Product Updates > Meetings

[Now Live] Floating Notifications

What is it?
In HubSpot, you’ll now see a floating notification in real time at the top right of your screen when one of your teammates mentions you in an activity on a HubSpot CRM record.


[Now Live] Insight into “Not Sent” Sales and Marketing Emails

What is it?
Live for both Sales and Marketing emails, “Not Sent” notices on a HubSpot CRM contact timeline now include a specific reason for the failure to send.


[Now Live] Rotate Leads to Teams and Custom Owners

What is it?
Now live is the ability to both rotate leads to a Custom Owner (HubSpot user) property and rotate leads between a Team within Workflows.


[Now Live] Set Automatic Email Reminder for Meetings

What is it?
Now live is the ability to send automatic reminder emails to prospects who book meetings with you through your meetings link.


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