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Dynamic Content

Build dynamic content using CRM objects or HubDB that makes updating content across your entire site quick and easy. Make a change in one place, and see that change reflected wherever you reference your data table.

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Scale Your Website With Dynamic Content

Go beyond creating a static website to create dynamic elements that meet your customers’ needs

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See why thousands of customers use HubSpot for dynamic content creation.

Dynamic content -- fueled by data -- that meets the needs of your growing business.

  1. HubDBIMG1

    Scale your digital presence with data-driven content.

    Managing dynamic content across your website doesn’t have to be difficult.

    Whether you want to create an event listing, a product catalog, or an employee listing, HubSpot makes the process of updating content across your site simple. Any marketer can update information within your HubDB table or on a CRM object, and publish updates to anywhere the data is referenced across your site in just a few clicks. 

    Each dynamic page includes its own unique, SEO-friendly URL, and offers page-specific analytics so you can monitor the performance of your content like you would any other page hosted on CMS Hub.

  2. HubDBIMG2

    A lightweight database to store your content.

    When you use the HubDB API, it is easy for developers to set marketers up for success.  

    Create your first table and easily define the structure of your data through columns that fit your business needs. Your marketer can quickly add rows, update column cells natively within HubSpot, or you can leverage the HubDB API. Reference your data table on any page using HubL, or, fetch data from your table using the HubDB API for use anywhere. As you continue to make updates to your data table, those changes will automatically be reflected across any page or module that references the table.

    With your data table in place marketers can now take ownership of the data within the table, ensuring your  website is constantly up to date.

  3. HubDBIMG3

    Control access to your data.

    HubSpot CRM holds a wealth of information about your business. We make sure that you have granular control over who has access to your data, who can make updates to your CRM records or HubDB tables, and how these tables can be updated.

    Within user permissions, you can control everything from who has access to HubDB or specific object fields, to who can publish changes to a HubDB table. You can also set ‘write only’ permissions so you can review changes to a HubDB table before they go live.

    Control how data is updated within your HubDB table. Turn on or off public API access based on your business’ needs, and determine whether or not you want every row within your HubDB table to create its own dynamic page. With HubSpot, you have total control over your dynamic content.

Dynamic content provides the power you need, with the flexibility you crave.

Use CMS Hub to regain control over your website -- so your team can focus on customer experiences, not website management.

See why over 113,000 customers use HubSpot to make marketing more human at scale.