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[In Beta] Site Search

Site search is the find-anything solution to engage with and provide helpful content to your site visitors. Site search will index all your HubSpot hosted content directly on your domain as soon as you press publish.


[Now Live] Recommended Post Listing Module in the Marketplace

The latest module to be added to the Marketplace is blog topic listing module. By using data, this module shows visitors to your blog the posts that'll be most relevant and interesting to them.


[Now Live] Upload Multiple Files at once to your Forms

You can now upload multiple files at a time to one file upload field within a HubSpot Form.


[Now Live] A/B Test Web Pages

UPDATE: This feature is now live to all Marketing Hub Professional and Enterprise users on the CMS.

Just like emails, CTAs, and landing pages, you can now run A/B tests on web pages.


[In Beta] Local Defaults available for personalization tokens in the Rich Text Editor

What is it?
Each personalization token within a rich text module can now have an individual local default.


[Now Live] HubSpot for Shopify (Ecomm Integration)

The HubSpot-built Shopify integration is now live and available for all users to connect. 

This integration is free for users with HubSpot and Shopify. The integration was built supercharge growth for ecommerce businesses using Shopify. Marketing customers who have access to email and workflows will get advanced functionality. However, the integration does work for all instances of HubSpot and just syncing data and contacts from Shopify to the HubSpot free CRM helps create a unified view of your business. 

Get a Demo of HubSpot for Shopify


[Now Live] Meetings Module now in the Marketplace

What is it?
The latest module to be added to the Marketplace is a meetings module, which will allow site visitors to quickly and easily book meetings with your sales team directly from your website.


[Heads Up] We’re Sunsetting Xing

As of May 31, Hubspot’s social tools will no longer support Xing. If you still have a connected account, you will see the following in-app banner within the social tool.


[Headsup] Unified “Do-No-Harm” Tracking Across All Ads in HubSpot

HubSpot will now use the same tracking parameters across all ad networks we support. For AdWords, we will also merge our parameters with any existing parameters in your account or campaign-level tracking templates. For Facebook, we will (continue to) merge our parameters with any existing parameters at the ad level.


[Now Live] Content Strategy Progress Bar

The strategy tool now includes a progress bar, so you can see exactly what next steps you should take to complete your topics.


[Heads Up] What to Expect with HubSpot and the Upcoming Gmail UI Changes

What is it?
As you receive the new Gmail UI, you will also see some small but helpful changes to the HubSpot Google Chrome extension.


Redesigned Email Post-Send Screen

The post-send details screen of the email tool has been redesigned to put the most important metrics for email marketers right at their fingertips.


[In Beta] Bulk Upload Facebook & LinkedIn Posts

You can now bulk upload Facebook and LinkedIn posts in the social publishing tool, similarly to how you’ve been able to bulk upload Tweets in the past. Posts made in bulk will also now pull images from links into the post preview, so you can see exactly how your Tweets, Facebook and LinkedIn posts will look when they go live.


[Now Live] Monitor and Respond to Instagram Comments within the Social Monitoring Tool

What is it?
Within the social monitoring tool, you now have the ability to monitor, and reply to comments on your Instagram posts.


[Now Live] New Metrics available on Blog Post, Landing Page, and Website Page Detail Pages

What is it?
Blog post, landing page, and website page details screens now include metrics from the analytics pipeline. These metrics include bounce rate, exit rate, entrances, and average time on the page.


[Now Live] Set a Featured Image for Web and Landing Pages

What is it?
Users can now set a featured image for their website and landing pages, similar to how they set a featured image for a blog post.


[Now Live] Easily Call Companies with HubSpot CRM

What is it?
Now live is the ability to call companies from your HubSpot CRM.


[Heads Up] Increasing the Reliability and Accuracy of your Ads Reporting

What is it?

We’re setting a more specific definition for how ads are attributed to contacts within HubSpot. In the short term, this will increase the reliability and accuracy of your ads reporting in HubSpot. In the future, this update sets us up to provide you with multiple views of attribution.


