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[Coming January 15] Changes coming to Events Reporting

With the Events tool in HubSpot, you can track actions taken by visitors to your website, and trigger lists and automation off those actions. To better align this tool with the rest of HubSpot, your events tool will be undergoing some updates beginning on January 15th. In this article, we'll walk you through everything you need to know about the changes.


[Now Live] Drill Down into Direct Traffic within the Sources Report

What is it?
The ability to drill down into which pages of your site are receiving the most direct traffic within the sources report.


[HubSpot Connect] - Revoice Integration

What’s this integration partner do?

Revoice is a content marketing distribution tool that takes existing content and redistributes it to Facebook Messenger subscribers. This integration allows HubSpot customers to store and manage Facebook Messenger leads in HubSpot and turns Messenger into a new distribution channel. 


[Integrations] - Connect Integrations now availble to Free & Starter Customers

Marketing Free and Starter customers can now access and install third party integrations via HubSpot Connect. This update brings integrations to all levels of HubSpot users. To discover and install integrations go to our public listing page or view integrations in-app by clicking here.


[HubSpot Connect] - Atomic Reach Integration

What’s this integration partner do?

Atomic AI is a content marketing tool created by Atomic Reach that uses machine learning to optimizing content through predictive recommendations, audience-based guidance on content sharing, and data tracking for social media and content performance. This product integration allows HubSpot customers to see and act upon critical data patterns in their content.


[HubSpot Connect] - Help Scout Integration

What’s this integration partner do?

Help Scout is a help desk software provider for support teams. Their product allows customers to que up help requests and address customer needs.


[HubSpot Connect] JustUno Integration

What’s this integration partner do?

Justuno is website conversion rate optimization software. Their solution helps convert website traffic into leads via email popups, banners, promotions, exit offers, and other tactics.


[HubSpot Connect] Integration

What’s this integration partner do? is a stand alone website page template builder. Their product allows HubSpot customers (technical and non-technical) to create custom HubSpot templates from scratch.


[HubSpot Connect] Design Wizard Integration

What’s this integration partner do?

Design Wizard is online graphic design software that marketers can use to quickly create high quality visual content. Along with powerful design and editing tools Design Wizard comes with templates that make it easier to create professional visual content for social media, business documents and more.


[Heads Up] New Forms Editor Available for Opt-In

What is it?
The new forms editor, which has been in beta for the past couple of months, is now available for Opt-in for all HubSpot users. 


[Heads Up] Navigation change: Ads consolidation

This week, we’ll be consolidating all ads tools under the content dropdown in the HubSpot navigation. This means users with the Ads Add-on will access the tool via the Content tab in an item called ads. We’ll no longer use the term “Ads Add-on” in the nav.


[New Video] November's HubSpot Updates in Less Time Than a Coffee Break

Just in time for the holiday season, your HubSpot portal's got a ton of new toys. In this video, we'll walk you through the best new features, from new sales tools to free SSL and beyond. 


Introducing Lessons, Bite-Size Learning Within HubSpot

You've likely heard the expression before that "practice makes perfect", or even read Malcom Gladwell's theory on "10,000 hours" that practice is an important component of learning, and ultimately mastery.


[HubSpot Connect] Integration

What’s this integration partner do? is software that helps connect and automate actions between apps and CRMs like HubSpot. They offer simple workflows that perform common tasks associated with sharing data and automating tasks.


Put Theory Into Practice with Dynamic Exercises in HubSpot Certifications

At HubSpot we aim to help bridge the gap between learning, and doing. That’s why we’ve recently added practical exercises into our certification content to help our community put the theory into practice. These exercises are placed after educational content that describes the why and how of a topic, and they introduce the what in a few easy steps.


[Heads Up] Workflows Technical Limit

What is it:

Starting Dec 15, 2017 we’ll start enforcing a technical limit of 500 workflows per portal. This includes all workflows that show up in the Workflows tool, including inactive workflows.

This limit  helps us ensure quality of service and prevents situations where a few portals overload our system. At the moment only 0.5% of all portals have over 500 workflows, so the impact of this change should be small. 

Learn more about HubSpot Service Limits. 


[Now live] Facebook Audience Sync

As Facebook has grown in popularity, it has become a reliable way to reach almost any audience. (Today, the average adult spends 50 minutes of their day on Facebook!)


SSL Now Included for All Marketing Customers

Google recently rolled-out a Chrome update which started to flag pages that contain a form, but are not SSL-enabled, as "not secure." Because Chrome has approximately 47% of the browser market share, this update impacts millions of visitors, and marketers across the web.


Workflows Navigation Updates

What is it:

Starting 11/1, we’re placing Workflows in the top-level navigation for all portals. This adds the Workflows navigation item to Sales (Free and Pro) portals, Marketing Basic portals and Marketing Free and Starter portals. 

