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[HubSpot Connect] - Rambl Integration

What does this integration partner do?
Rambl is a product that enables you to make calls and easily track results using the contact records from your HubSpot CRM.


[HubSpot Connect] - Socedo Integration

What does this integration partner do?
Socedo is a product that enables you to strategically generate leads on Twitter and automatically sync new corporate leads with your HubSpot CRM.


[New Video] March HubSpot Updates in Less Time Than a Coffee Break

March has been full of exciting updates here at HubSpot. In this video we'll walk you through a quick roundup of the most important features.


[HubSpot Connect] Map My Customers Integration

What does this integration partner do?
Map My Customers is a product that gives you a visual look into your data by mapping contacts, companies, or deals in your HubSpot CRM.


[Now Live] Meetings Integrates Better with the HubSpot Platform

No, this isn't a HubSpot Connect announcement, but it might as well be - our own Meetings app is integrating more deeply with the HubSpot platform to create a more cohesive user experience for you and your team.


[HubSpot Connect] - Salesmsg Integration

What does this integration partner do?
Salesmsg is a product that enables you to send and receive texts from within HubSpot.


[Now Live] Customize Your Product Offers with Increased Product Pricing Flexibility

Now live in HubSpot are three new features designed to give you more control over the pricing packages you offer to your customers. That means you now have more flexibility to create a product library that fits your business.


[HubSpot Connect] - HourStack Integration

What does this integration partner do?
HourStack is a time management product that provides a visual solution for keeping your HubSpot tasks organized.


[HubSpot Connect] - Kixie Integration

What does this integration partner do?
Kixie is a product that enables you to perform and log incoming and outgoing calls directly within your HubSpot CRM.


[HubSpot Connect] - Postalytics Integration

What does this integration partner do?
Postalytics is a product that enables you to send personalized letters and postcards to your leads and track mail deliverability within your HubSpot CRM.


[HubSpot Connect] - CallRail Integration

What does this integration partner do?
CallRail is a product that enables you to receive, record, and track inbound calls and text messages directly within your HubSpot CRM.


[ArcBright Integration has been Deprecated*]

*ArcBright is no longer a HubSpot app partner, but you can check out our App Marketplace to explore other integrations that you might find valuable.


What does this integration partner do?
ArcBright is a product that sends email reporting at custom, regular intervals straight to your or a coworker’s inbox using info from your HubSpot CRM.


[New Video] February HubSpot Updates in Less Time Than a Coffee Break

February has been full of exciting updates here at HubSpot. In this video we'll walk you through a quick roundup of the most important features.


[HubSpot Connect] - WooCommerce by MakeWebBetter Integration

What does this integration partner do?
WooCommerce by MakeWebBetter is an open source e-commerce plugin for WordPress made for online businesses.


[HubSpot Connect] - Dossier Integration

What does this integration partner do?
Dossier (by Onboardify) is a customer support product that helps you tackle and organize customer communications between HubSpot CRM and email.


[HubSpot Connect] - Kickbox Integration

What does this integration partner do?
Kickbox verifies your email addresses in HubSpot to ensure you only send email to real users and helps you separate the low-quality addresses from high-value contacts.


[HubSpot Connect] - Instapage Integration

What does this integration partner do?
Instapage lets you build custom landing pages and send leads to your HubSpot CRM.


[HubSpot Connect] - JustCall Integration

What does this integration partner do?
JustCall is a product that enables you to send, receive, record, and track calls and text messages directly within your HubSpot CRM.


[New Video] January HubSpot Updates in Less Time Than a Coffee Break

New year, new tools. There’s been a lot of exciting updates within HubSpot to kick off the new year. In this video we'll walk you through a quick roundup of some of the most important features.


[HubSpot Connect] - Rybbon Integration

What does this integration partner do?
Rybbon is a digital gift sending service. Their product enables you to send gifts, donations, and rewards to your customers via email from a workflow in HubSpot.


