Expanding Services:
Service Hub Edition

How to grow clients better with customer experience services.

Why is Expanding Into Customer Experience Services Valuable?

Customer feedback dashboard

Customers have a wealth of choices, which means competition is stiffer than ever. Because customers have so many options to buy a product or service, the power is in their hands to decide where they do business.

With this shift in power, there isn’t any room to neglect customers or deliver poor experiences. Failure to do so can result in churned customers. Succeeding in customer experience can lead to more growth, without having to acquire net new customers.


Increasing customer retention rates by just 5% increases profits anywhere from 25% to 95% (source)

Out of all self-service channels, customers use knowledge bases the most (source)

92% of consumers are satisfied with live chat, making it the highest-rated engagement channel (source)

To Get Started, Let’s First Learn The Inbound Service Fundamentals

In this HubSpot Academy Lesson you’ll learn:

  • The inbound service framework
  • How to develop a customer journey map
  • How to engage the modern customer
  • How to guide customers to success using content
  • How to grow clients through customer advocacy
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Now That You Know the Framework, What Services Can You Offer?

Explore _ Map-1

Foundational Services

  • Develop a customer journey map
  • Install HubSpot Service Hub
  • Reporting Setup
Account ready-4

Customer Experience Design Services

  • Add communication channels
  • Setup single inbox
  • Train client on single inbox
  • Setup ticket system
  • Train client on ticket system
  • Live chat and chatbot training
Content Strategy-4

Self-Service Solution Creation Services

  • Self-service as part of customers journey mapping
  • Knowledge base design and setup
  • Article creation
  • Continuously update knowledge base articles
  • Knowledge base reporting, assessment, and improvement
NPS Question-1

Feedback and Advocacy Services

  • Setup customer listening (NPS, CES, 3-point survey)
  • Analyze and share findings
  • Change management based on survey data
  • Advocate identification
  • Develop promoter advocacy programs

How to Price and Package These Services


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For help with pricing and packaging these services, HubSpot offers a few useful options:

  1. Take the Grow Accounts Better with Service Hub Academy lesson.
  2. Read our Guide to Partner Services with HubSpot
  3. Take our new Pricing and Packaging Services academy lesson
  4. Use our newPricing and Packaging Services Tool
  5. Reach out to your CAM after you've gone through the pricing and packaging tool workbook

How Do You Deliver These Services? Using HubSpot Service Hub.

Service Hub includes a full suite of tools that help you deliver a positive customer experience. Below are the tools and features that enable you to deliver customer support/service and experience services.

Getting Started with Service Hub

These helpful resources will provide you with the foundational information you'll need to know about Service Hub and the features included that will help you deliver your customer experience services.
Powering Up Your Account
The Guide to Getting Started with Service Hub
How to Setup Service Hub academy lesson

Understanding Service Hub


Customer service software that makes it easy to manage and connect with customers, and truly help them succeed. You’ll make customers happier, keep them longer, and grow your business faster. With help desk, live chat, feedback surveys, knowledge base, and CRM - you’ll have everything you need to exceed customer expectations. For more information, check out our Service Hub Positioning Guide

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More Revenue. Customer service isn’t a sunk cost. It’s an opportunity. B2B customers with high customer engagement scores achieve 50% higher revenue/sales (Gallup’s Guide to Customer Centricity Report, 2016). You need a proactive approach to helping your customers - and software that makes this possible.

Respond faster, and better. Using live chat, conversations inbox and HubSpot CRM, you’ll have all of your customers’ information at your fingertips. Use information about a customer’s history, service issues, and more to help guide conversations and support.

Improve team productivity. Use team-wide email aliases that automatically turn incoming emails into tickets, HubSpot video to record short help videos, customer templates and routing/automation to save your team time.

Customer Fit:

Service Hub is a great fit for current customers who are not entrenched in a helpdesk software solution already or non-customers who use HubSpot CRM and aren’t entrenched in helpdesk software. For more information check out our Customer Fit and Persona Document
Service reporting dash

Service Hub Resources

All the resources you need to market, position, sell and deliver customer experience services with Service Hub.

Marketing Resources

  1. Service Hub Positioning Guide
  2. Download and use product screenshots
  3. Product overview video
  4. Customer testimonial quotes
  5. 14 customer retention strategies - blog
  6. 10 FAQ page examples - blog
  7. What is inbound customer service? - blog
  8. Service Hub product video
  9. Service Hub case studies
Customer feedback dashboard




Sales Enablement Resources

  1. Battlecard
  2. Alternative comparisons and reviews
  3. Service Hub pitch deck
  4. Growth Platform deck
  5. Why Go HubSpot?
  6. Features comparison one-sheeter
  7. Service Hub overview deck
  8. Customer case study video
  9. Customer case study blog
  10. Prospecting email and voicemail template
  11. Which Service Hub plan is the right fit? [one-sheeter]