable. Do they prefer to click on links in the top, middle, or bottom? How many links are they clicking? Answers to these questions can be hard to get - until now.


A New Navigation for Sidekick for Business & Salesforce Users

Using Sidekick for Business with Salesforce? We've got a brand new navigation for you when you login to your Sidekick for Business portal.


Big Improvements to Sidekick for Business for Salesforce Users [INBOUND Announcement]

Back in May, we announced Sidekick for Business, a premium set of tools for professional sales teams looking to sell better and faster with features like Calling, Templates, Documents, and a layer of analytics to help you figure out what actually works. And now, we’ve made huge strides toward making Sidekick for Business better than ever for Salesforce users.


Introducing Sequences [INBOUND Announcement]

Anyone who works in sales knows that following up with a lead over time is a time-consuming, monotonous task … and doing it in a relevant, personal way is even harder. Sequences, a new feature of Sidekick for Business, makes following up easier than ever.


Introducing Sidekick Connections [INBOUND Announcement]

You’ve identified a company that is a good fit for you to sell to and seems to be interested. The next logical question: Who do you reach out to? It isn’t hard to dredge up an email address from the web, but more often than not, contacting a prospect out of the blue ends up being a dead end for the seller, and an annoyance for the buyer. Sidekick Connections, a new feature of Sidekick for Business, aims to change this.


Import Companies & Deals to HubSpot CRM

Want to import a list of existing companies or deals to HubSpot CRM from a spreadsheet or another tool you are using? It's now possible with Company & Deal Import!


Default Properties in HubSpot CRM

Managing a team using HubSpot CRM? You probably want to make sure everyone sees the right information in the right place. You probably don't want to go through the hassle (or put your people through the hassle) of setting everything up manually each time a new person joins the team. That's where default properties come in.

Easily Manage and Analyze Content [Landing Page and Website Dashboard]

As marketers we need an easy way of organizing and creating pages, and separately, a way to find out how those pages are performing. Today we're happy to introduce the beta of new dashboards for Landing Pages and Website. Both dashboards have brand-new 'Manage' and 'Analyze' sections for quicly creating, organizing and manaing your content and separately measuring your content.


Learn More about Your Prospects with Dependent Form Fields

The best time to get information from a visitor is while their filling-in a form. With dependent form fields you can dynamically display additional questions based on the answer to the previous question.


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