Manufacturing - Industry Best Practices

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Manufacturing is the production of goods through the use of labor, machines, tools, and chemical or biological processing or formulation. Examples are 3D printing, packaging and labeling, selling of parts, selling of machines.

Case Studies

Blue Ink Technology

Signing up with HubSpot has given them the ability to make data-driven decisions as they are able to visualize data from reports that are based on the KPIs they want to track. They can see where leads are coming from and keep track of how many times each lead is being contacted.

Bell Performance

"We have upgraded to HubSpot Sales Pro and all of our team relies on it to deliver our centralized view of the customer and our relationships. HubSpot CRM extends our ability to understand how and when to deliver value for our contacts. It is just how we do business now.”

MMLJ Manufacturing

When someone is thinking about buying a machine to start a business, they can find articles about everything from picking the right machine to how to price different jobs. This helps them feel more comfortable making choices and more inspired to move forward.

HubSpot Benefits for Manufacturers

Beat Other Manufacturers in Search

Choosing the right manufacturer is a large commitment with lots of options. Leverage educational and helpful content to attract prospective customers or distributors to your website over your competitors'.

Nurture Companies, Store-Fronts, or Distributors

Not every lead you generate will be ready to sign, you need to build trust with your prospects all along your sales cycle. Leverage automation to follow-up and nurture leads after trade shows or product sheet/white paper downloads.

Segment and Track All of Your Personas

Store all your data in one place to make it easy to understand the full lifecycle and every touch-point of a prospective customer or distributor. Easily segment messaging by persona (distributors vs. store-fronts) or by SKU of interest.

Make Up/Cross-sell Simple

Up-cross sell your current customer or distribution base on new products or SKUs with ease using segmented lists, trigger-based emails, and our seamless CRM integrations.

Challenges They Face

Lack of concrete processes; the selling & marketing of products typically do not follow best practices. Pitch hubspot as "A 6 Sigma solution for sales, marketing, and customer service"

Manufacturing is an "old school" business; find someone with a growth mindset or be prepared to educate the team.

Disparate locations & lack of communication between plants. It may be hard to track down the right POC to contact. Work with sales or look at the deal to learn who was involved.

Marketing Hub: Tool Adoption

  • The best content for manufacturers is educational
  • Manufacturers need to teach prospects how to improve their process while weaving their product into the story

Example: An industrial sewing machine company may make videos teaching boutique owners how to mass produce jeans.

  • Chat Bots - Target specific lists with chatbots. 

  • Email - Send emails that rely on industry or personas to ensure content is relevant.

  • Lifecycle Stage - When hosting a trade show, existing customers should receive different content than prospects. 

  • Engineers - In charge of ensuring production quality and continuously improving manufacturing process. they are often interested in learning how to deliver cost savings for their employer.
  • Purchaser - Goal is to minimize spend, can be a real "stick in the mud".  Also interested in cost savings & managing the supply chain. Responds to good customer service.
  • Shop floor manager - Oversees machine productivity, usually looks for products that can improve the quality of life for their team.

  • Churn prediction workflows - nudge customers with educational content when their engagement drops 

  • Lead Routing - Forward leads to reps based on product page views

  • Trade Shows - Automate all manual follow-up 

Recommended Content

Inbound Marketing for Manufacturers

Great write up on inbound marketing and how this industry can benefit from it. It includes a sales call script as well.

How to do Inbound for Manufacturing

Square2Marketing shares their thoughts on how to best do inbound for clients in this industry.

How inbound fuels growth

Tank New Media shares thoughts on how manufacturing companies can fuel their growth using inbound.

Frequently Asked Questions

HubSpot's manufacturing customers are able to use hubspot to prevent leads from slipping through the cracks, keep track of your best customers and prevent competition from stealing your business while gaining mindshare with your distribution networks by automating enablement.

HubSpot is easier than our competitors, we typically set up hubspot to benet your reps without them knowing it. Our implementation team can help you mold hubspot to align with your process. You're reps will need to do SOME set up work, but will be able to coast afterwards.

Our customers are able to modify permissions by role or team. They also prevent hubspot from tracking some internal communications.

Yes! Our tradeshow heavy clients use HubSpot to automate manual follow up in addition to increasing and tracking trade-show ROI

HubSpot can still be used to automate your existing business processes, as long as you don't expect to increase site traffic, you will be able to use hubspot to leverage your existing business.

We also have a network of certified partners who can help you as well.


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