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Customer Service Training Manual Template

Ramp up your new hires so they're contributing to your customers' success. Download this manual customer service training manual to help new hires learn their jobs faster and do their jobs better.

“Since migrating to Service Hub, our team has gained a 360-degree view of customers - something we've never had before. With unified visibility across teams, we're able to deliver consistent experiences across touchpoints and approach customers armed with meaningful insights. I would be amiss if I didn't mention that Help Desk is perceived as a tremendous improvement from working across Inbox view and Service to Tickets view for companies like ours that primarily work with reactive support across multiple channels.”
Stein Mjaatveit
“With Help Desk, the unquantifiable became quantifiable. It's empowered us to correlate support cases with vital KPIs effortlessly. Our reporting has never been more insightful! Everyone, from product to leadership, now sees the value in analyzing support data. It's truly remarkable!”
James Traynelis
“What I appreciate about Service Hub is that our team can hit the ground running with the basics and then level up as they go along. And that’s why 90% of our service agents have embraced it and welcomed the change.”
Jennifer Cummings
Kaplan Early Learning
“For Swapfiets, awesome service starts with our colleagues interacting with customers in our stores and through “Swapdesk” - our Customer Service team. HubSpot's Service Hub is helping to provide our staff with the right tools to be more proactive and efficient so that our members can enjoy worry-free biking.”
Marc de Vries
Chapter 03

Scaling Support with Help Desk & AI

The Post-Sale Playbook

Scaling Support with Help Desk & AI

As customer expectations for quick support increase, businesses are feeling the pressure to respond promptly. However, with limited resources, organizations are struggling to meet these demands. This disparity between customer expectations and available resources is resulting in decreased CSAT (customer satisfaction scores) and heightened frustration among support representatives. Balancing the necessity for speed and efficiency with resource limitations presents a significant challenge for businesses aiming to elevate customer experience and sustain high satisfaction levels. That’s where AI is stepping in to help reps, managers, and customers.

AI-powered Solutions

AI tools enable support teams to handle high volumes of customer inquiries with greater speed and accuracy, freeing up human agents to focus on complex issues and providing a seamless and satisfying customer experience. Embracing AI in support operations not only improves response times and productivity but also fosters long-term customer satisfaction and loyalty.

HubSpot’s Service Hub is the only AI-powered customer service solution that can deliver delightful support at scale and drive retention with unified customer insights. The best part is it has been reinvented to scale support operations seamlessly with its new AI-powered Help Desk workspace, omnichannel support capabilities, real-time progress tracking against SLAs, and knowledge panel. Empowering your support team with 360-degree intelligence is now just a toolkit away.

Tools to Help You Scale Support

Support tools that cater to the diverse needs of customer service teams, managers, and customers are essential for efficient and effective operations. These tools streamline processes, enhance collaboration, and empower users to deliver exceptional support experiences across various touchpoints.

Tools for support reps

Help Desk

The Help Desk serves as a purpose-built workspace designed to efficiently manage support issues. In today's dynamic customer service landscape, inquiries are channeled through various platforms like email, phone, and social media. Help Desk software tools streamline support processes and offer valuable insights into customer interactions across all communication avenues. 

New Features of Help Desk Workspace: The enhanced Help Desk workspace is meticulously crafted to cater to the specific needs of customer support teams, offering a comprehensive suite of functionalities:

  • Centralized Ticket and Conversation Management: Facilitate a holistic view of customer interactions and support tickets within a single platform consolidating tickets and conversations.
  • Real-Time Ticket Updates: Stay informed with live updates on ticket status while new messages are instantly integrated into the ticket list view. 
  • Enhanced Discoverability: Effortlessly organize, search, and filter customer inquiries for a more efficient support process. Since every inquiry gets tagged as a ticket, reps can benefit from ticket automation and reporting.
  • Elevated Customer Experience: Foster stronger relationships and satisfaction with a more personalized support experience for customers through the improved workspace.

In essence, the Help Desk offers a unified view of tickets and conversations, providing a comprehensive understanding of customer interactions. Every incoming inquiry gets tagged as a ticket for better automation and reporting. With the ability to assign and respond to tickets across multiple channels seamlessly, agents can enhance efficiency, communication, and overall customer service quality.

Tools for managers

While reps increase efficiency in the Help Desk, admins can take advantage of the following updates:

Advanced SLAs
  • Enhanced SLA Customization: Tailor Service Level Agreements (SLAs) for any Ticket property to enhance reporting, coaching, and alerting capabilities.
  • Create Advanced SLAs: Develop advanced service-level agreements to elevate service delivery, optimize representative effectiveness, and enhance visibility into work rates and team efficiency.
Capacity & Skills-Based Routing
  • Efficient Ticket Routing: Utilize capacity and skills-based routing to direct tickets to the most suitable support representative at the optimal time.
  • SLA Setting and Monitoring: Establish service level agreements for tickets and easily track and analyze metrics like Time to First Reply and Time to Close for improved support performance and operational efficiency.

Tools for self-service

To empower reps and customers alike, Service Hub has undergone a reinvention to put AI at the forefront and lean into self-serve tools like

AI Chatbot/Agent
  • Enhanced Support Experience: Reduce support volume, boost operational efficiency, and address customer concerns round the clock with a GPT-powered AI chatbot that responds to customers, creates and resolves tickets, and looks up articles. With AI Chatbot reps get access to
    • Reply recommendations
    • Summaries
    • Next actions post calls
    • Multi-language support
  • Knowledge Base Integration: Access your entire knowledge base instantly, leveraging its wealth of information to provide customers with a seamless and secure AI-powered support experience.
CMS-grade editing for Knowledge Base
  • Integrated CMS Functionality: Bring the power of HubSpot’s CMS right into the Knowledge Base with this new Service Hub update that empowers users with robust content management capabilities.
Enhanced Knowledge Base
  • Scalable Content Management: Utilize multiple Knowledge Bases to scale content across various brands or maintain separate internal articles as needed.
  • Customer Portal: Empower customers to get the help they need, when they need it, to minimize repetitive tasks for your team and increase customer trust.

The Resounding Results

The impact of Service Hub's support tools is evident in the remarkable results achieved by users. Customers experience a significant 13x faster ticket resolution times and a notable 42% surge in tickets closed per agent, demonstrating enhanced efficiency and productivity.

Progressive Growth in Ticket Closure Rates
Service Hub customers witness a steady rise in the number of tickets closed over time, showcasing continuous improvement and effectiveness. Ticket closure rates soar after 3 months by 105%, after 6 months by 227%, after 9 months by 274%, and after 12 months by an impressive 324%.


Differential Impact Based on Plan Tier
An interesting trend emerges among Service Hub users based on their subscription tier. Enterprise customers witness a substantial 26.8x increase in closed tickets, while Professional customers observe an impressive 11.9x jump compared to Starter customers, underscoring the value of feature-rich plans.


Global Success Across Regions
Service Hub users globally experience a substantial growth in ticket closures, with regions worldwide seeing a boost of 107% or more after 12 months of utilizing the support tools. This global impact signifies the versatility and effectiveness of Service Hub features in driving support operations.


Collaborative Growth with Sales and Service Hub Integration
Customers leveraging both Sales and Service Hub witness a notable 27% increase in ticket close rates after 12 months, highlighting the synergistic benefits of adopting a holistic approach to customer engagement. 


These statistics merely scratch the surface of Service Hub's robust capabilities, with features such as ticket automation, calling, channel switching, and more tailored to address the evolving needs of support representatives at every stage of the customer lifecycle.

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Hear What Our Customers Are Saying

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