Add Custom HTML To The Head Section of Individual Blog Posts

For years now, you've been able to insert custom HTML into the head section of individual website pages and landing pages within HubSpot. You've added everything from tracking scripts to custom meta tags and structured data markup to improve your SEO.


Access to Themes and Serverless Functions Within the Design Manager

We've made three updates to the design manager that provide further feature parity between the development experience in HubSpot vs in your local environment. CMS Hub customers can now:


Exit Intent Cookie Banner in Chatflows

An additional GDPR setting in live chat enables you to display a cookie consent banner when HubSpot detects a visitor leaving the page. This is important because it allows visitors to chat without having to accept cookies first.

You can turn on the exit intent banner in the “options” tab of the chatflow builder.


A New Look for CRM Home Pages in HubSpot

UPDATE: Effective September 1, 2020 all users will have access to the new CRM home pages by default. 

On July 8, 2020, all CRM home pages will have a fresh new look and feel:


June 2020 HubSpot Updates in Less Time Than a Coffee Break

All of us on the product marketing team at HubSpot know that these are challenging times. We hope that we can give you a little bit of comfort by delivering our regular monthly product update to you from the safe, physical distance of our own homes. Welcome to our fourth, fully remote Product Spotlight video.


Clone and Reorder Branch Conditions in Workflows

Adding multiple branch conditions to your workflows can create better experiences for your customers, but it can create headaches for you: up til now, cloning and reordering conditions has been a hassle.


[Heads Up] Removing the Competitors App on August 31st.

We’ll be removing access to the Competitors app for all HubSpot portals on August 31st. You’ll notice some communication around this in the coming days and weeks.


You Can Now Shop for Themes in The Asset Marketplace

When CMS Hub launched in April we introduced 7 new default themes that were optimized for new features such as drag and drop editing and global settings. Today, we're introducing even more options to help Marketers get started quickly on CMS Hub -- even if they don't have access to development resources.


An Improved Google Doc Import Experience in the Blog Editor

Although you could write your content directly into the blog tool, we know that many of you choose to draft your content in Google Docs, then pull it into HubSpot when you're ready. When you do this, the experience should be quick & easy, and the blog post should look the same in HubSpot as it did in your Google Doc.


Manage Business Cards in HubSpot with New HubSpot-Built App for Sansan

Now live is a new HubSpot-built app for Sansan, a business card management software company. Sansan stores business card data so that you and your teams can see each other's networks, track where valuable contacts were met and more.


Keep Tabs on How Your Content Changes With Activity Logs

Keeping track of all of the changes happening across your website can be a real challenge, especially for larger teams. To solve for this, CMS Hub Enterprise customers could leverage the activity logs API to capture who was making a specific change to your website at any given time.


New Features for Enhanced Slack App for Account-Based Collaboration

Now live are two new features for the HubSpot-built app for Slack that enable you to collaborate around target accounts within a dedicated Slack channel for all team members. In May, we released account-based marketing (ABM) features that create a dedicated Slack channel from workflows, post KPIs with the report command, and share notes to and from the Slack channel. With today's update, you can now:

Video Conference Extension API

With one click, add all your video conferencing information to the meeting widget in the HubSpot CRM.


May 2020 HubSpot Updates in Less Time Than a Coffee Break

All of us on the product marketing team at HubSpot know that these are challenging times. We hope that we can give you a little bit of comfort by delivering our regular monthly product update to you from the safe, physical distance of our own homes. Welcome to our third, fully remote Product Spotlight video.


Add Multiple Domains to Companies in HubSpot

For the longest time, the company object in HubSpot could only have one associated domain. One company was equal to one domain. Real talk: that's overly simplistic.

Many companies have multiple domains that represent their business. Maybe your company operates in more than one country, or maybe you've acquired other companies. Maybe you just didn’t like your original domain and changed it, but you still keep the old domain for their email.

Last year, HubSpot broke the "one domain per company" by introducing company deduplication and company merge - two tools that make it possible for a company to have one primary domain, then a number of secondary domains. For example, we can now merge the company records associated with and into a single record, with as the primary domain. When we do that, all activity associated with will move onto the company record associated with, and future activity will be logged there too.

Company merge and de-duplication are great. But they’re reactive. You can only merge two (or more) companies when duplicates already exist. With today's change, you can now proactively add multiple domains to a company. That'll ensure that all the activity associated with a company is attached to the right company record, your CRM stays clean, and your team remains efficient.


Enhanced Slack Integration for Account-Based Collaboration

Now live are three new features to the Slack Integration that enables you to collaborate around your target accounts by having a dedicated Slack channel for all team members.
These features will provide the ability to:
  1. Create a Slack channels with deal/company workflows
  2. Regularly post important KPIs using reports command
  3. Write notes to/from your Slack channel

Account Overview Visualforce Module for the Salesforce Integration

Today, HubSpot is launching new Account-Based Marketing tools in HubSpot. Marketing and sales teams can now unite to deliver better buying experiences to their highest value accounts. 


Build More Reports with Clearer and More Robust Report Limits (May 19 Update)

Reporting is your company’s compass; it helps you determine what’s working and what’s not, so you can optimize marketing, sales, and service activities.

