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Scaling Klaviyo from $60m to $700m ARR with Ryan Meadows SVP Global Sales

Ryan Meadows of Klaviyo shares insights into prioritizing the customer’s needs and building an effective sales force from his experience as an instrumental sales leader.



Is it possible to break the mold and simultaneously expand both markets and products to scale your business? It can be as long as you have the right strategies and leadership in place to drive success. Startups should focus on optimizing their messaging for distinct customer segments and paying attention to metrics that reflect customer satisfaction and not only revenue. With these strategies in mind, it’s possible to scale effectively and sustainably no matter what market you’re in.

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Key Takeaways and Calls to Action

In a recent episode of "The Science of Scaling" podcast, Mark interviewed Ryan Meadows, SVP of global sales at Boston-based Klaviyo—an automated eCommerce SMS and email marketing platform. Mark and Ryan discussed the company’s impressive growth from $60 million to over $700 million in ARR. Klaviyo’s scaling journey offers invaluable lessons. Ryan talks about prioritizing customer value, fostering cross-functional collaboration, strategic team transitions, and leveraging technology. By adopting these strategies, your organization can scale sustainably and satisfy your customers as effectively as Klaviyo has.

 Ryan’s extensive experience in integrated marketing, lead generation, and marketing automation has served him well in his roles in Klayvio, as well as his past roles as Senior Director of Sales for Zaius,  and GM in Japan and Principal Manager in the DACH market for HubSpot. Ryan knows as well as anyone and better than most how to put together the most effective sales team to produce high-impact results. 

Here are key insights and actionable takeaways from Ryan’s interview that can serve as a guide for scaling successfully.

Leadership-Only Stand-Ups for Fast Learning

Klaviyo’s strategic leadership-only stand-ups involve 8-10 key people from crucial departments. These bi-weekly meetings focus on updating initiatives and quickly learning from new product launches.


  • Schedule bi-weekly stand-ups with key stakeholders to share updates, learn quickly, and stay aligned on goals.

Prioritizing Customer Value Over Traditional Metrics

Klaviyo considers customer value data more critical than traditional revenue metrics. Identifying customer response and value creation is foundational before scaling.


  • Establish milestones based on customer feedback and engagement.
  • Focus on metrics that reflect customer satisfaction rather than just revenue.

Strategic Product Incubation

Before scaling, Klaviyo incubates new products with a small team to refine and troubleshoot, ensuring they are market-ready.


  • Start with a small, agile team to test new products.
  • Use pilot programs to gather feedback and iterate quickly.
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Cross-Functional Collaboration

Ryan emphasized the necessity of collaborative cross-functional conversations to keep dependencies clear and roles well-defined.


  • Schedule regular cross-functional meetings.
  • Clearly define roles and responsibilities.
  • Use integrated tools for seamless communication and data sharing.

Strategic Sales Rep Selection

Klaviyo’s early-stage product launches are managed by sales reps selected for their high business acumen, adaptability, and intrinsic motivation.


  • Choose sales reps with strategic thinking and high adaptability.
  • Provide ongoing training and career advancement opportunities.

Messaging Optimization and Feedback Utilization

According to Ryan, Klaviyo optimizes messaging for distinct customer segments and utilizes tools like Gong for call analysis and feedback.


  • Tailor messaging to different customer segments.
  • Conduct regular reviews and refinements.
  • Use tools for detailed feedback analysis.

Consistency in Customer Experience

To ensure consistent customer messaging across teams, Klaviyo undertook major enablement projects.


  • Invest in enablement projects for unified messaging.
  • Maintain thorough documentation and training materials.

Effective Team Transitions

Ryan explained that Klaviyo ensures smooth transitions from the Newco team closing deals to the customer growth team handling adoption and cross-selling.


  • Establish clear handoffs and documented processes.
  • Provide transition support to maintain customer satisfaction.

Dual Expansion Strategies

Klaviyo’s strategy involved simultaneous market and product expansion, contrary to the common sequential approach, driving substantial growth.


  • Assess the feasibility of simultaneous market and product expansion.
  • Develop balanced growth strategies accommodating both.

Overcoming Challenges with Integration

Klaviyo addressed integration challenges with deliberate strategies to unify communications and systems between sales and customer success teams.


  • Invest in integration tools for unified data platforms.
  • Establish robust communication protocols.
  • Utilize efficiency-enhancing tools to eliminate manual errors.


Note: The insights shared in this podcast were initially distilled through advanced AI summarization technologies, with subsequent refinements made by the writer and our editorial team to ensure clarity and engagement.

About "The Science of Scaling" Podcast

Every week during a season, host Mark Roberge—co-founder and Managing Director at Stage 2 Capital and a senior lecturer at the Harvard Business School—interviews some of the tech industries most successful and renown leaders and managers in the areas of sales growth and Go-to-Market strategy. This is a HubSpot for Startups original podcast, and part of HubSpot's Podcast network. It's available on Apple, Spotify, and anywhere you get podcasts.


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