The Public Contact Record will be Sunset on January 23, 2019

Note: Previously, the public contact record was to be removed on December 20, 2018. In order to allow some wiggle room around the winter holiday season, the cutoff date for the public contact record removal is being moved from December 20, 2018 to January 23, 2019.

On January 23, 2019, access to the public contact record is being removed. If you’re not sure what we mean by “public contact record,” chances are good that the change won’t impact you. If you’re familiar with it (or just curious), read on.


Major updates to the GoToWebinar for HubSpot Integration

Webinars are one of the most successful inbound marketing tactics at creating high value leads. The format, when done well, provides a ton of value to your audience, and gives you a great signal that the attendees might make good customers. To date, GoToWebinar has been the most used HubSpot webinar integration. It's also one of our oldest and was in need of a few updates. 

Today's update gives users the ability to sync and use Simulated Live and On-Demand data just like it works for regular webinars. We’ve also added more syncing of GoToWebinar fields with HubSpot that now can be seen on a contact record.

No action is needed to update, these new features have been pushed live to your existing GoToWebinar integration. View all your HubSpot integrations by clicking here. 


Now live in your HubSpot account: a Streamlined New Record Design

As of April 23, the new record design is now live in all HubSpot accounts. 
Want the quick scoop on the new record? Watch this short video from HubSpot Academy:
Your HubSpot records — contacts, companies, deals, and tickets — are the backbone of your HubSpot account. They tie every other tool together, constantly absorbing new information about your prospects and helping you put that information to use to provide better experiences for your customers. 
The power of records in HubSpot is the amount of context they provide. In a single profile, you can see a slew of things: important characteristics (properties), key actions and events (page views, email opens, sales calls, and more), associated records, workflow enrollments, list memberships, quotes, and more. Plus, you can actually interact with your customers from your records. Send an email, make a call, or book a meeting from any record in HubSpot.
While there’s power in having so much context in one place, there’s an inherent design challenge as well: in your HubSpot records, you need to see a ton of information . But, at the same time, it needs to be accessible and digestible (not overwhelming), and it needs to be customizable for every use case on your team. 
Today, we’re excited to announce the next evolution of the HubSpot record, now available (via opt-in) in your HubSpot account. It’s more streamlined, making it easier to access all the context you need to create bett er customer interactions, while maintaining its clarity and cleanliness. Plus, it’s got a ton of new functionality to boot . 
But don’t take our word for it. Here’s a quick tour of what’s changed and what’s new. Let’s go!


Improve Collaboration With New Permissions in the Social Tool

Transparency and alignment across your entire team is important when crafting a social media strategy. To boost team collaboration and allow marketers to track trends in social, all social tool users can now see shared social accounts in Monitoring, Publishing, and Reports. This update let's you collaborate with your team, all while maintaining secure admin control on who can actually publish to your company’s social media accounts.


November HubSpot Updates in Less Time Than a Coffee Break

November came and went with several HubSpot product updates. In this video, we'll give you a personal tour of all the best.


Bringing Ads To The Core Marketing Hub

In 2018 and beyond, ads should be a part of every SMBs’ inbound marketing strategy. Ads allow you to be extremely targeted with your marketing, and engage your customers where they are already spending time online, turning prospects into loyal customers. It's for this reason that we're bringing HubSpot's ads tools to the core Marketing Hub --- giving it to all Marketing Hub Professional & Enterprise users.


3 New Features That Will Make Importing into HubSpot CRM Better Than Ever

What’s worse than manual data entry? Not many things, but one for sure is manually associating your HubSpot imports to other objects at the painful pace of one at a time. Lucky for you, those days are coming to an end.


Deepen Insights with Filtering in Customer Feedback

With this update, you now have the ability to deepen the insights you gather from Customer Feedback by filtering results by contact properties.


[HubSpot Connect] - November's New Integration Roundup

Take a moment to step back and check out all these incredible new integrations within HubSpot Connect, including: XeroSync, LeadGnome, Data2CRM, and PrompterAI.


