Landing Pages are now available in Marketing Hub Starter

Marketing Hub Starter customers now have access to landing pages. With the latest update, existing Marketing Hub Starter customers can build landing pages in minutes using our all-new drag-and-drop editor. 


October 2019 HubSpot Updates in Less Time Than a Coffee Break

October was yet another month full of new features. In this video, we'll give you a personal tour of all the best.


Attach Static Lists to HubSpot Campaigns

Online marketing is a key piece of the Inbound puzzle, but it's not the only piece. Successful marketers meet prospects and customers where they're at, across all channels --- whether online (e.g. social media or search engine results) or off (e.g. local trade shows and events). 

With today's update, you can now add any static list to a campaign, so you'll see your lists alongside all your other marketing assets. That makes it easier to track offline efforts in context --- including targeted ABM campaigns --- and it'll enable additional reporting updates in the coming months.


[Heads Up] Sunsetting the “Target Account” Property

Effective Friday, November 22nd, HubSpot users will no longer have access to the default company property called “Target Account”.


Tables in Knowledge Base Articles

Now live is the ability for Service Hub users to add tables to their knowledge base articles using the newly designed table editor.


Contacts, Lists, and Reporting Now Available in WordPress Plugin

The HubSpot WordPress plugin now provides a dashboard that shows you the number of contacts you’ve generated on your site and gives you the ability to view your HubSpot contacts and lists without leaving WordPress.


Customize Templates in Your Knowledge Base

Now live is the ability to customize the appearance of your knowledge base by selecting a template, then setting the content and styling.


Email Signatures in Conversations

Now live is the ability to create an email signature for each team email you have connected to Conversations.


Easily Create LinkedIn Lead Gen Ads Within HubSpot

As marketers, we’re focused on generating new leads and as HubSpotters, we’re focused on reducing friction. So when LinkedIn released Lead Gen Ads, we were excited about how easy it was to incorporate a form into sponsored content and have that form pre-filled with information from a lead’s LinkedIn profile.

Today, we’re making it even easier to build Lead Gen Ads by bringing them into HubSpot’s ad tools. Now you can create, target, and publish Lead Gen Ads without leaving HubSpot! All conversion data and contacts automatically sync back to your HubSpot reporting and contact database. Plus, with the pre-filled details from LinkedIn, you’re more likely to get detailed, accurate data for each lead.


Meet Prospects and Customers Where They Are with Facebook Messenger

What is it?
Now live is a free Facebook Messenger integration that enables you to create a Messenger bot welcome experience on your Facebook Business page and manage all of your Messenger conversations from your Conversations inbox.

In addition to the above, Sales Hub and Service Hub Professional and Enterprise tiers are able to automatically connect prospects and customers to the right people on your team (paid seats within Sales Hub and Service Hub only).


Easily Create and Grow Your Chatflows With a Single Page Chatflow Builder

You use chatflows to give your customers fast responses to contextual questions at any time or day of the week. That means for some of you, the chatflows you build out gain complexity over time as you add in additional if/then branching to assist your customers get what they need.


Improved Merging and Notifications In Duplicate Management

The idea behind the duplicate management tool that launched in the last few months: it uses artificial intelligence to find duplicate records in your database, and makes it quick and easy to merge them.

One issue that's come up again and again in your feedback since the tool's launch: when HubSpot shows you two records that might be duplicates, it only shows you three properties. That's not enough to determine whether they're duplicates, and it's definitely not enough to figure out which one should "win." In other words, it's neither quick nor easy.


More Accurate Chatbot Reporting with Improved Bot Session Timeouts

Now live are three improvements to chatbot session timeouts that will give you more accurate reporting and your site visitors a better experience:

  1. The default open time for a conversation has changed from"indefinite" to 24 hours
  2. As a result, all abandoned bot sessions older than 24 hours will be automatically classified as “abandoned”
  3. The options for “indefinite”conversation lifetime has been removed

Respond to Conversations on the Go with Email and Facebook Messenger in the HubSpot Mobile App

Your customers expect fast responses to their questions regardless of whether your team is at their desk or on the move.

Until today, when you used Conversations in HubSpot’s mobile app, you could only respond to live chats from your customers. That means you couldn’t respond to email or Messenger conversations on the mobile app like you could on your desktop, which added friction to your day if you’re someone who needs to get work done on the go.


[Now Live] Multi NPS Surveys & Cloning Surveys

What is it?
Now you can set up multiple NPS surveys and send them to different cohorts of customers and in different languages. You'll also be able to easily clone and delete surveys.

Prioritize Chatflows on Your Website

Now live is the ability for you to prioritize the order in which your chatflows display on website.

Imagine your company is hosting a massive event and, as a marketer, you want to drive promotion for that event to increase signups via live chat or chatbots. You build a new chatflow specifically to promote this event -- but there are already other standard chatflows live on your website. Now what?


Personal Outreach at Scale: HubSpot Video in Templates & Sequences

The HubSpot Video icon and the ability to insert videos is now live within the templates and sequences tools -- empowering you to easily share personal-feeling video content from the day-to-day tools you use inside HubSpot.


