"Using HubSpot's team management, reporting, and outreach capabilities allowed us to quickly pivot and adapt."

Discover Storefront's startup success story.
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  1. Customer Success Stories Meet Graphic (21)

    Meet Nicholas, Head of Marketing at Storefront

    This Paris-based startup is the world's largest marketplace for flexible retail.

What is Storefront?

Storefront is the world's largest marketplace for flexible retail. We match brands with spaces anywhere in the world for their short-term needs.

The Storefront platform is an automated marketplace that allows users to search for and book their preferred venue filtered by location, price, type, and a wide range of other relevant attributes.

In addition to the marketplace, we run a personalized concierge service that uses our experts' industry knowledge to help clients find the perfect location, negotiate the best deals, and provide additional services to ensure each project is as successful as possible.

"We believe the future of retail is flexible. Flexible and experiential. Short term is the new long term."

How does your company think about growth?

Growth, and showing growth, is critical to a business like Storefront. The emphasis of the entire business is on reaching new prospective customers, growing our relationships with new customers, and expanding our proposition.

What are some of your greatest achievements since founding your company?

Very quickly we took the Storefront proposition to a global market. We have offices in four time zones and thousands of venues spread across the world. We have worked with a ton of different names, big and small.

As a result of the Covid-19 crisis, we have pivoted and changed our short-term focus to larger organizations and institutional landlords. This has been highly successful and has allowed us to ride out the downturn the rest of the industry has experienced.

"We have established Storefront as the leading voice in the debate about flexible retail."

Over time we were featured in numerous industry news articles and debates. We have quickly and effectively launched a number of supporting propositions—such as Virtual Reality Stores, which have broadened our reach, increased our revenue, and strengthened our reach.

How did HubSpot help you to achieve those goals? 

HubSpot allowed us to operate in a centralized manner even though we are spread across the world. The contact and relationship management is intuitive so sales and marketing can work semi-autonomously with fewer bottlenecks. This helped with our ongoing acquisition activities, in spreading of our thought leadership, and launching new propositions.

"Having a centralized approach and using HubSpot's team management, reporting, and outreach capabilities allowed us to quickly pivot and adapt our business strategy in face of the pressures of Covid-19."

What is the most valuable aspect of HubSpot?

Sequences allow our sales teams to effectively and consistently engage with leads and customers with positive content and automatically share the best practices with all their colleagues.

What is your advice to other founders who struggle to prioritize marketing and sales?

Focus on the audience. Define who that audience is, what their challenges are, and what you need to say to them.

"Develop the need and then show your value. Be positive and consistent. Don't just focus on yourself and what you are able to do."

What is your advice to fellow HubSpot for Startups customers?

HubSpot gives businesses transparency and visibility on all activities. This helps you to see what's working and what isn't.

"A startup's greatest strengths are its flexibility and agility."

Without visibility to make decisions you immediately lose half your strength.

Be your own success story.

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Customer Success Stories Meet Graphic (23)

Special thanks to Storefront's partner program, XAnge.

Programs like XAnge partner with HubSpot for Startups to help their startups grow better.

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