To get the right insights to steer your business, you need a reporting tool that grows with you.
Today — May 19, 2020 — we're introducing several updates to make your HubSpot reporting limits clearer and more robust.

[Now Live] HubSpot is now available in Dutch

What is it?

The HubSpot platform is now fully localized and available in Dutch.


Removing Personalization Score from Sequences

Effective May 15, 2020, HubSpot users will no longer have access to the personalization score feature in Sequences.


Domain User Permissions for Account Admins

As your team grows, user permissions become more and more important. To make it easier for your content creators to get their work done, providing them with access to only the tools they need within HubSpot will make their job easier, and gives you more peace of mind as you work to manage your team.


April 2020 HubSpot Updates in Less Time Than a Coffee Break

All of us on the product marketing team at HubSpot know that these are challenging times. We hope that we can give you a little bit of comfort by delivering our regular monthly product update to you from the safe, physical distance of our own homes. Welcome to our second, fully remote Product Spotlight video.

As per usual, we’ll walk you through everything that’s new across the HubSpot product. This month, our video starts off with a personal tour of the brand new CMS Hub.


Ensure Proper Access with Field Level Edit Permissions

The key to an efficient sales team is a clean database.

To keep your database clean as your sales team scales, you need the right users to have access to the right data. If a sales rep has access to something she shouldn't, that distracts her from actually selling, and might put key team processes and reporting at risk.


Ticket Automation for Service Hub Starter

Now live are two new ticket automation features for Service Hub Starter portals.

They now have access to the ticket workflow builder found in the ticket settings, and the ability to automatically change a ticket status when they receive or send an email, as well as 


Ratings and Reviews in the App Marketplace

Now live is the ability for you to leave ratings and detailed reviews in the App Marketplace to help other customers, and the provider, understand how an app is performing.


Introducing CMS Hub Professional & Enterprise

As your company grows, your customers will begin to expect more and more out of your website. To meet your customers' expectations, you might layer on functionality to your existing CMS. You might add tools for security, workflow management, SEO, and lead conversion. Over time, your CMS can become so complex that you’re forced to spend your time managing your systems, instead of focusing on what really matters --- the experience you’re providing your customers.

To take the pain out of managing your website, HubSpot is excited to announce the all new CMS Hub.


March 2020 HubSpot Updates in Less Time Than a Coffee Break

March was a month unlike any other. All of us on the product marketing team at HubSpot know that these are challenging times. We hope that we can give you a little bit of comfort in this new normal we are all navigating by delivering our regular monthly product update to you from the safe, social distance of our own homes.


Specify a Unique HTML Title For Blog Posts

We understand that you want more control over how your HubSpot-hosted content appears in Google search results. Specifying how your content appears within Google Search results lets you experiment to improve click-through-rate, and adjust your content based on the context in which people are viewing it.


Control File Visibility in the Files Tool

Assets play a key role in how users attract, engage, and delight their prospects and customers. HubSpot’s platform allows users to store assets of all types in their portal. Managing assets can get complicated depending on the purpose and intended audience of that asset. While a video on a page or blog post is meant for public consumption, and should be indexed by search engines, other files, like a PDF attached to an email or a contact record, might contain sensitive or personal information that needs to be secured.


Updated Jira Integration: Two-way Sync

Now live is a new version of the existing Jira integration for HubSpot. The previous version was built by Atlassian. Over the past few months, Jira has transferred ownership of that integration to HubSpot so that it is now a HubSpot-built, native integration.


[Now Live] Advanced Sequences

A fully revamped version of Sequences is now available to all Sales and Service Hub Professional and Enterprise customers. The latest updates give sales reps the freedom to bulk enroll up to 50 contacts in a sequence at one time, pause their sequences based on task completion, and keep track of overall sequence performance with new sender score reports. 


February 2020 HubSpot Updates in Less Time Than a Coffee Break

February may be the shortest month of the year -- but you wouldn’t know it from all of the exciting product updates going on here at HubSpot. In this video, we'll give you a personal tour of all the best.


Manage Your Tasks on Mobile

With more prospects to call and more technology to manage than ever before, time management is everything to today's sales rep. But time management is a lot harder than it looks; as it turns out, sales reps spend only a third of their time actually selling.

To stay on top of your sales process, you need a tool that helps you to manage your day-to-day to-dos and prioritize your work. That's where tasks comes in. With tasks, you can manage your routine quickly and easily. But up until now, tasks in HubSpot have lived exclusively on your desktop device. If you needed to access your tasks from the road, you were out of luck.

Today, that changes. Your tasks now have a fresh and easy home on your mobile device. Manage your tasks and access your task queues from mobile, so you can spend less time figuring out what to do, and more time actually selling.


Top 55 PieSync Connectors are Now Listed in the App Marketplace

HubSpot’s App Marketplace is full of a diverse collection of nearly 400 apps designed specifically to help you and your teams get the most value you can out of HubSpot. But everyone once in a while, two pieces of software you love haven’t gotten around to building an integration, leaving you with a gap that needs filling for your specific need.