This change doesn't bring Workflows to users who don't have it as part of their instance of HubSpot but will serve as a way for them to learn more. 


Dasheroo Integration

What’s this integration partner do?

Dasheroo is reporting software that make it easy to consolidate metrics from different applications into one custom dashboard. Dasheroo brings together different data sources to create visualizations and bubble up insights.


DepositFix Integration

What’s this integration partner do?

DepositFix is a HubSpot app that allows you to accept Stripe payments via HubSpot Forms and use purchase data as a signal in HubSpot.


Social - LinkedIn Users need to Re-authenticate by 10/31

What is it?

We’ve moved our LinkedIn publishing integration to a new set of APIs and need active users to re-authenticate their accounts by October 31st to avoid interruption.


Changes to the Navigation in Marketing Free and Marketing Starter

To make room for new features that are coming to Marketing Free and Marketing Starter over time, we'll soon be making some changes to the navigation, with some features being grouped under drop-downs for Contacts and Lead Capture.


New Field Types for Lead Flows Now Available

When you consider creating a form, the questions you ask ultimately help make that form relevant to the visitor, and help provide data that informs marketing, sales, and customer success down the road.


11-minute Recap of INBOUND Product Updates

It’s the most exciting time of the year at HubSpot. In September, we wrapped up our biggest INBOUND event yet --- more than twenty-one thousand people joined us in sunny Boston for a week of inspiration, education, and transformation. Michelle Obama, Brene Brown, John Cena, and dozens more graced the INBOUND stage.

As in years past, INBOUND marks peak product launch season at HubSpot. With that in mind, there’s a slew of new functionality in your HubSpot portal. In the video below, we'll run you through all of it, in less time than it takes to get a cup of coffee.


Collect Leads Even if a Form Fails to Load

Leads are crucial for your business. Without leads there are no deals to close. But we rely on different conversion points -- such as forms -- to generate those leads. Technical issues can come-up that affect forms loading, or a visitor may have an ad blocker installed that interupts the form.


[HubSpot Connect] Needls Integration

What’s this integration partner do?

Social media advertising is hard. Needls make it easy by doing it for you.

How does Needls integrate with HubSpot?

Leverage your HubSpot data to create highly targeted ad campaigns using Needls. Two specific examples:

  • Import your HubSpot contacts automatically to create lookalike and custom audiences for your Facebook and Instagram ads. Needls will test these audiences against other relevant audiences that their data-backed system identifies. This speeds up the optimization process and will help your campaign get the best results possible.
  • Import your HubSpot keywords. Needls will automatically generate hundreds of relevant synonyms to find people who express a need or want for your product or service on social media. By identifying these buying signals, they show your ads to these people for optimal targeting.




Three More updates for a Cleaner Timeline

Timelines in HubSpot are where you track every interaction an individual (or company/deal) has with your business. That’s right: every interaction. Page views, sales emails, list memberships, and over a dozen other things. That amount of info is incredibly powerful.

But, in truth, it can make the timeline incredibly overwhelming as well. For contacts with a ton of interactions, sorting through the timeline to find individual engagements is like trying to track down one specific kid at DisneyWorld. There’s plenty of awesome stuff, but it’s nearly impossible to find the thing you’re actually looking for.

With that in mind, in the last few months, we’ve made several changes aimed at making it easier to find what you’re looking for in HubSpot records. First, it was a rollup of all the pageviews in a specific session. Then, it was a new section for upcoming engagements, cordoned off from the rest of the timeline.

Today, we’ve got three more for you.


Import Google Docs Drafts Into HubSpot In One-Click

As Google Docs has become the top Software as a Service app used by SMBs, we've seen the meteoric rise of people writing -- then copying and pasting their content into HubSpot. However when doing so you have to wrangle formatting issues, text, and separately add images. Often times that required looking at the source code fo the post just to get the formatting the way you want it.


[In beta] A New Way to Measure Your Marketing Campaigns

Moving into beta testing today (Sep 26) is a brand new way to analyze and compare your marketing campaigns in HubSpot that tracks their impact across the full lead lifecycle, from first touch to closed won and beyond. In this article, we'll walk you through the backstory, the tool, and the next steps.

(p.s. If you'd prefer a video to a blog post, here's the quick rundown)


[In Beta] HubSpot for Shopify and Ecomm Bridge API

At INBOUND we introduced a new, native integration with ecommerce leader Shopify. Now live, this new HubSpot built integration allows shared customers to seamlessly integrate Shopify and its data (customers, orders, and products) into HubSpot. This update eliminates any need to manipulate HubSpot to work for ecommerce and enables new automation, reporting, customer marketing, and other sales and marketing tactics ecomm customers want.


