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Site Search

Keep Visitors Engaged With Your Content

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Turning Visitors into Engagements

Built for the professional marketer, site search lets your visitors find and easily engage with your content - at no additional cost.

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See how site search can improve your visitor engagement.

Your content is only powerful if its findable

  1. Scale your content

    You've spent time creating remarkable content and driving traffic to your site. Once someone finds your site, keep them there by making sure they're able to find the exact piece of content they're looking for. Site search indexes all of your HubSpot hosted content as soon as you press publish, and uses full-text matching to make it easy for your visitors to navigate through your website.
  2. No Hassle Implementation

    Adding search to your site is as simple as dragging a module onto your page, and publishing a new template. HubSpot's Site Search was built with the marketer in mind, so you can start increasing your visitor engagement quickly and easily.
  3. Included with the HubSpot CMS

    No integrations, no extra costs, no headaches.

    Site search is included with the HubSpot CMS. Because search is tied to your CMS, your content will automatically be indexed as soon as you press publish. No need to wait for your content to be crawled by a third party service - it just works.

All-in-One Inbound Marketing Software for Your Entire Team


Publish relevant, engaging, conversion-optimized content with tools that speed up creation, keep formatting consistent, and make it easy to optimize for search.

Landing Pages

Launch landing pages that look perfect across devices, add forms optimized for completion in one click, and automatically change content based on who's viewing your page.


Create stunning email templates, automatically personalize subject lines and content for each recipient, and run A/B tests to improve open rates and clickthroughs.

Marketing Automation

Let your leads find their own path to purchase to close more deals. With marketing automation, you can use each lead's behavior to tailor emails, content, offers, and outreach at scale.

Lead Management

Access each contact's information and see every interaction you've already had. Use this data to create hyper-targeted campaigns that close more deals.


Gain insight into your entire customer journey to see which marketing assets are working the hardest. Use multi-touch revenue attribution to show how marketing impacts the bottom line.


Separate all your marketing assets by team so every user has access to the right content.

Social Media

Monitor brand mentions and relevant conversations, track engagements automatically, and schedule your social posts to be published when the right people will see them.


Plan your content strategy around topics that will elevate your authority in search engines, get as-you-type optimization advice as you're creating content, and measure real SEO ROI with integrated analytics.


Design CTAs visitors can't help but click, know who clicks which CTAs, and measure performance to optimize clickthrough rates over time.


Track the ROI of your Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Google advertising with precision, and stop struggling to justify your paid ad spend.

Salesforce Integration

Bi-directional sync with Salesforce means a record of every email open, CTA click, and form submission is at your fingertips. Use this data to score leads and create segmented lists.

Start Growing With HubSpot Today

Use HubSpot to streamline your marketing by bringing your team, tools, and data together in one place.

See why over 184,000 customers use HubSpot to make marketing more human at scale.