Keep Your Database Clean By Creating A List Of Hard Bouncing Contacts

Only emailing contacts in your CRM who are eligible to receive email is the easiest way to maintain your overall email health. Once you identify who is ineligible to receive email, it makes sense that you'd want to report on those contacts, filter them out from future sends, or perhaps remove them from your portal all together.


Collect Contact Information Without Disabling Cookie Tracking On Your Forms


Improvements to Visual Exports Within HubSpot

Visual exports provide a way for HubSpot users to export a view of their report dashboard, to share with their teams in a pdf, ppt or zip (png) format. This helps teams stay informed and on the same page when it comes to measuring progress in HubSpot. it’s important that the data and insights in these reports are clear and easy to take action off of.


HubSpot Connect is now the HubSpot App Partner Program

Four years ago, HubSpot launched the Connect Program. It consisted of just a small group of technology partners that integrated their solutions with our platform for the benefit of our mutual customers.  Since then, the program has grown to over 300 partners, and today, it gets a brand new name. Moving forward, the HubSpot Connect Program will be known as the HubSpot App Partner Program, and our connect partners will be known as app partners.  This new name is clearer, more consistent with other HubSpot partner program names (e.g Agency Partner, Startup Partner, Education Partners, etc.),  and is more familiar to everyone involved; the word “app” is universal for our partners, developers and users. The new program name comes alongside the brand new App Marketplace, which makes it easier to find and install the apps our partners create. You can read more about the new App Marketplace launch here on HubSpot's Company News Blog.


INBOUND 2019 HubSpot Updates in Less Time Than a Coffee Break

INBOUND is the most exciting time of the year here at HubSpot. It’s when thousands upon thousands of people join us in Boston to hear inspiring and transformative keynotes from folks like Janelle Monáe, Bryan Stevenson, Chip and Joanna Gaines, and more.


Two Ways to Surface Disconnected Actions in Chatflows

Now live is a new alert system that will notify you when actions in your chatflows have been disconnected.


Control Your Chatbot Availability with New Custom Settings

In the past, there has been some confusion with chatbots passing conversations off to agents who were not available. Previously, you could have handled this manually by having all of your team members toggle themselves “offline” when away. However, we’re all human and it’s easy for a rep to forget to sign off before leaving the office for the day -- which leads to bots that continue collecting information and forwarding leads and customers to agents who aren’t actually at their desks. Not a great customer experience.


[Now Live] Related Articles in Knowledge Base

What is it:
A new section containing related articles, at the bottom of every article, that helps customers find the answers they need. The related articles are driven by a machine learning model based on article category, click through, and other criteria.


July 2019 HubSpot Updates in Less Time Than a Coffee Break

July was yet another month full of new features. In this video, we'll give you a personal tour of all the best.


A New Tool to Manage User Permissions in Bulk

Now live for all Enterprise accounts is a new feature --- roles --- with which you can manage the permissions for a group of HubSpot users at once.


Dive Into Your Reports With Report Drill Downs

Reporting is the compass that guides your customer experience: reports help you pinpoint strengths and shine light on areas of friction for your customers. Your data should be as deep as your relationships with your customers. If you’re limited to surface-level summary metrics, you’re missing important details that might help you improve your customer experience. For this reason, we're introducing report drill downs.


Removing Location Data from the Activity Feed

Note: This post has been updated in response to customer feedback and questions.

Effective August 7, 2019, location data will no longer appear in the activity feed. 


Ensure Secure Logins by Requiring Two-Factor Authentication

In today's ever-changing world, security is paramount. Two-factor authentication is a great way to ensure your accounts; it adds a layer of protection against fraudulent logins.


Zoom Integration Update: See Webinar Data on the Contact Timeline

Now live is a refreshed version of HubSpot’s highly used Zoom integration that now supports syncing webinar data. This release gives you the ability to view and use detailed webinar attendee data, along with new Zoom contact properties that give you an overview of your users and their webinar interactions.


Free Ads Tools Now Available In HubSpot CRM

Ads & a CRM are two of the most powerful tools in the marketers toolkit. Ads help you provide your customers with helpful, relevant content at every stage of the buyer’s journey. Your CRM gives you the data you need to create highly targeted audiences, and properly measure the success of your ad campaigns.


Free Email Marketing tools in the HubSpot CRM

Understanding how each of your marketing actions work together is critical to your business’ success. To grow better, you need to understand the big picture of how your marketing tactics affect people, eliminate those which cause friction, and create a more cohesive customer experience. You do this, by rooting your marketing tools in a CRM. With a CRM, you get full insight into the customer’s journey with your brand. You’re able to ensure your marketing is not seen out of context, and better understand how each action you take is turning leads into loyal customers.


Bring Team Collaboration to the Next Level with Internal Comments In Conversations

Now live is the ability for you to communicate privately with colleagues on any Conversation thread in real-time within the HubSpot Conversations inbox.


New in Design Manager: HubL Transpiler and Javascript Linting

Developers use HubL to create all kinds of custom modules and templates for HubSpot pages. In the past, it was difficult to understand how HubL would render on a page without publishing and previewing it.

