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16 Templates For The Sales Follow Up Email

Every month, as we all know too well, the sales clock resets.

How we performed last month is put behind us, and it’s all about this month. We either contact new clients or … begin our cadence of follow up emails.

Problem is, it’s much too easy to send a generic, “just checking-in” follow up email.

That said, the process of contacting a prospect can be overwhelming. When do we follow up? How do we maintain contact without being a pest? What do we say? Why aren’t they answering me?!

Spend less time scheduling follow up meetings. Use our free meetings scheduling  tool and save tons of time.

We have a handful of awesome email templates from our top salespeople that can help with some of that uncertainty.

Follow Up Email Subject Lines


Before jumping into the templates, let's review some follow up email subject line examples that actually get our emails opened. The following sales subject lines have been used by our top sales professionals at HubSpot to achieve high email open rates.

After No Response

  • Still any interest in our service?
  • Any updates for us?
  • It takes two to tango
  • Let's cut to the chase

After Trigger Event

  • Please discussing future goals today
  • Ideas for your launch
  • Question about new product feature
  • Thoughts about [title of blog post]

General Follow Up

  • How can we improve your [business goal]?
  • 10 free tactics to increase [objective]
  • Let's have a 10 min call on this?
  • [name], quick question
  • [name] recommended we chat

16 Follow Up Email Templates


Use Case: After A Meeting

You just nailed your client call. They were hanging on your every word, even finishing your sentences. And now your head is already dancing with thoughts about how you'll spend that commission check.

Fast forward three months ... and that same client isn’t returning your calls or responding to your emails. Now what?

Here are two follow up emails you can send.

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Use Case: After A Trigger Event 

If you notice that a prospect is re-opening my email or proposal, you can send the email below. Using HubSpot's free sales tools, you can get notifications whenever a prospect opens your email. Sound useful? It is. One of our customers closed a $100,000 deal from capitlizing on an email notification.

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Get over two dozen pre-written email templates and a tool to automate your process, for free.

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Use Case: Turning 522 Emails Into $4 Million in Revenue

Bryan Kreuzberger, Founder of BreakthroughEmail, was hired by a consulting agency to help close their pipeline filled with world-class, Fortune 1000 companies: Google, AT&T, Toyota, etc. He had a list of 522 companies to work with, but the agency had a problem: they weren't closing any sales.

Instead of spamming companies with the same ineffective email template, Bryan made a few small tweaks to their sales process.

They saw an 80% email open rate, earning $4,386,000 in additional revenue.

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Use Case: Get an 80% Response Rate After A Voicemail

Send this sales follow up email after you leave a voicemail to increase your chances of hearing back. Like the last follow up, this email also has an 80% response rate within 24 hours.

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Use Case: After A Trade Show, Conference, or Networking Event

This follow up works after a trade show, conference, or networking event relevant to your core business product or service.

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Use Case: First Follow Up Email

Keep my sales follow up emails simple, short, and useful, with a focus on setting up a meeting.

Below, are a series of follow up emails you can use from this first follow up to the break up email. You can automate all your follow ups by using Sequences one of the many tools in the HubSpot Sales toolbox. Learn more about automating your follow up emails.

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Use Case: Follow Ups To Your Follow Ups

Persistence pays off when it comes to sales follow up emails. The first follow up often doesn’t do the trick, so we have to be prepared for all the follow ups thereafter.

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If that doesn't work, try this third follow up email. By the way, if your prospect does want to set up a meeting, save both of your the trouble of emailing back and forth to find a good time. Use HubSpot's Meeting tool to easily let prospects conveniently book time on your calendar.

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Still got nothing? Don't be discouraged. Remember: 80% of sales require at least five follow ups. So here’s a fourth follow up email template.

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Use Case: The Break Up Email

At this point, we need to continue our conversation or end it all together. Continuing on wastes our time and simply annoys our prospect. It might be time for the break up email.

By the way, you can get over a dozen free customizable email templates along with free sales acceleration tools. Just sign up for HubSpot's free sales tools to get them.

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A growing strand of one-way emails can quickly become a big waste of time, and we have to realize when it’s time to get out of a one-sided relationship:

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We can always rely on the direct, no BS break up email as well.

If someone doesn't respond to Bryan Kreuzberger's second or third follow-up emails, he sends a final follow-up which has a 76% response rate. Bryan swears by it, claiming it's his best-performing email of all time:

"No matter how many variations I try, I can't match the results of the 'Permission to close your file?' email template."

Here we go:

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Ready to Give Your Sales Follow-Up Performance a Boost?

Equip yourself with tools that let you focus on the important things

Get dozens of email templates and a free tool to help automate your outreach.

Turn your most effective and repetitive sales emails into templates you can access inside your inbox and share with your team.

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