[In Beta] Audience Sync for Facebook Ads

What is it?
Today at INBOUND we announced the beta for Facebook Ads Audience Sync. This is a new feature of the Ads Add-On that lets you sync any HubSpot list with targeting audiences in Facebook. Doing this lets you retarget people in Facebook based on actions tracked in HubSpot and use dynamic targeted based on HubSpot lists.

This feature is now live inside of HubSpot for all user with the Ads Add-On. 


Streamline Your Content Creation Process with HubSpot Collect

We live in an age where content is more important than ever, but the process of creating content is more disconnected than ever. You now likely use multiple tabs, or various silos to store research for blog posts that you have to consistently reference and a lot of copying and pasting.


[HubSpot Connect] - Terminus Integration

This integration is no longer part of the HubSpot Connect program -- to find alternatives, visit our integration directory.

What’s this integration partner do?
Terminus is Account Based Marketing (ABM) software that helps Marketers target and deliver account-based advertising. Built for B2B marketers, Terminus will engage the right people at your target accounts without having required contact data to do it.


[Heads Up] We're Sunsetting Recipes

What is it?

On October 18th we will remove Recipes, and the Recipes tools from Workflows.

Update: As of 10/18/17 Recipes has been removed from HubSpot. 


[HubSpot App Partner Program] - Accelo Integration

What’s this integration partner do?

Accelo is project management and CRM software company that helps businesses and agencies track time and manage projects.


[HubSpot Connect] - Brightcove Integration

What’s this integration partner do?
Brightcove is video marketing solution and platform. They offer hosting, player, analytics and more for marketers, publishers, enterprise business, IT, and live streaming.


[HubSpot Connect] - Animoto Integration

What’s this integration partner do?
Animoto is video creation and marketing software for businesses and creators. Their video builder makes it easy to create professional videos quickly that perform well on social, websites, and more.


[HubSpot Connect] - Viewbix Integration

What’s this integration partner do?
Viewbix is software that lets marketers add CTAs, forms, and other marketing tools into their existing video.


[HubSpot Connect] - Grow Integration

What’s this integration partner do?
Grow is a reporting and BI software that helps businesses organize and make sense of disparate metrics and data sources.


[HubSpot Connect] - VidMob Integration

What’s this integration partner do?
VidMob is a platform for and network of video creators, animators, and graphics designers that business can use for their video needs.


[HubSpot Connect] - Datanyze Integration

What’s this integration partner do?
Datanyze is sales intelligence software that shows users information about prospects, and what software and tools people or businesses use. For example, Datanyze can tell you if a person or business is a HubSpot user, the annual revenue of a company, how much funding they have taken, and more. Their system is able to determine most software a business uses and can alerts users to changes in usage. This helps sales know when to call a prospect and how to best start conversations.


[HubSpot Connect] - AdEspresso by Hootsuite Integration

What’s this integration partner do?
AdEspresso - a HootSuite company - is a simple Facebook Ads Manager that helps you optimize your Facebook Ads Campaigns. Read More >>

[HubSpot Connect] - TwentyThree Integration

What’s this integration partner do?
TwentyThree is video marketing software that offers hosting, publishing, editing and analytics. Their solution allows you to build custom video players, embed it anywhere and capture leads via video.


[HubSpot Connect] - Powtoon Integration

What’s this integration partner do?
Powtoon is marketing software that lets you create animated videos and presentations. Their DIY video creation tools combine animation, live video, moving graphics, music, voiceover, photos, and text to create professional marketing and training videos.


[Now Live] Lead Ads for HubSpot

We’re excited to introduce a new Facebook Ads and HubSpot integration that brings Facebook lead ad creation, tracking, and lead sync to both HubSpot Marketing Free and Paid. 

Create a Facebook Lead Ad

Get More Traffic with Less Content using HubSpot Content Strategy

The way we search has changed. Just a few years ago, it would have been common to search for a an email template to send by looking for "follow-up email". But today, we search the way we talk.


A Small Upcoming Change to Dashboard Emails

One of the best ways to keep your team u p to speed on the progress of your inbound  performance is by se tting up recurring emails of your HubSpot dashboards to all the key stakeholders in your company . In the last few weeks, the process for setting up and sending those emails in HubSpot has gotten more secure and streamlined. 

What's the change?

Recently, the Schedule a recurring email” feature was updated to allow dashboards to be sent only to users of your HubSpot portal. Starting on September 20 , 2017, any previously configured recurring dashboard emails scheduled to be sent to non-users of your portal will no longer be sent. 

[HubSpot Connect] - Slemma Integration

What’s this integration partner do?
Slemma is a reporting tool designed for businesses. It’s flexible software lets front office teams build custom reporting dashboards from a variety of sources.


[HubSpot Connect] - Woopra Integration

What’s this integration partner do?
Woopra is analytics software that tracks customer interactions with a business as they move through the funnel. They offer a dashboard that let's users track leads from multiple channels, review site analytics, monitor customer interactions on their website pages, and more. 


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