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Stripe Offer for HubSpot for Startups Customers

We have partnered with Stripe to bring our community an offer you won't find anywhere else! HubSpot for Startups customers get waived Stripe fees on your first -or- next $20,000 in payment processing.

About the Offer

Stripe simplifies payments for the HubSpot for Startups community. Whether you’re creating a subscription service, an on-demand marketplace, or an e-commerce store, Stripe’s payments platform helps you build and scale your business online.

Members of the HubSpot for Startups community get access to the following special offer from Stripe:
Regular Stripe Offer

HubSpot for Startups Offer

Core Processing Discount
$20,000 USD (discounted processing)
Priority Betas and Special Event Access
Discounted Atlas Incorporation Access

Ready to get started? Sign up with Stripe now.

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About Stripe

Stripe helps you launch and scale. Hyper-growth is hard. Every minute spent away from your product, customers or service, is a minute lost. Our solution frees you up to focus on your core business. Read on to learn how our products help startups at all stages of growth.