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Mobile Inbox

Increase collaboration and boost efficiency with a mobile inbox that allows your customer service team to view and solve customer issues on the go.

  • Seamlessly integrate the mobile inbox with the HubSpot CRM

  • Enable asynchronous collaboration within your support team

  • Easily share snippets and knowledge base articles with customers

  1. Provide excellent service anywhere, anytime.

    The future of work is flexible, and your team should be, too. Deliver excellent service from anywhere easily and instantly with HubSpot's mobile inbox.

    Access tickets and conversations, and collaborate with your team, all on your phone. The mobile inbox offers collaboration tools and efficiency-boosting features, all integrated with the HubSpot CRM, so your team can stay productive and in sync on the go.


  1. Access what you need, when you need it.

    Are you out of the office or on the go? You can still deliver excellent service. Access tickets and collaborate with your team instantly. Associate contacts with conversations, create tickets on an existing conversation, forward emails, and edit contact and ticket properties. You can also search and filter previous conversations to get all the context you need.
  2. Enjoy seamless asynchronous collaboration.

    Struggling to collaborate in a world of remote work? You can still remain aligned with your team. Keep everyone in the loop with @mentions, comments, and email forwarding. Be alerted if a fellow agent is viewing the same thread to avoid duplicative work.
  3. Improve team productivity and efficiency.

    Long to-do list and short on time? No sweat. Insert snippets and knowledge base articles in replies on mobile to answer customer questions on the go. To keep your inbox clean, close or assign conversations without going into the conversation thread view. Mark messages as spam or block senders right from the app.

Have questions? Give us a call and we'll walk you through it.

+1 857-829-5060

Anytime you have a more robust picture of a customer, your interactions with the customer are going to be better. HubSpot gives us that complete picture.


Director of Customer Success

Studio Designer

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Learn how to access the mobile inbox, respond to an open conversation, add a comment for another team member, and reassign a conversation to another team member here

  • HubSpot’s mobile inbox is part of Service Hub, and you can get started with it for free. If you want more advanced features to help automate and scale your support operations, HubSpot offers premium features with Starter, Professional, and Enterprise editions.

  • Mobile inbox is included in the HubSpot mobile app for iOS and Android and will be ready to use as soon as you install it on your device. Create a free HubSpot account, and you’ll be ready to go.