[Integrations] - Connect Integrations now availble to Free & Starter Customers

Marketing Free and Starter customers can now access and install third party integrations via HubSpot Connect. This update brings integrations to all levels of HubSpot users. To discover and install integrations go to our public listing page or view integrations in-app by clicking here.


3 Meetings Updates You Won’t Want to Miss...

As businesses grow, so does the need for customization and flexibility. Now you can work more productively with the latest updates to meetings -- all of which bring added customization and flexibility to your day.


Custom Meeting & Call Types in Sales Professional

Not all sales activities are created equal. Seeing that you’ve made 300 calls in a month, or had 100 meetings, is great --- but it doesn’t tell the whole story. Were they all introductory calls? Demos? Closing calls? Meetings to negotiate pricing and discounts?

Optimizing your process is all about getting specific with where your team is spending its time.

With today’s update, create custom types for your calls and meetings, set a type for each activity as you log it, and report on your activity types over time.


[New Video] November's HubSpot Updates in Less Time Than a Coffee Break

Just in time for the holiday season, your HubSpot portal's got a ton of new toys. In this video, we'll walk you through the best new features, from new sales tools to free SSL and beyond. 


Introducing Lessons, Bite-Size Learning Within HubSpot

You've likely heard the expression before that "practice makes perfect", or even read Malcom Gladwell's theory on "10,000 hours" that practice is an important component of learning, and ultimately mastery.


[HubSpot Connect] Qwilr Integration

What’s this integration partner do?

Qwilr is sales enablement software that allows teams to replace static presentations and PDF proposals with interactive and mobile friendly web pages.


[HubSpot Connect] Integration

What’s this integration partner do? is software that helps connect and automate actions between apps and CRMs like HubSpot. They offer simple workflows that perform common tasks associated with sharing data and automating tasks.


Put Theory Into Practice with Dynamic Exercises in HubSpot Certifications

At HubSpot we aim to help bridge the gap between learning, and doing. That’s why we’ve recently added practical exercises into our certification content to help our community put the theory into practice. These exercises are placed after educational content that describes the why and how of a topic, and they introduce the what in a few easy steps.


[Coming 11/13] A Better Way to Associate Activities to Deals

(11/13 update: these changes are now live)

On November 13, the way you associate your sales activities with your deals is getting a major upgrade. From that point forward, you'll have the ability to choose which notes, emails, calls, and meetings roll up to a deal timeline --- rather than having every activity automatically do so. In this article, we'll walk you through why we're making the change and how it works.


11-minute Recap of INBOUND Product Updates

It’s the most exciting time of the year at HubSpot. In September, we wrapped up our biggest INBOUND event yet --- more than twenty-one thousand people joined us in sunny Boston for a week of inspiration, education, and transformation. Michelle Obama, Brene Brown, John Cena, and dozens more graced the INBOUND stage.

As in years past, INBOUND marks peak product launch season at HubSpot. With that in mind, there’s a slew of new functionality in your HubSpot portal. In the video below, we'll run you through all of it, in less time than it takes to get a cup of coffee.


MagneticOne Mobile Integration

What’s this integration partner do?

MagneticOne Mobile creates mobile solutions for CRM users. They create products ranging from business card readers to phone trackers, for dozens of CRMs.

How does MagneticOne Mobile integrate with HubSpot?

With the new integration, easily sync business cards right into HubSpot CRM. Take a photo of a business card using your smartphone, and MagneticOne Mobile will automatically transfer all the relevant contact information into a brand new HubSpot contact. MagneticOne Mobile can recognize and read cards in over twenty-five languages. Even better, you can enrich the contact data you import. Quickly and easily add country phone code and text/voice notes, and save the location you met.


Three More updates for a Cleaner Timeline

Timelines in HubSpot are where you track every interaction an individual (or company/deal) has with your business. That’s right: every interaction. Page views, sales emails, list memberships, and over a dozen other things. That amount of info is incredibly powerful.

