[Heads Up] Editable Shopify Deals

[Update: This feature is now live]

On June 18th, we will be opening up all Shopify created deals in HubSpot to now be editable.


[Heads Up] Changes to "Send Later" in Gmail

Effective May 21, 2019, HubSpot's “send later” feature will be removed from Gmail.


Improvements to the Campaigns Tool

Campaigns help you keep track of your marketing efforts across multiple customer touchpoints, allowing you to understand how each part in your customer journey is affecting your lead generation. It can be incredibly powerful to track conversions across email, ads, landing pages, and more. To improve the functionality of the tool we’ve implemented design updates that make it easier to use. We have big improvements that we want to share with you!


Send Inmail Right from Your CRM with the HubSpot-LinkedIn Sales Navigator Integration

LinkedIn Sales Navigator is a powerful tool that helps sales teams to target, understand, and engage with leads and prospects -- and since 2017, the HubSpot-LinkedIn Sales Navigator integration has helped sales reps leverage all of those powerful insights from right inside of HubSpot.


March 2019 HubSpot Updates in Less Time Than a Coffee Break

March was yet another month full of new features. In this video, we'll give you a personal tour of all the best.


[HubSpot Connect] - March 2019 Integration Roundup

Take just a few minutes to read about all of the ways you can use this past month's newly certified integrations to personalize your HubSpot experience:


Changes to Your Ads Filters in Lists & Workflows

We are in the process of overhauling our support for ads-related filters with a focus on filters that are clear, understandable, and accurate. In the past, ads-related filters available for creating lists and building workflows could be somewhat confusing. The filters’ names did not always clearly communicate what they represented, and many of the filters required you to figure out some technical details -- like an ad set ID number.

To make it easier for you to create a list of contacts based on their interactions with your ads, we're updating our ads related-filters, and removing some filters from the tool. Here's what you need to know.


A fresh new look for the HubSpot Mobile App

With the HubSpot mobile app, you can do HubSpot work from anywhere: manage deals and contacts, send emails, track tasks, and more. To be effective on the go, the mobile app’s features need to be quick and easy to find, and functional no matter the situation.


Connect Multiple Shopify Stores to HubSpot

Having multiple Shopify stores is the norm for growing businesses. You might start out with one store, but as you grow and start selling into different countries, develop new lines of business, or manage multiple brands, you'll likely start managing multiple stores in Shopify.


Assign Objects to Multiple Owners using Custom Owner Properties

As your organization scales, your customers will interact with different members of your team throughout their lifecycle. A BDR and a sales rep pre-sale, an onboarding specialist and a customer success manager post-sale, and more.


Fully Report on the Success of your Social Strategy Within HubSpot

Any social media marketer will tell you -- being able to schedule out social posts in advance is absolutely crucial for building out a sound social media marketing plan. But it doesn't stop there. Social media marketers need to be able to react to what's trending and what their audience is talking about at a moment's notice. Often, this means posting while on the go, or directly publishing a post on the network, instead of within HubSpot.

In the past, the only way you could report on your social media strategy within HubSpot was if your posts were made directly within our social tool. Now, we've updated the social reports overview to track posts from your connected accounts no matter where they were made.


A New & Improved URL Redirects Tool

Redirecting traffic when you’ve removed a piece of content from your website or you’ve changed your navigation architecture ensures that your visitors and search engine crawlers are always able to find the content they need. Over time, the number of URL redirects you create can be significant, making it hard to remember what type of redirect was used, when it was implemented, or even why it was implemented. With this update, we’ve made it easier to manage your redirects, and gather information on the purpose of each URL redirect that you implement across your site.


More Easily Manage Your Team's Reporting Dashboards

If you run a customer-facing team, you need full visibility into your team's metrics on a regular basis, to ensure you're making the best strategic decisions. 


Create a Personalized Customer Experience with CRM Object Data in the HubSpot CMS

Research indicates that by the year 2020 a brand’s most important differentiator will be the customer experience. If you’re not delivering rich, collaborative, and intelligent service to your customers, you’re going to fall behind.

To help you provide the most personalized customer experience possible, developers now have access to a new HubL tag that allows you to pull CRM object data into your HubSpot hosted pages.


[Now Live] Ticket Status Automation in Service Hub

What is it?
Ticket status automation allows you to change the status of tickets automatically when you send or receive emails from customers. This automation is turned on by default for all new portals as of 3/8/19. If your Service Hub portal was created before that date you'll need to turn on this automation in settings. Click here to jump to automation settings in your portal. 


Syncing for LinkedIn Lead Gen Custom Checkboxes

In the era of new data privacy and protection laws and increasing demands from customers regarding how their data is being used, it’s important for marketers to be transparent with their prospects and obtain permission to use contacts’ data for marketing, sales, and other purposes.

