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Marketing and sales teams that take an ABM approach together can be up to 6% more likely to exceed their revenue goals than teams that are less ABM-advanced.

The Ultimate Guide to Account-Based Marketing

Learn how to identify and reach high-value
customers with the most effective ABM tactics and

Looking for ways to upgrade your ABM strategy? Check out HubSpot’s collection of ABM apps.

Personal Exercise Questions

Do your marketing and sales teams have shared yearly goals? 

  • If yes, how often are those visited and reported on?
  • If no, consider using HubSpot's SLA template to help kickstart those conversations.


HubSpot customers with Marketing and Sales Hub who use workflows close an average of 508% more deals than those who do not.

Ready to build out your buyer personas?

HubSpot’s Make My Persona tool makes this process fun and interactive for everyone on your team.


Forty-three percent of sales and marketing professionals said "lack of accurate/shared data on target accounts and prospects" was the biggest challenge when aligning sales and marketing departments.

An all-in-one CRM platform can help you bridge the gap between marketing and sales by centralizing information about your existing customer base, current sales opportunities, and the goals or milestones on each team’s radar.

The Ultimate Guide to Account-Based Marketing

Learn how to identify and reach high-value
customers with the most effective ABM tactics and

Chapter 08

Additional Resources for Partners


Additional Resources

Below is a list of helpful resources we've curated from both HubSpot as well as other educational sources from around the internet. Some resources are only available for you as a partner, while others are external-facing for you to share with your team, prospects and/or your customers.

Government Resources:ResourceResource (1)Resource (2)

HubSpot Resources:Resource (3)Resource (4)Resource (5)Resource-1Resource (1)-1

Industry Resources:1-Jun-08-2023-06-42-34-9652-PM2-Jun-08-2023-06-43-00-5669-PM3-Jun-08-2023-06-44-49-9379-PM4-Jun-08-2023-06-45-01-3615-PM5-Jun-08-2023-06-45-17-9517-PM