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Introducing Lead Flows by Leadin

We've been working very hard over the past few months to develop something we think is really special. Lead Flows help you take a page with a good amount of traffic and give your visitors a relevant offer to help them convert into leads. What that really means is that Lead Flows combine your CTA (call-to-action), Form, and Deliverable into one unobtrusive widget on the page. 

What are Lead Flows?
Lead Flows are a lead conversion path to convert website visitors into leads. They can be a slide-in box on the lower left or right, a pop-up overlay, or a dropdown banner that are triggered by scroll, time on page, or exit intent.

Why are they different?
Typically, the lead conversion flow sends a visitor from email/social/organic to a blog post with a CTA, then to a landing page where they fill out a form, then to a thank you page where they can download the content. This still applies for more permanent offers that need somewhere to live (i.e. a training course or a webinar explanation), but for offers that don't require a landing page, Lead Flows are a more streamlined and flexible way to convert visitors on your website into leads. It is also helpful for those who may not have many opportunities on their website for people to convert. 

What does a Lead Flow look like?


[Now Live] Minor Navigation Change - Contacts Menu

To provide a better user experience and create consistency across our different apps, we are making a minor change to the HubSpot navigation. The Contacts menu is moving to the second item in the nav (just to the right of Dashboard) on all portals.


New Simplified Navigation within Template Marketplace Accounts

The navigation within template provider accounts has been slightly different than the navigation within the Marketing Platform. Today, we're simplifying the navigation within the template marketplace portal and making it very similar to the marketing portal.


A Simple, Focused Writing Experience in HubSpot [Beta]

Great content starts with an idea, and you likely have one place for these ideas. Whether it's a notebook, or writing them in your task management app, or even a solution like Evernote. The problem is, in these central locations your content isn't fostered towards creation, it's often just stored.


New Integration: Revenue Conduit

HubSpot helps marketers and salespeople create an inbound machine. However, we know there are other tools and technology you use to run your business. HubSpot Connect is our effort to unite those tools, through powerful integrations into HubSpot. 


Automate Lead Rotation and Task and Deal Creation in HubSpot CRM

According to a recent study, sales teams spend less than a third of their time actually selling. The rest is spent on administrative tasks like creating CRM records, logging manual activities, and searching for relevant content to send to leads. 


[Beta] - Content Staging for Multiple Domains

When we released Content Staging for Website Platform customers at INBOUND15, one of the first pieces of feedback we recieved was for supporting multiple domains. Today, I'm happy to announce that Content Staging supports any domains connected to an account.


Template Marketplace: Performance Stats Being Removed

Knowing how a template is performing before a customer purchases it can be a big driver of sales. Unfortunately, we found these stats were not properly being aggregated and as a result sometimes displayed incorrect information.


Create Content Directly On The Page [New Content Editors]

Creating beatuiful, engaging, and desired content is a key to the inbound methodology. But the actual process of writing, and designing that content shouldn't be difficult. Starting today brand-new inline editors that allow you to create content directly on the page in an easier way than ever before.

Update: On April 8th, 2016 we will remove access to the previous "split-screen" version of the editors. 


Social Auto-Fill for Forms Being Removed

In August 2015 we released a beta of Social Auto-Fill for forms that allowed you to easily integrate Google+, and Facebook into your forms at the click of a button. The ideas was, with these options available to your visitors they would click a network, sign, and it would pre-fill the form.


Set Featured Images Independent of Images Within a Blog Post

A picture can be worth a thousand words and considering how much time and strategy goes into writing blog titles... the same customization and care should be put into a post’s featured image.


Welcoming Leadin to Product Updates

You may have heard about a little tool that we call Leadin. It is a lead capture and insights tool that was unveiled at INBOUND 2015. Moving forward, we'll be posting updates about Leadin right here. In case you missed the details about Leadin at INBOUND, here is a little overview of what Leadin does to familiarize you with the tool. 


An All New Dashboard for HubSpot Partners

HubSpot partner? We've redesigned your partner dashboard to give you clearer look at the status of your accounts, and your progress toward the next step in your journey as a partner. The new dashboard is now available in any portal with the partner navigation.


Send Better Email with HubSpot: Improved Verification & Review Process

Personalization in email is really important. But sending an email with a broken personalization token, or forgetting to set default values (resulting in blanks in your emails) can and has happened to the best of us. Sending links or images with broken URLs is also super embarrassing.


Deep Dive into Your Workflow Performance

Let's say you've made some tweaks to your favorite lead nurturing workflow over the last few months --- swapped out some email copy, changed a delay, and added a new if/then branch. When making changes to your assets, it's pivotal to have the necessary data to determine whether your optimizations are having a positive impact. With HubSpot's refreshed Workflow Performance interface, we've made it easy to pinpoint what's working and what's not in your Workflows.


HubSpot Connect Spotlight

HubSpot helps marketers and salespeople create an inbound machine. However, we know there are other tools and technology you use to run your business. Whether you have another software you love or are looking for something new to solve a specific problem, HubSpot Connect is here to help.