This week, LinkedIn released changes to how consent and permissions are handled on LinkedIn lead gen forms. Advertisers now have the option to create custom checkboxes, which can be required for submission or not.

To keep up with this change, HubSpot will now sync these custom checkbox fields in the same way all custom questions are synced: as a custom contact property. This mirrors how HubSpot syncs similar custom consent fields from Facebook lead ads.


[Now Live] You can delete survey responses in Feedback in Service Hub

What is it?
It's now possible to delete individual feedback responses for all survey types in Service Hub. Note only super admins can delete responses. 

Jump to the feedback tool in your portal by clicking here. 


[Now Live] New Dashboard in Customer Feedback tool, Service Hub

What is it?
Now live is a new feedback dashboard that shows a list of all your surveys, from all types, on one centralized screen as well as a banner to help you get started with the feedback tool. You can create and manage all your surveys from this one window.

View the dashboard live in your portal by clicking here. 


Four Updates to Email in Conversations You Don't Want to Miss

Today we’re introducing a ton of slick updates that make using Conversations to manage and send email faster and easier than ever: Read More >>

Use Attachments for Bots to Deliver Targeted Content and More

Now live is the ability for you to upload and send attachments to your site visitors using bots.

Bots are an important part of any conversational strategy. Whether it be your sales, marketing, or customer service teams, bots provide a frictionless and personal process to automatically route your visitors to the answers they need.


Conversations Live Chat Widget has a New Look Optimized for the Mobile Experience

The live chat widget (including the bot experience) now has a new look and feel. With this update, the live chat widget is now optimized for the mobile and tablet experience and updated to an overall sleeker design. These changes are purely cosmetic and will have no impact on current functionality.


Three Updates to Forms to Help You Manage Your Contact’s Information Better

Forms are your primary way to gather information on the people visiting your site. Making sure that the information you collect is accurate and aligns with systems you already have set up within your CRM is critical. To help you better manage the data your site visitors share with you through forms, we’ve made several updates to the forms tool.


Easily resubscribe contacts you manually opted-out of communication

While security is always the priority with subscriptions, it shouldn't become an inconvenience. Sometimes a mistake is made or the wrong CSV is imported as an opt out list. In the past, opt-out rules were pretty permanent, and could be a major roadblock when getting settled in and learning how email subscriptions work in HubSpot.


[HubSpot Connect] - February 2019 Integration Roundup

February may have been the shortest month of the year, but there was no shortage of newly certified integrations.  Take a few minutes to read about all of the ways you can use these new integrations to personalize your HubSpot experience.


Create automated emails faster with plain text emails in Workflows

When you think "marketing automation," email nurturing is probably the first thing that comes to mind. By automating emails, you can deliver value to your customers quickly and on their terms. With workflows in HubSpot, you can automate emails based on any trigger: a page view, a form submission, a ticket closing, a deal changing stages, and more. Email is a pivotal part of a successful automation strategy.


February 2019 HubSpot Updates in Less Time Than a Coffee Break

February may be the shortest month of the year -- but you wouldn’t know it from all of the exciting product updates going on here at HubSpot. In this video, we'll give you a personal tour of all the best.


Improved suggestions in SEO

Figuring out what to write about for your next blog post is hard work. Either you do a ton of keyword research to aggregate terms about a given topic and try to choose the most relevant one, or, just as likely choose something you hope will resonate, and wing it.

Now, within the SEO tools, we have new and improved topic suggestions to make this process easier. When you go to add a new subtopic keyword, you’ll get suggestions based on the top posts for your topic, ensuring that you cover the most relevant questions people have about it. From there you can also research keyword variations to choose the one with the highest search volume.


[Now Live] Service Hub, Import your existing Knowledge Base

What is it:

Now live is a new import tool that allows you to transfer all the articles from your existing knowledge base into the HubSpot Service Hub knowledge base with just a few clicks. The tool allows you to transfer knowledge bases from the following platforms:

Zendesk, Intercom, Freshdesk, Helpscout

You can access the import tool in settings under knowledge base


Social Engagement & Like Metrics for Ads

Changes in Facebook’s news feed algorithm have caused organic reach to decline in recent years. HubSpot has seen that some of our organic posts only reach 2% of our follower base. Consequently, many HubSpot users are using ads to drive community engagement and word-of-mouth directly on Facebook and LinkedIn.

To help you stay on top of these changes on the networks, all users of HubSpot's ads tools now have the ability to add ‘Likes’ and ‘Engagement’ metrics to their ads reporting tables. These metrics will populate for relevant Facebook and LinkedIn Ads, giving you insight into the on-platform engagement these ads are creating.