[Now Live] View Two Metrics at the Same Time with the 'Combination' Report Visualization in Sources and Pages

What is it?
You can now view multiple metrics (including conversion rates!) at the same time in the sources and pages reports.


[Now Live] Native Forms Tool now part of HubSpot CRM Free

What is it?
HubSpot’s native forms tool is now available in HubSpot CRM Free.


[New Video] March HubSpot Updates in Less Time Than a Coffee Break

March has been full of exciting updates here at HubSpot. In this video we'll walk you through a quick roundup of the most important features.


[Now Live] Automated Tasks on Deal Stages

What is it?
The ability to create tasks on deals automatically when deals change stages.


[Now Live] Enjoy More Context and Take Actions within Your Notification Sidebar

What is it?
Now when you get a notification related to a text-based activity (Mention, Follow, Comment, and Reply), the notification in the notification sidebar will show a preview that can be expanded to see the full text of the activity.


[Now Live] Introducing Tracks in the Learning Center

What is it?
The Learning Center just got smarter and more flexible. Introducing Tracks - a scalable way to feature long-form content that is built on top of smaller, bite-sized Lessons.


[Now Live] HubSpot Modules available in the Marketplace

What is it?
HubSpot users in the new Design Manager beta will now have the ability to add individual modules to their portals from the Marketplace. Among the modules that users can now add into their portals is the Custom HTML Module, which was initially removed from the new Design Manager.


[Heads Up] Twitter Automation Changes

What is it?
On February 21, Twitter announced a change to their stance on tweet automation to deter users from artificially amplifying certain messages. This means that social tools like HubSpot will no longer allow users to schedule or publish the same tweet from multiple accounts. Read More >>

[Now Live] Visual Refresh of Content Strategy

What is it?
Both the Content Strategy dashboard, as well as the topic cluster editor have been visually refreshed. This update makes it easier to tell exactly which pieces of content make up your topic clusters

[In Beta] New Rich Text Features

What is it?
A number of significant changes have been made to the rich text editor within Hubspot. These changes include

  • Spellcheck has been removed from the toolbar, and is now automatically applied to your text through your browser-based spellcheck
  • The process of adding links, CTAs, and images to your content has been visually refreshed
  • You can now drag an image directly from your computer into a rich text module, and it will add the image not only to the rich text, but also to your file manager

[Now Live] Shutterstock Integration now available within the File Picker in Social Publishing

What is it?
Last year, HubSpot announced a native integration with Shutterstock, the world’s leading stock photography site. Today, this integration has been extended to the social publishing tool, so you can select images for your social posts to all networks (including Instagram!!) directly within the composer. 


[Now Live] Follow Records Within HubSpot

What is it?
The ability to follow a contact, company, or deal record in HubSpot CRM.


[New Video] February HubSpot Updates in Less Time Than a Coffee Break

February has been full of exciting updates here at HubSpot. In this video we'll walk you through a quick roundup of the most important features.


HubSpot Acknowledged as badged Facebook Marketing Partner

Now live in HubSpot - social users can directly schedule and publish content to Instagram. It's on of many powerful, HubSpot built, Facebook integrations. These integrations are part of a larger product investment from HubSpot in Facebook and has earned us recognition from Facebook as an official marketing partner. 

Learn more about this partnership here. 


[Now Live] Publish to Instagram Directly from HubSpot

All users of HubSpot's social tools can now post and schedule photos directly from within HubSpot to Instagram.


[Now Live] Visual Refresh of the Events Analytics Dashboard

UPDATE 6/15: This visually refreshed events tool is now the new default for all Marketing Hub Enterprise Portals.

What is it?
The events tool, now found within Analytics Tools, has a fresh new look. The creation flow for events has also been changed to match the rest of the tool.


[Now Live] Visual Refresh of the CTAs Tool

What is it?
The CTA Editor has been visually refreshed to match the rest of HubSpot’s tools. Today, all users can opt-in to the new editor.