The Connect team focuses on building integrations with the best technology partners in the world. Here's what we've been up to. 


Easily Find Your Top Converting Blog Posts with the New Blog Dashboard

Blogging is an important first-step in Inbound Marketing and attracting leads to your business. UManaging and undersanding your blog content is an important part of the top of your funnel, but it shouldn't be hard to do so. 


Enroll Contacts Without Email Addresses in Workflows

As marketers, we rely on email addresses to communicate with our database. On the sales side, that's not always the case. For many sales teams, having an email address isn't a make-or-break situation - they frequently work leads by phone, or track prospects who they haven't yet built up a complete record for.


Smart Content: Tailor Visitor Experience by Preferred Language

Your visitors aren’t one-size-fits-all. The languages you display content in, shouldn’t be either. Tailoring your customer experience so that fits every individual visitor, regardless of where they are visiting from, and in the language they use, improves every aspect of your inbound marketing and helps increase conversion rates.


Easily View Revisions to Your Templates, Coded Files, and Custom Modules

For any developer or designer you know that finding a specific change that was made to your code or design can be frustrating, especially when it happens to affect other functionality. This frustration results in hours spent removing changes or searching for an edit that was made, but it doesn't have to be that way.


HubSpot COS Uploader being Sunsetted

A few years ago, HubSpot introduced the COS Uploader as a way developers and designers could work locally with files on the Content Optimization System. During INBOUND15 we introduced a new FTP that has the same functionality of the COS Uploader, but is bi-directional and allows you to use many of your favorite FTP clients.


In Beta - Design Manager Revision History

A new revisions dialogue is now in beta for templates, coded files and custom modules within the Design Manager. Now you can see when someone edits a template, coded file, or custom module and who it was that made the change. You can also see visual changes to the template, coded file or custom module directly from the revision history.


Schedule Email Dashboards For Your Team [Reporting Add-On]

Many teams rely on scheduled reporting emails to keep everyone in the loop on sales & marketing performance. Email Dashboards, a new feature of the HubSpot Reporting Add-On, allows you to schedule an email digest of any dashboard that will get sent to your team on a regular basis.


In Beta - Smart Content by Preferred Language

Your visitors aren’t one-size-fits-all. The languages you display content in, shouldn’t be either. Tailoring your customer experience so that fits every individual visitor, regardless of where they are visiting from, and in the language they use, improves every aspect of your inbound marketing and helps increase conversion rates.


Transactional Email: Single-Send API

Transactional email is the best way to send, and deliver, relationship-driven emails. But most transactional email is hard. If you want to customize individual transactional emails, it involves a significant amount of engineering time, and you may end up losing control over the email.


Refinements to Dashboard Sharing & Permissions

Using HubSpot's reporting add-on with HubSpot CRM or our marketing tools? We've made a number of refinements to the reporting dashboard.


HubSpot Connect- PandaDoc Product Update

We're excited to share an update on our latest CRM integration partner PandaDoc. Their software makes it easy to create, deliver, and eSign your team’s quotes, proposals, contracts, and other sales collateral right from HubSpot CRM. Built for sales team’s, PandaDoc can automate the sales approval process and save hours on every quote, proposal, and contract you send.

Ensure fast, error-free pricing with PandaDoc’s CPQ module. Replace printing, scanning, faxing, and snail mail with legally binding electronic signature software.


Easily Add Captcha to HubSpot Forms

As marketers it's our mission to generate leads for our sales team. But, we should aim to generate quality leads that come from real individuals and not necessarily bots or scripts.


Get Personalization Recommendations with Smart Content Insights

As marketers we understand the importance of relevance in communicating with prospects and customers. But getting started making those communications more relevant can be hard.


Compare Landing Page Performance

Your landing pages are crucial to a successful lead generation strategy. You may have two different landing pages with vastly different performance, but understanding each requires manual work. 


Clickmap Visualization - See where users are clicking in your emails

Knowing where users are clicking on your emails is extremely valuable. Do they prefer to click on links in the top, middle, or bottom? How many links are they clicking? Answers to these questions can be hard to get - until now.


Easily Manage and Analyze Content [Landing Page and Website Dashboard]

As marketers we need an easy way of organizing and creating pages, and separately, a way to find out how those pages are performing. Today we're happy to introduce the beta of new dashboards for Landing Pages and Website. Both dashboards have brand-new 'Manage' and 'Analyze' sections for quicly creating, organizing and manaing your content and separately measuring your content.


Learn More about Your Prospects with Dependent Form Fields

The best time to get information from a visitor is while their filling-in a form. With dependent form fields you can dynamically display additional questions based on the answer to the previous question.


Create Dependent Form Fields in HubSpot Forms

The best time to qualify and get relevant information from a prospect is when they're filling out a form. Starting today with Dependent Form Fields you can ask further qualifying questions based on previous answers.


Clone a HubSpot Campaign and Assets in One-Click

If you frequently run campaigns, cloning all the previous landing pages, emails, and other assets you've created can be a huge time saver. Today, we're happy to introduce one-click cloning of campaigns which will make a copy of the campaign and all assets within that campaign.


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