Refine Your SEO Strategy With The New Google Search Console Integration

SEO today requires creating content for people, but optimizing it in a way that works best for search engines. One of the best ways to do this is organizing your content in topics, and using data to determine what to write about.

Today, with a new Google Search Integration, we've made this easier than ever.


Upcoming Changes to Webhooks in Workflows

As industry expectations change and our customers’ usage of HubSpot evolves, we update the HubSpot platform to keep up. On December 17, you’ll see two changes to the “Trigger a Webhook” action in Workflows that mirror changes in the market and among our customers.


[Now Live] Customer Experience Survey Web Delivery in Feedback, Service Hub

What is it:
Service Hub customers can now deliver surveys to visitors via their website. These customer experience surveys are a new option in the feedback tool in Service Hub.

Click here to see it live in your portal.


A/B Testing & Other New Features Within the Drag-and-Drop Email Editor

The new drag-and-drop email editor makes creating a marketing email simple and intuitive. Simply drag any elements of your email into place, add your content, and press send. The new editor was rolled out with the launch of Marketing Hub Starter, but hasn’t included a number of the Marketing Hub Professional and Enterprise features available within the classic editor. These updates bring the features within the drag-and-drop editor further into sync with the classic email editor. For these reasons, the drag-and-drop email editor is now available to all new Marketing Hub Starter, Professional, and Enterprise accounts. 


Work Seamlessly With Your Team Using Content Partitioning

As your marketing team, and overall business, grows there are two big challenges you'll face. Access to the right content at the right time, and reducing clutter. If you have multiple functional teams in marketing, like content marketing, product marketing, and partner marketing, you can now use Content Partitioning in HubSpot so each team only sees, and has edit access, to the content relevant to them.


Avoid Over-Emailing Contacts with Email Send Frequency Cap

Your relationship with prospects and customers is too important to be tarnished by sending them too many emails. Yet, tracking the number of emails you sent to every individual contact has been difficult - until now.


October HubSpot Updates in Less Time Than a Coffee Break

October was a busy month for HubSpot product updates. In this video, we'll give you a personal tour of all the best.


Set it and Forget it: Send Later Email Scheduling in HubSpot CRM

With email, timing can make the difference between a quick response from your lead or having your email get lost in a pile. You don’t want that, do you? There are plenty of benefits to scheduling your email sends, here’s a few examples:


Two Updates to Permissions that Give Admins More Control

What is it?
Now live are two updates to permissions in HubSpot CRM:

  1. Custom “HubSpot User” properties in HubSpot now respect the user permissions to “View”, “Edit” and “Communicate”
  2. As an admin, you can now set “View” and “Edit” permissions for deals and tickets in the sales and service tabs

[HubSpot Connect] - October’s New Integration Roundup

Take a moment to step back and check out all these incredible new integrations within HubSpot Connect, including: Swoogo, atEvent, WorkCast, BrightTALK, and TwentyThree.


[Now Live] Embedded (Advocacy) Automation - Feedback, Service Hub

What is it:
Now live in the feedback tool, is new automation that allows you set up actions that are triggered by a contact's response to a NPS survey.

This new prescriptive step makes it easier for you to start to implement flywheel type tactics, such as emailing net promoters to inquire about their experience and tell them about loyalty programs. 


Create Membership-Content With Marketing Hub Enterprise

Have you ever wanted to create a membership website, or portion of your website, that required paying customers to log into?


Keep Control Over Your Social Presence with Draft Only Permissions in the Social Tool

As your company grows, you’ll begin delegating more and more tasks to others within your company. A job that you could once do all by yourself now takes a team of employees, plus a few interns. While you recognize that delegating tasks is part of scaling your business, you still want to ensure that a proofing system is in place to maintain the high level of quality you and your customers expect.