[Now Live] Customize Lead Flow Form Fields & Block Specific Email Domains

What is it?
The ability to edit the field labels, and insert placeholder text on fields within your lead flows. In addition, you can now block specific email providers and domains from submitting on your lead flows.


[Now Live] Set Custom Properties when Creating a Deal in Workflows

What is it?
The ability to set or copy additional deal properties when creating a deal through Workflows.


[Now Live] Google’s Invisible reCAPTCHA Available on all HubSpot Forms

What is it?
Google’s new “Invisible reCAPTCHA” is now available on all HubSpot forms.


[New Video] January HubSpot Updates in Less Time Than a Coffee Break

New year, new tools. There’s been a lot of exciting updates within HubSpot to kick off the new year. In this video we'll walk you through a quick roundup of some of the most important features.


[Now Live] One Central Location for Content Settings

What is it?

All Content Settings have been moved to one unified location wtihin HubSpot.


[Now Live] Use Snippets in Gmail and Outlook

What is it?
With the snippets tool, you can quickly add commonly used phrases or paragraphs wherever you work. Previously, the snippets tool was available in the CRM; allowing you to add snippets to the notes you write and emails you send from the CRM. Now live, the snippets tool can also be used in Gmail and most versions of Outlook.


[Now Live] Lookalike Audiences Available within Ads

Facebook is a powerful way to reach any audience - whether you're a B2B or B2C marketer. Globally, people spend an average of 50 minutes a day on Facebook, giving marketers ample opportunities to connect with the right people. Lookalike audiences lets you target Ads to people on Facebook who resemble your website visitors, or contacts already on one of your contact lists within HubSpot. The feature uses powerful machine learning to parse Facebook’s massive network to expand your audience. It’s a proven way to generate more qualified leads through your Facebook Ads, and increase your ROI.


[Now Live] Email Threading in HubSpot CRM

What is it?
In HubSpot CRM, email conversations are now threaded on timelines in HubSpot --- so all the back-and-forth replies are grouped into a single, easy-to-digest block.


[In Beta] New Design Manager & New Modules Framework

What is it?
The new Design Manager is now in an open beta, and is available to all HubSpot Partners. Part of this new Design Manager is the new modules framework, which allow you to bundle HTML/HubL, CSS, and Javascript elements directly into the module.


[Now Live] Catalogue Custom Meeting Types Directly Within the Meetings Tool

What is it?
Now live is the ability to catalogue your custom meeting types directly within the meetings tool.


[Now Live] Edit the Canonical URL of a Page and Set Portal Defaults

UPDATE: On January 8th, a change was implemented that set the canonical URLs for website pages, landing pages, and blog posts to null by default. Today, we are reverting this change but adding a new setting within Content Settings that allows users to manage how canonical URLs are handled for all their HubSpot pages, blog posts, and blog listing pages.   

What is it?
Within One Settings, there is now a new setting where users can set a portal default for the behavior of the canonical URLS for their web pages, blog posts, and now their blog listing pages.


[Now Live] Lead Flow Follow Up Email

What is it?

Users now have the ability to send a single follow up email to contacts directly from the lead flows tool. Our free users can now also manage their double opt-in emails as they create follow up emails through the lead flow creation process.


[HubSpot Connect] - briX Integration

What’s this integration partner do?
briX (by InboundLabs) is a website template builder that uses drag and drop features to create and edit website templates easily without the help of a web developer.


[HubSpot Connect] - Yext Integration

What’s this integration partner do?
Yext is a digital knowledge management company whose Location Scan tool shows companies how their location information appears in Google, Yelp, Facebook and over 100 other apps, directories, and mapping services. With HubSpot, you can turn Yext scans into leads instantly.


[HubSpot Connect] - Ceros Integration

What’s this integration partner do?

Ceros is a content editing tool you can use with HubSpot to get creative with animations and interactive effects when designing content, gating or customizing content on landing pages, stylizing forms, and tracking your audience behavior using the Ceros analytics engine.


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