But, in truth, it can make the timeline incredibly overwhelming as well. For contacts with a ton of interactions, sorting through the timeline to find individual engagements is like trying to track down one specific kid at DisneyWorld. There’s plenty of awesome stuff, but it’s nearly impossible to find the thing you’re actually looking for.

With that in mind, in the last few months, we’ve made several changes aimed at making it easier to find what you’re looking for in HubSpot records. First, it was a rollup of all the pageviews in a specific session. Then, it was a new section for upcoming engagements, cordoned off from the rest of the timeline.

Today, we’ve got three more for you.


A Small Upcoming Change to Dashboard Emails

One of the best ways to keep your team u p to speed on the progress of your inbound  performance is by se tting up recurring emails of your HubSpot dashboards to all the key stakeholders in your company . In the last few weeks, the process for setting up and sending those emails in HubSpot has gotten more secure and streamlined. 

What's the change?

Recently, the Schedule a recurring email” feature was updated to allow dashboards to be sent only to users of your HubSpot portal. Starting on September 20 , 2017, any previously configured recurring dashboard emails scheduled to be sent to non-users of your portal will no longer be sent. 

A Slew of New Features for Filtering in HubSpot

Views in HubSpot CRM are your best way to get a quick glance at a set of contacts, companies, or deals. They help you organize and prioritize your process.

Today, views are getting an overhaul, with a goal of making them easier to manage and navigate, cleaner to create, and more flexible to share. Here’s the quick rundown:

  1. Views in HubSpot CRM are now called saved filters.
  2. Saved filters are now accessed via a full-screen management area, rather than a small sidebar dropdown.
  3. You can now favorite up to five saved filters, which will remain pinned to the left-hand sidebar.
  4. Creating a saved filter is now much more spacious. In addition, the five properties you use the most are now surfaced front-and-center when creating a saved filter.
  5. Saved filters can now be shared with a single team. Previously, they could only be private or shared with all.
  6. And finally, for the first time, saved filters are available in HubSpot Marketing, in addition to HubSpot CRM.

All your HubSpot Product Updates In Less Than 10-Minutes

Each month, we put together a short video highlighting the month's most exciting updates in your HubSpot portal. Here's the video from August.


Deal Sorting in HubSpot CRM

In sales, you need to see the most important things front and center. The more you have to search and scroll to find what you’re looking for, the less you’ll sell. Plain and simple.

With that in mind, over the past year, you’ve seen several updates aimed at making your CRM’s display more flexible, so that you spend less time searching: the ability to drag, drop, and reorder, and minimize cards on records, a clearer view of web interactions on the timeline, and more.

With today’s update, you can sort your deal board by any property you choose. Sort by amount to put your most valuable deals front and center, by owner to check in on your reps’ deals one-by-one, or whatever’s most important to your team.


Timeline API Extensions Now Available

What is it:
This enhancement to the the Timeline API allows integrators to extend their software into HubSpot via a modal window. When included, the integration will create a new event in HubSpot Marketing or CRM with a link, that when clicked will open a modal window (IFrame) into the partner’s software.

Get started with the New Timeline Documentation


Introducing Calendar-based Availability for Messages

How’d you like to chat with even more of your site visitors? The newest enhancement to messages will help you do just that.


Set Properties for Moving Between Deal Stages

As a sales leader, you need consistent data at every point in your sales process. The more consistent your data, the more predictable your outcomes, and the better you’ll be able to forecast your month, qualify your deals, and coach your reps. But in order to have consistent data, your team needs to have a consistent process.

With that goal in mind, with today’s update, you can ensure that all your reps are collecting the same information as they move deals through the pipeline. And, for those datapoints that are absolutely critical, you can require those properties to be completed before a deal jumps stages.


A Slew of New Reports for your HubSpot Dashboards

Reporting is the compass that keeps your inbound efforts headed in the right direction. The more deeply you can understand what’s worked in the past, the better you can optimize your future strategy for both your business's growth and your buyers' experience.