Restrict Blog Access with CMS Memberships

CMS Memberships allow you to easily control access to your content by using HubSpot lists to determine who has access, and who doesn't. You can use this to create gated content for your customers only, or share content with event registrants to prep for the event. Now, you can extend this functionality to your blogs, and restrict access to a specific HubSpot hosted blog.


Automatically Link Back To Your Pillar Page With The New Pillar Module

It’s hard enough to write compelling content and optimize it for both people and search engines, but going back and adding links to all of your content one by one? That’s asking a lot.


Two Updates to Workflow History for Clear Visibility into Your Workflow Actions

The workflow history page in deal, ticket, company, and quote workflows now has two new features to help you understand your workflows better:

  1. A column with information on the specific action corresponding to each event
  2. A new filter for the workflow events by action type

Require SSO to Log Into Your Account & Log in with SSO on Mobile

In today’s world, security is paramount. A great way for businesses to improve security is by setting up Single Sign-on (SSO). The idea behind SSO is simple: rather than having every one of your team members log into every one of your systems using different credentials, SSO gives team members one account to use across all systems. That means better security (fewer passwords to protect) and a more convenient end user experience (fewer passwords to remember). Plus, SSO providers have extra security benefits built in.


Sending to Manually-Added Aliases Will be Removed from HubSpot CRM on February 25

When you send an email from a CRM record in HubSpot, your picklist of “from” addresses pulls from two places: the accounts you’ve connected to HubSpot (and their verified aliases), and a list of aliases you manually added via the “Profile and Preferences” page in Settings.


LinkedIn Ads In HubSpot's Ads Tool

Ads are an essential piece of providing your customers with helpful, relevant content at every point of the buyer’s journey -- wherever they spend their time online. For many of our customers, that means advertising on LinkedIn.

To help you execute your journey based advertising strategy, LinkedIn ads is now available within HubSpot's ads tool.


Simple Email Automation in Pop-up Forms

Once a customer submits on a pop-up form, the next step is to follow up with them. This is a crucial step. Someone just took the time to visit your website, read up on your company, and give you their information. By following up with a tailored email specific to the pop-up form they submitted, you can deliver a piece of content to these site visitors, or continue to nurture these new leads into loyal customers.

For these reasons, you can now send a sequence of up to three follow up emails within the pop-up forms tool.


[Heads Up] Deprecating Basic Auth in Workflow Webhooks on April 1

Due to security concerns related to storing credentials to other applications, we are deprecating basic auth in Workflow webhooks on April 1.

Many of you use basic auth to verify that webhook requests are coming from HubSpot. Now, we are offering a better, more secure way of verifying webhooks with request signatures.

We plan to fully sunset basic auth on April 1, 2019 for all customers. After that date, any webhooks with basic auth will continue to fire but without the auth credentials. New webhook actions created on April 1 and moving forward will not allow you to use basic auth, only request signatures. Between now and April 1, existing customers will have the option to use both verification methods to help transition:

To help you get started with this new flow, we’ve created documentation on how to set up request signatures. To help facilitate the migration, you’ll be able to use both basic auth and request signatures during the transition period between now and April 1, 2019.  


Changes Coming to Content Partitioning

On February 19, there will be four key changes coming to better support your desire to partition content and domains in HubSpot, using team assignments.The goal of these updates is to make our partitioning features easier to adopt and understand by aligning the tool with how our customers expect to use it.


Save Time by Cloning Dashboards

Your reports are the compass for your business. They tell you what's worked and what hasn't in the past, so you can optimize your plays for the future. To get a clear picture of a certain aspect of your growth, one report might not suffice. That's where HubSpot dashboards come in. With dashboards, you can collect up to ten HubSpot reports in one place and distribute them to stakeholders in your company quickly and easily. You might set up a dashboard for your Brazilian sales team's performance, your small business services team's service level agreement, or your marketing team's MQL sources. 

In Enterprise HubSpot accounts, you can create up to 25 dashboards. If you've purchased the Reporting Add-on, you can create up to 200. Sometimes --- like in the examples above --- your dashboards will be very different. In other cases, you might want to create several dashboards with small variations. For example, you might create individual sales rep scorecards for each of the reps on your team.

Previously, creating slight variations of dashboards would've required creating a brand new dashboard, and recreating each report, piece by piece. With today's update, you can clone an entire dashboard with one click. Just like that.


Two Changes to Scoring, including Multiple Score Properties

Scoring helps you qualify contacts and prioritize them for outreach. With contact scoring, you assign points to your contacts based on certain qualifying criteria, like demographics (e.g. location) and behaviors (e.g. web activity). The higher the score, the more qualified the contact.