[HubSpot Connect] - TwentyThree Webinar Integration

What does this integration partner do?
TwentyThree is video marketing software that offers hosting, publishing, editing, and video analytics tools. This update is related their newest webinar product and the new HubSpot integration they’ve built to support it.


[Heads up] Mandatory Secure URLs for Webhook actions

What is it?
The “Trigger a Webhook” action in Workflows will soon require secure URLs that use HTTPS. Over time URLs that use HTTP will be phased out from webhook actions.

To learn more about HTTPS, read this blog post.


Report More Accurately on your Contacts by Editing their Original Source Property

A contact’s original source type gives you insight into how a contact first interacted with your website. They could have first come into contact with you through paid search or social, organic search, direct traffic, and a number of other sources. One of these “other” sources is offline sources. One of the most common reasons why a contact would get tagged as originating from offline sources is if they were imported into HubSpot.


Understand Your Emails' Impact With Closed-Loop Revenue Reporting for Abandoned Cart Emails

Sending emails is great. But if they’re not actually driving revenue, what’s the point? For a marketer, it’s critical that you connect all your efforts to the bottom line, both to show your value to your company, and to ensure you’re focusing on the most impactful efforts in the future. With that in mind, we’re breaking down the wall between marketing emails and deals in HubSpot for the first time. For abandoned cart emails, you'll now be able to see exactly how your efforts are contributing to closed deals and revenue.


Keep Your Conversion Points Consistent With Themes in Forms

Creating a consistent experience across your entire site is essential for converting visitors to your site into leads. This includes forms that you embed on an external site, or ones that are viewed on a standalone URL. If you have coding experience, styling your form within your site’s stylesheet isn’t a problem. But what if you aren’t familiar with css, or you’re just sending a standalone forms URL within an email?


[Now Live] Branching Logic in Company, Ticket, & Deals Workflows

What is it?
If you have workflows you can now add if/then branches in company, ticket, and deal-based workflows. They work the same way as if/then branches in contact-based workflows. 


[Now Live] Article Feedback: Knowledge Base, Service Hub

What is it:

Now live is a new feedback mechanism and insights that tell knowledge base users how helpful their customers find a given knowledge base article.


Easily Create and Report on your Topics within Content Strategy

Getting found on search is a challenge. Not only are their other brands competing for the same search topics as you, but you also have to organize your content in a way that allows search engines to recognize your authority on a specific topic. To make things even more complicated, if you've been creating content for years without topic clusters in mind, grouping your content into topics can be a daunting, if not impossible task.

That's where the related content search comes in. The related content search will surface any content you've already posted that relates to a topic you are creating in content strategy. This lets you quickly organize your content so search engines view you as an authority on that topic, and show your content higher up in search results.


Automated Assignment will be exclusive to paid Pro seats by 11/1

What is it?

Come 11/1/18, automated assignment, the process of automatically assigning ownership of a CRM record, conversation, or any other object, will only be available for users with paid seats. Users who don’t have a paid seat will not be able to have an object assigned to them automatically.

This change only impacts new portals starting on 11/1. All pre-existing customers prior to this date will retain the ability to assign any user with automated assignment. 


[Now Live] SurveyMonkey Sync Speed Improvements

What is it?
HubSpot has increased the speed it takes to sync SurveyMonkey data to HubSpot from hours to minutes.


[Now Live] Three Updates To Lead Flows That Further Align The Tool With Forms

What is it?
Integrated portals can now take any contact that filled out a lead flow and associate them with a Salesforce Campaign, or register them for a webinar through GoToWebinar. Additionally, you can now select a default value for a form field within a lead flow, or edit the labels within a drop down select form field, just like you can within forms.


[Now Live] Company-based Workflows

What is it?

Workflows that enroll companies. This new type of workflow allows you to set properties, create tasks, and send email based on companies. 


[Now Live] Knowledge Base Re-order Categories and Articles - Service Hub

What is it:

You now have the ability to control the order in which articles and categories appear on the homepage and category pages in your Service Hub knowledge base. 