Ensure Smooth Customer Experiences with Merged Contact Setting in Workflows

Workflows are HubSpot's automation engine. When used right, automation can improve your customer experiences, enabling fast follow-up and personalized outreach. But, on the flipside, if workflows execute in the wrong way, they can create confusing moments for your customers.

One example: let's say the same contact ends up in your database twice, under different email addresses. To consolidate your data, you can merge those contact records in HubSpot. But when two contacts are merged together, the new primary contact may be immediately enrolled into new workflows on the basis of updated properties and analytics data.

This can cause contacts who have already gone through a workflow to be enrolled again. That means unpredictable behavior for you, and a (potentially) poor experience for your customers.

With today's change, you have a new setting that ensures merged contacts are enrolled into the right workflows.


Simplify Your Automation by Consolidating Your Workflow Branches

If/then branching in workflows makes it possible to create incredibly powerful automation in HubSpot. But power can breed complexity.

Previously, if/then branching conditions had to be created one at a time, making branched workflows complicated to create, navigate, and understand. Even worse, unnecessary extra branches made it far too easy to breach the 20-branch limit per workflow.

With today's update, you can add multiple conditions to a single if/then step, so your workflow can take more than two paths from a single if/then action. That saves time, headache, and hassle in creating workflows. Powerful automation, made easy.


Two Updates to Give Marketers More Control Over Content Creation

As a marketer, you’re responsible for creating the content that positions your brand for success. You shouldn’t have to worry about managing multiple tools with various capabilities, or getting clearance from other teams prior to making updates to your content. To give you more control over your content, we’re making two changes to the content editor within HubSpot.


January 2020 HubSpot Updates in Less Time Than a Coffee Break

This month we’re highlighting all the awesome features of Marketing Hub Enterprise 2020. On January 9th, we launched a completely reinvigorated version of our highest marketing tier; in this video, we’ll walk through the highlights.


A Brand New SEO Recommendations Home

SEO is a complex and ever-changing discipline. By some estimates, Google updates its search algorithm more than 500 times per year. Because of this, it’s difficult for marketers to know how to get started, and where to focus their efforts for maximum impact. HubSpot’s existing toolkit enables website owners to apply SEO best practices for individual pages and blog posts within the optimization sidebar, but there hasn't been one consolidated view to see which pages could benefit from additional optimizations.

That's where SEO recommendations home comes in. SEO recommendations home allows marketers to optimize their entire website for SEO from one location. There are also low, medium, and high priority indicators so you get actionable guidance on which changes will have the most impact on your sites performance in search.


The Links Tool is Going Away on January 10

The links tool in HubSpot tracks domains that link to your website, and provides a high-level view of the links to your competitors' website. On January 10, 2020, we will be removing the links tool from the analytics tools available in HubSpot. Navigating to the tool, you'll see the following banner.


[Now Live] Caller ID for iOS and an improved Caller ID for Android

The holidays have come early. 🎉

Caller ID is now available on iOS AND we have improved the Caller ID experience on Android making it fast and seamless.


Ensure Correct Access by Adding Users to Multiple Teams

If you're a leader at a growing company, your team members might wear multiple hats in order to serve best serve your customers.

With the ability to add users to multiple teams, you can now ensure that every member of your company --- even the ones that work across organizational lines --- has access to the right assets.


Two-way Contact Sync Between HubSpot and Shopify

Now live is the ability for you to turn on two-way contact sync between HubSpot and Shopify -- which means you can keep both Shopify and HubSpot updated with the most recent information about your customers.


December 2019 HubSpot Updates in Less Time Than a Coffee Break

December was yet another month full of new features. In this video, we'll give you a personal tour of all the best.


Clear Visibility into Salesforce Sync Health

Now live in HubSpot’s Salesforce integration, the previously named “Sync Errors” tab is now the new and improved “Sync Health” tab.

To have a strong, reliable integration that you can trust, you need to understand the issues that are blocking data when syncing from one system to another. That’s exactly what this new and improved “Sync Health” tab for HubSpot’s Salesforce integration does with three major changes:


Keep Marketing Organized with Team Permissions for Emails, Forms and CTAs

As you scale, your marketing team will expand to new frontiers. You might have a partner marketing team working with channel accounts, an event marketing team generating demand for your annual conference, and a sales enablement team creating assets for reps.

With team permissions for content, your marketing teams will only see their team's assets. That means less clutter and less risk of cross-team content mixups.

Previously, you could separate blog posts, website pages, and landing pages by team. With today's update, you can now separate forms, CTAs, and emails by teams, too.


Scale your Automation with Twice as Many Workflows in Enterprise

A core tenet of HubSpot's software is that our tools start free and grow with you.


A New Engine for your Workflows

Workflows is your automation engine in HubSpot. With workflows, you can automate manual tasks, saving you time and smoothing out processes.


Export Data on All Your Workflows

To ensure that every workflow you create is even better than the last, and to report on your automation efficiency to the rest of your company, you need to analyze what's working and what's not --- for *every* workflow.


Learn more about the latest updates to Sales Hub Professional

At INBOUND 2019, we announced the redesign of Sales Hub Professional. Today, some of the newest features are now available to all Sales Hub Professional customers. 


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