Today (February 4, 2019), scoring in your HubSpot account is getting two major upgrades:

  1. Your HubSpot score is a contact contact property, but it lives separately from all the rest of your contact properties, in its own walled garden. With today's change, your score lives with the rest of your properties. Now, "score" is a property type, just like “dropdown,” “checkbox,” or any other.
  2. As a result of that change, if you're an Enterprise customer in any HubSpot hub, you’ll be able to create up to 25 scoring properties for contacts. As an added bonus, if you're a Professional customer in any HubSpot hub, you'll be able to create one score property (previously, only Marketing Hub Professional accounts had this capability).


Quickly Create Topics & Subtopics Directly From the Content Editor

Being able to quickly create, edit and assign a topic and subtopic keyword helps you focus your content on what your customers are searching for. In the past, we haven't always made it easy. For example, editing one of your topics while creating content used to take 9 clicks and a trip into the SEO app.

To expedite the process of creating and editing your topics while creating content, the SEO side panel in the content editor now lets you create new topics and subtopic keywords as well as edit the assigned topic or subtopic keyword directly.


[Now Live] Support Form in Knowledge Base (Service Hub)

What is it:

Service Hub users can now add a support form to knowledge base articles so that your customers can raise tickets if they cannot find an answer to a question.

The support form can be switched on in the Knowledge Base settings. Keep reading to learn more. 


January 2019 HubSpot Updates in Less Time Than a Coffee Break

January came and went with several HubSpot product updates. In this video, we'll give you a personal tour of all the best.


[HubSpot Connect] - January 2019 Integration Roundup

New year means new integrations. Take a break from your Q1 planning and read about all of the ways you can use January’s new integrations to personalize your HubSpot experience.


The Developer Forums are Joining the HubSpot Community on January 29th

Beginning on January 7, the developer forums will be migrated from integrate.hubspot.com to community.hubspot.com --- the same platform as the HubSpot customer and CMS developer forums. The migration will conclude on January 29th.


Google+ Will No Longer Be Supported in the Social Tool Starting on January 28

Last year, Google+ announced that they would stop supporting the public API that our integration is based on, and that they are shutting down Google+ completely in April 2019. More recently, they've announced that service interruptions could be expected through the API as soon as January 28, 2019. As Google begins to stop supporting their public API, we've made the decision to remove Google+ from the social tool starting on January 28.


Better Automate Deal, Company, and Ticket Processes with Workflow Re-Enrollment

Workflows are intended to help you automate processes.

Oftentimes, records need to go through a workflow only once. For example, If you're using a contact-based workflow to send lead nurturing emails, you wouldn't want a contact to get the same email twice. That's why re-enrollment criteria exist: you can decide when and how a record should be added to the workflow a second (or third) time.

Until today, re-enrollment criteria only existed for contact-based workflows. If you were automating a process around deals, companies, or tickets, the workflow could only trigger once. That created manual work for your team, for each subsequent trigger. 

With today's change, you can now create re-enrollment criteria for all workflow types. That means less manual work and time back in your team's day.


Content Strategy is now called SEO

Marketers know that SEO is the core of a good Inbound marketing strategy. As it stands today, we understand that it’s not easy to find where to “do SEO” in HubSpot.
For this reason, we've renamed content strategy to SEO. No functionality is changing, just the name and the navigation. This change will help bring simplicity and clarity to the tool that helps you get more traffic from organic search.


Now Live, Zoom for HubSpot brings video meetings into the CRM and Meetings Tool.

You can now add a Zoom video meeting link as the default option for any meeting you schedule with the HubSpot meetings tool and select Zoom as the conference option when scheduling a meeting with a contact in the HubSpot CRM. 

If you already have Zoom (it's great video communication and meeting software (that starts free) click here to connect it to your instance of HubSpot. For help with the integration consult this page. 

Keep reading to learn why we're excited to help you do more/better video meetings. 


Turn Business Cards into Contacts with the free Business Card Scanner for iOS and Android

Most business cards never see the light of day. You leave a tradeshow or a meeting with a pocketful of cards, thinking “I should really do something with these cards at some point….” Your options are bleak: spend a few hours manually inputting them into your database, go through the trouble of hiring someone to do it for you, buy an expensive app to scan the cards (and another one to integrate it with your system of record). Or you can do nothing at all. Leave those cards in your pocket to collect dust.

What if you could bring those business cards into your digital system of record with a few taps of your thumb, so you could continue the conversation with those contacts over all your usual channels — email, calls, meetings, and all the rest — no manual entry, extra employees, or expensive apps required?

Today, we're excited to announce a visually refreshed business card scanner for Android, and — for the first time ever — a business card scanner for iOS, powered by machine learning. Transforming your cards into digital contacts has never been easier.

And did we mention it’s free?


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