HubSpot Web Guides

APF: The Artificial Intelligence Tech Landscape

Written by Justin Graci | Jun 8, 2023 7:58:52 PM

To provide a quick introduction to artificial intelligence and the contents of this guide, it's helpful to first understand the technology landscape.

According to a report by LXA, the global AI market is projected to reach $190.61 billion by 2025. Moreover, there are estimated to be 8.4 billion AI-powered digital assistants in existence by 2024, which underscores the rapid pace of technological change.

And while we will focus this guide mostly on generative AI, there is a massive number of categories in which AI technologies fall in beyond just generative AI. As depicted in the 2023 MAD landscape, there are 1,416 logos on this year's landscape map, compared to 139 in 2012.

This growth presents significant opportunities for businesses and clients alike, particularly those in the HubSpot ecosystem. As a HubSpot Solutions Partner, it's essential that you have a strong grasp on these trends to stay ahead of the curve and provide exceptional service to your customers.

For HubSpot, we're focused on a few specific sub categories within the AI space:

1. Conversation Intelligence (e.g. Call Coaching & Transcription)

2. Predictive AI (e.g. Sales Forecasting)

3. Data Quality & Enrichment (e.g. Data Quality Automation)

4. Generative AI (e.g. Content Assistant & ChatSpot)

The noteworthy updates from HubSpot around generative AI include Content Assistant and ChatSpot.

A Quick Note on HubSpot's Point of View on Generative AI:

In 2005, HubSpot and our ecosystem of partners ushered in the era of inbound marketing, transforming the landscape of marketing and sales forever. As a recognized leader in the space, HubSpot has become an authority that hundreds of thousands of companies and professionals look to for guidance and perspective. With AI now an essential part of the marketing and sales toolkit, HubSpot – together with our partners – has a unique opportunity to provide insights and leadership within the industry. Below is a brief summary of HubSpot’s point of view on AI:

  • AI levels the playing field for small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) enabling them to compete with heavyweight enterprises in ways that haven’t been seen since HubSpot introduced the concept of inbound marketing. At HubSpot, we're committed to helping SMBs take advantage of yet another once-in-a-generation opportunity.
  • AI will not only improve a company’s efficiency, but more importantly, its effectiveness. That’s because AI will provide more insight and intelligence to create deeper customer connections, driving conversion.
  • In today's age of AI disruption, relevance is key to driving growth. Companies have no choice but to rethink how they engage customers, emphasizing more contextual communication, personalized experiences, and self-service options.
  • To succeed with AI, three things are critical: data, workflow integration, and feedback. With HubSpot CRM, you can take advantage of the power of AI directly within our platform, leveraging your own customer data to drive growth. As a HubSpot Solutions Partner, you can help your clients unlock the benefits of AI and leverage these technologies to drive digital transformation and growth.