Now when working inside the Design Manager, developers have access to a HubL transpiler which gives them a real-time look at how the code they have written will appear on live pages. Plus, we’ve added JavaScript linting suggestions while editing JavaScript files which provides suggestions for keeping the code clean – making it easy to maintain and scale.


[Heads Up] The CSAT feedback survey chat has changed

What is it?

The chart “How satisfied your customers are over time” (CSAT feedback surveys) has changed. 

You'll notice a change in the data that you see in your portal. To jump to the feedback tool in your portal by clicking here. 


June 2019 HubSpot Updates in Less Time Than a Coffee Break

June was yet another month full of new features. In this video, we'll give you a personal tour of all the best.


Report on the Success of your Personalized Content with Smart Content Reporting

As consumers, we’ve come to expect some level of personalization when we interact online. From Amazon recommendations to Google search results, we’re used to being presented with the information or products that are most relevant to us.

With HubSpot CMS, you achieve this personalization through smart content but it wasn’t always clear how the personalized version of your page performed. With smart content reporting, you’re now able to determine what is working, what needs to be edited, and where your site might benefit from additional smart content.


Update to Owner Assignment in Workflows

Workflows is HubSpot's automation engine: with Workflows, you can automate manual and repetitive tasks, so you can focus on more meaningful things. Over the years, Workflows have expanded in scope and power, from email nurturing to data management to sales and service automation. 

One new feature introduced to Workflows in the last few years: owner assignment. With Workflows, you can assign an owner to a HubSpot object like a contact or company. You can set an owner explicitly (e.g. automate a deal to be created with owner "Jen Smith") or via rotation (e.g. automate a deal to be created,

 and assign it randomly among four sales reps). 

Previously, in order to assign a record explicitly to an owner, that owner needed a paid seat. With today's change, only owner rotation requires a paid seat of Professional or Enterprise. Explicit assignment no longer requires a paid seat.


Removing Three Reports from the Reports Library on July 10

On July 10, 2019, three reports will be removed from the report library: Social Clicks, Social Clicks by Channel, and Sequences Replies by Step. Where those reports appear on your dashboards, you'll see a message pointing you to either the Social Reports tool or Sales Content Analytics, where you can find similar data moving forward.


Refreshed WordPress Plugin and WP Engine Partnership

The HubSpot for WordPress plugin now works with WP Engine's StudioPress pro themes to streamline the process of creating and setting up lead capture tools on your website.


Support forms are now available in the Conversations Inbox

Support forms are now available as a new channel in the conversations inbox for all new customers. 

: Today, this is live for all new portals, we’ll be migrating existing customers to this new support form experience over the coming months. 

With support forms in the inbox you can now create multiple support forms and respond to form submissions right from Conversations.


[Now Live] - A new Knowledge Base article editing experience

What is it:

Now live are a series of improvements to the editing experience for writers working on knowledge base articles. You can find a full list of improvements are below.

To access the new editor, navigate to Knowledge Base click ‘Create Article’ or edit an existing article.

The updated editor now includes:


Three Updates to the Email Tool

Email marketing is an essential part of any marketing team's day-to-day. On top of email marketing, you'll also be running other campaigns, writing content; the list, as you know, goes on and on. For you to do your best work, you need efficient tools that help you get the job done faster regardless if you're a small or large business. We've improved our email tool so that you can more easily execute email marketing campaigns directly within HubSpot.


Clean up your Database with AI-Powered Duplicate Management

tl;dr (too long, didn't read) - Duplicate data stinks. Finding dupes manually is hard. So we built a tool that uses AI to find duplicate contacts and companies for you; this tool makes merging them easy, too. Read on for the full details.



New API Limits Coming Soon

Note: New API limits are now live and available to all HubSpot customers as of June 11 2019 at 10:00 AM EST.

HubSpot is increasing API Limits for all customers. This API limit increase applies to API calls made via HubSpot’s API Key. OAuth integrations will have a new API burst limit of 100 calls per 10 seconds per app per portal.


Changes Coming to HubSpot’s Social Media Tools

For social media marketers, being able to publish to social on the go is critical. With "publish anywhere" reporting in the social media tool, marketers can now report on the success of their social campaigns from within HubSpot regardless of whether they made the post within HubSpot, directly on the social platform, or even within a different social media tool. This update makes HubSpot a one-stop-shop for all your social reporting needs.


Improved Styling Options For Form Labels

We know it’s important for you to make sure that every aspect of your form design looks exactly the way you want it to. To that end, we’ve improved the experience of styling form labels so you no longer have to use custom HTML to make your field labels bold, italicized, underlined, or hyperlinked.


Important Changes to Calling from the HubSpot Mobile App

Previously, Sales Hub and Service Hub customers placing calls through the HubSpot mobile app had the option to call via their cell phone provider or via HubSpot Sales Calling (VoIP).

Effective 6/19/19, calls made from the HubSpot mobile app will be made via your cell phone provider and the option to make calls via HubSpot Sales Calling (VoIP) will no longer be available.


May 2019 HubSpot Updates in Less Time Than a Coffee Break

May was yet another month full of new features. In this video, we'll give you a personal tour of all the best.


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