In the last few months, you got access to four new social media reports and five new contacts reports, to help you measure even more of your inbound results.

Today, we’re taking that a step further. Moving forward, you’ll have access to an entire library of dozens of out-of-the-box reports that can be added to any of your HubSpot dashboards with one click. No extra fees, no extra clicks, and a whole lot fewer Vlookups to run in Excel.


Now Available in Beta - Settings, Permissions & Teams

We’ve rebuilt the tools you use to manage users inside HubSpot from the ground up. You’ll find a number of awesome improvements (explained below), and a clean new design.


[New Video] June's Best HubSpot Product Updates

Just in the nick of time, here are this month's biggest HubSpot product updates in a neat and tidy six-minute video. 


More Flexible Filtering for your HubSpot Dashboards

Your reporting needs aren't one-size-fits-all, and your dashboards shouldn't be either.

With that in mind, today, your HubSpot dashboards just got a whole lot more flexible with two specific updates:

  1. You no longer need to set dashboard-level filters. With this update, you can now include individual reports with different date ranges, owner or pipeline filters, all in the same dashboard.

  2. If you use the reporting add-on, you can now filter your custom dashboards by owner and pipeline. Previously, those filters were only available on the default marketing and sales dashboards.


A New Analytics Engine to Power Your HubSpot data

You need fast, reliable, and trustworthy marketing data, so you can show the value of your marketing efforts and make better business decisions. With that in mind, over the last few months, we've completely rebuilt the back-end HubSpot analytics engine with the goal of providing you with even more robust and precise metrics.


LinkedIn Sales Navigator, meet HubSpot CRM

Bacon and eggs. Great combination. Peanut butter and jelly. Great combination. Rainy day and a movie. That too. Today, a new duo joins the fray: LinkedIn Sales Navigator and HubSpot CRM.


Call Queue to be removed from HubSpot CRM on July 10th

When we first built the call queue in HubSpot CRM, the goal was simple: create a tool that helped sales reps work more efficiently and in a more focused way. Over time, you've given us great feedback on the tool, and reviews have been mixed on how well it lives up to that goal.

It helps a sales team call leads faster, sure. But it lacks the flexibility to truly make a sales team more productive. Calling quicker is great, but what about emails and other to-dos? What if you want to set up multiple queues for different types of follow-up? What if you’re following up on a specific deal --- how does the call queue help you to track that down?

With that feedback as our north star, we launched a brand new productivity tool in HubSpot CRM called task queues. If you haven’t checked out task queues, here’s the gist: think of a task queue like a playlist for your tasks. Simply create a task queue for a certain category of to-dos - it could be based on time zone, territory, priority, or anything else you choose. Add tasks to the queue. Press play. Run through your tasks. That’s it.

In short, task queues is the future of getting things done in HubSpot CRM.

With that in mind, on July 10th, the call queue feature will be removed from the CRM.


[New Video] The Latest and Greatest in HubSpot Product

It's that time once again --- three exciting updates to the HubSpot product, in under five minutes. Give it a watch, and let us know what you think in the comments below.


HubSpot Introduces Live Chat Built For Sales Teams

Today, we unveiled messages, a new feature of HubSpot Sales Pro that lets you chat with site visitors in real time.


HubSpot Launches CRM Extensions API: With Partner PandaDoc

We're excited to introduce a new API, specific to our CRM, called CRM Extensions. This API lets developers build integrations that bring their data and functionality inside the HubSpot CRM. The API is now live, and two HubSpot Connect integration partners, PandaDoc and Seventh Sense, have already built CRM integrations on the new API.

CRM Extensions - Technical Documentation


[New Video] Your Need-to-Know Product Updates from April

The best ten minutes of your month are back again: a brand new (April Fool's) edition of the HubSpot product spotlight video is below. Use the chapters on the right-hand-side of the video to find the new features most relevant to your routine, and leave us your feedback using the feedback link.


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