[Now Live] Knowledge Base Search Reporting - Service Hub

What is it:

New analytics that show you what your customers are searching for in your knowledge base.


[In Beta] User Permission Changes

What is it?
You can now enjoy a more granular control to permissions. We’ve separated out the ability for admins to set “View” and “Edit” permissions to deals and tickets, in sales and service tabs respectively.


Understand the Impact of your Video Strategy with YouTube Reports

Video is king when it comes to social content. We currently spend upwards of six hours a day consuming video content, and that number is only going to keep growing. If you’re serious about expanding your presence on social, you’re regularly creating content on YouTube, and promoting it to your audience.

But once your video content is created, you need to know how it is being received by your target audience. With YouTube reporting in HubSpot, you can begin to track your overall YouTube performance over time, and analyze how specific videos are performing against others, in the same system you use to report on the rest of your social channels. See what resonates with your audience, and fully lean into your YouTube strategy.


[Heads Up] Packaging Change to Webhooks in Workflows

What is it?
As of November 1, 2018, the "Trigger a webhook" action in workflows will be available to HubSpot Enterprise customers only. If you are a HubSpot Professional customer before that date, you will be grandfathered and will continue to have the ability to use webhooks.


[Now Live] Convert Non-Hubspot Forms into HubSpot Forms

What is it?
Users of non-Hubspot forms can now quickly and easily convert these forms into a native HubSpot form.


[Now Live] Single Sign-on

 What is it?
Marketing, Sales, or Service Hub Enterprise users can now sign into HubSpot with a SAML 2.0 single sign-on identity provider, such as Okta or OneLogin.


[Now Live] Facebook Page Locations

What is it?
Users of the HubSpot social tool with many location specific Facebook pages can now see this information within HubSpot, ensuring that their Facebook posts go to the correct page.


[Now Live] Bi-directional Sync for Salesforce Accounts and HubSpot Companies

Recently, we released a beta of bi-directional account sync with HubSpot companies and Salesforce accounts. This feature is now available to all integrated portals. HubSpot will now create accounts in Salesforce and manage re-associations.


[In Beta] HubSpot Calling API (featuring Aircall)

What is it?

HubSpot’s new Calling API is now in beta and available to Sales Hub Enterprise and Service Hub Enterprise customers. The Calling API gives advanced teams the flexibility to use third-party telephony providers in lieu of HubSpot’s native calling feature.


[Now Live] A New Way to Preview Your Emails

What is it?
There is now an all new way to preview and share your drafted emails, and ensure that your email looks as expected across a variety of screen sizes and email clients.


[Now Live] Service Hub Starter

What is it:

Now live is Service Hub Starter - a new entry level service package that helps early service teams build a basic help desk. This new package is made possible by adding a slimmed down version of tickets into the free tools. Tickets into free will rollout over the course of 2018.


[Now Live] Service Hub Enterprise

What is it:
Now live is Service Hub Enterprise - a new package of service tools that helps sophisticated service teams. This new package includes everything thing found in pro, our new enterprise platform level features, and the new tools Goals (coming soon), and Playbooks (live).


[New Video] INBOUND 2018 HubSpot Updates in Less Time Than a Coffee Break

INBOUND is the most exciting time of the year here at HubSpot. It’s when thousands upon thousands of people join us in Boston to hear inspiring and transformative keynotes from folks like Deepak Chopra, Shonda Rhimes, Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, and more.

INBOUND also marks peak product launch season at HubSpot. In this video, we’ll run you through it all in less time than a coffee break.


[HubSpot Video] How-to-use HubSpot Video in Sales

What is it?
HubSpot Video is a series of new video features woven throughout the HubSpot platform. This video dives deep into the new video features in Sales Hub. 

HubSpot Video


[HubSpot Video] How-to-use HubSpot Video in Services

What is it?
HubSpot Video is a series of new video features woven throughout the HubSpot platform. This video dives deep into the new video features in Service Hub. 

HubSpot Video



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