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The intersectionality of the LGBTQIA+ community crosses a diverse spectrum of races, genders, and identities. There is no "one" kind of founder, entrepreneur, or investor that is a part of this community. However, there are certain challenges faced by these individuals that do transcend the challenges of others.

In cases of founders like Jennifer Williams—an Afro-Latina bisexual woman who founded the DEI tech startup Diversd—as soon as she walks into an investor pitch meeting, her race and gender become a factor (good or bad) in how she's received. If it's ever revealed that she's also part of the LGBTQ community, a whole new dynamic is introduced.

LGBTQ founders

In our ongoing "Diverse Founder Series," HubSpot for Startups will bring you an ongoing series of stories from LGBTQ+ founders and investors and the lessons they've gleaned. Their stories are not always specifically tied to their identity. Sometimes it'll just be the story of a successful founder on investor who just happens to be in the LGBTQ+ community. Their businesses are not always defined by their identity.

Regardless of whether or not you're in this community, we think you'll find these stories inspiring.

Eran Amir grew up in Israel where he studied computer science and business. After 25 years in the tech world, and reaching the milestone age of 40 years, as a gay man he realized that if he wanted to start a family, he'd have to use a surrogacy. But his insurance at the time informed him that because he was gay, surrogacy benefits and expense would not be covered.

As is often the case in tech company origin stories, Eran decided to solve this problem by starting a company that could tackle the problems that both gay and straight couples face when attempting to find a surrogate. And GoStork was born.

How HubSpot and HubSpot for Startups helps GoStork Grow

GoStork is the largest fertility marketplace paired with personalized concierge services that match you with the best fertility providers for your unique journey. In this video, CEO and founder Eran Amir shares how he was inspired to start GoStork after experiencing both financial and logistical challenges he and his partner had with surrogacy.

He goes on to share how HubSpot's Marketing and Sales Hubs helped them grow contracts 11-fold in just two years.

Jennifer Williams started Diversd to Use AI to Help DEI Efforts

AI is huge and here to stay. And it can be used in a number of areas to help businesses grow. There's one little problem. The underlying tech was developed with cisgender white men in mind. That can cause problems for an organization's DEI efforts. Jennifer Williams started Diversd as a way to combat those issues with technology-based solutions.

Micah Marquez of Deviant Events

Deviant Events (some images NSFW) is a unique event production company dedicated to creating positive, uplifting, and healthy spaces for those in the LGBTQ+ community. They plan, produce, and promote everything from game nights, to dance parties (they even sell their own card game). Their message of body positivity and embracing queer communities of color have helped grow the company exponentially in the past few years. This is a nearly an hour-long conversation with the founder where he shares his personal story, the accomplishments, what they do, and their hopes for the future.  Part of the HubSpot for Starts Founder Stories Webinar series with Ron Dawson (HSFS content strategist) and Otto Pohl of the Otto Awards.

Alison Greenberg executive headshot

Ruth Health CEO & Co-founder Alison Greenberg

Alison Greenberg, Co-founder and CEO of Ruth Health, is making maternal telehealth more accessible and comfortable for women.

Read her story read her story

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