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BridgeRev increases customer engagement 30% with the Webflow App for HubSpot

As a HubSpot Elite Solutions Partner, BridgeRev needed to harness the power of Webflow’s advanced website solution and HubSpot’s industry leading marketing tools and customer platform for their clients. They used the Webflow App to connect both tools, cutting down on manual data processing and automating bidirectional data flow. With more personalized campaigns, customer engagement has increased 30%.

  • +30% Customer engagement

  • -75% Manual data entry work

  • +40% Lead conversion rates


BridgeRev is an Elite HubSpot Solutions Partner. For over a decade, they have helped countless organizations scale by building processes and systems on the HubSpot platform.


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    Connecting Data Across Tools

    As an Elite HubSpot Solutions Partner, BridgeRev frequently builds all kinds of complex technical solutions for their clients with HubSpot. 

    Their clients come from a wide range of industries, and each one has their own specific RevOps and marketing requirements. They often use Webflow to create visually-striking, customizable websites that they can edit without coding. 

    In order to harness the power of HubSpot’s industry-leading marketing tools and customer platform for their clients, BridgeRev needed to integrate their Webflow website data into the HubSpot CRM. In the past, they did so manually, creating properties in one system and copying them over to the other. This solution wasn’t ideal, as BridgeRev Director of Technical Services Erin Wiggers explains: 

    “Anytime you’re integrating CRM and CMS portals, you need to get the data to play nicely together,” she says. “There’s a lot of room for human error in creating properties in one system and then trying to port them over into another…we wanted to streamline that so that we're not building the same thing in two places.” 

    Data to Power Personalized Experiences 

    If they didn’t map that data from the website to HubSpot, BridgeRev wouldn’t be able to create powerful marketing campaigns for their clients. “The data is what powers the personalized experience,” Erin says. “Making sure that we’re collecting the information from users and they are interacting with the content is going to make marketing efforts much more effective.” 

    Manually copying the data was time-consuming, and was made even trickier when clients used unconventional naming practices, which made it hard to know how the different fields mapped across systems.

    “We knew we needed a better solution when we started working with a client who didn’t have the best naming conventions. Their internal names for all of their fields were all over the place and it was really time-consuming to inspect every property, find the internal name, and port it over manually,” Erin recalls. “In order to drive the efficacy of the campaigns that we’re running and the optimizations that we’re making, we really needed to make sure that all of that data linked up as it was supposed to.”

    Webflow App for HubSpot 

    To solve their data integration woes, BridgeRev turned to the HubSpot App Marketplace, with over 1,500 apps to connect tools seamlessly to HubSpot. 

    “One of the great things about HubSpot is the HubSpot App Marketplace,” Erin says. “It allows third parties to build integrations onto the platform that make HubSpot users’ lives much easier.”

    BridgeRev used the Webflow app to seamlessly connect their clients’ websites directly to HubSpot. “I don’t even have to leave the Webflow CMS platform in order to do anything HubSpot-related on the website. I have my files, assets, forms, everything I need from the CRM is available in the app. It’s a seamless user experience.”

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    HubSpot Tools on Webflow Sites

    With the Webflow app for HubSpot, BridgeRev can create personalized marketing experiences for website visitors. 

    BridgeRev collects tracking data from their clients’ Webflow websites, which is then automatically connected to their HubSpot CRM, allowing them to customize the user experience and tailor content to their journey. “With the app, we can give users a hyper-personalized experience based on the behavior they’ve exhibited,” Erin adds. 

    Adding HubSpot forms makes it easy to collect more data directly from the Webflow website, without duplicate data or any manual data cleaning. “Everything is under the HubSpot umbrella, and it’s all nice and clean. We don’t have to worry about duplicates,” Erin says. “And that leaves Webflow to do a lot of the display work and attract those users to come and give you their data. 

    The app also makes it easy to add a HubSpot chatbot to their Webflow website, adding even more personalization and creating an interactive experience for users. “One of my favorite features is being able to just drop in a chatbot from HubSpot onto any page of your website,” Erin says. “The ability to work within a separate system and still get that awesome personalized experience for your users within your Webflow CMS is a really powerful addition to an already powerful platform.”

    Managing Two Systems in One Place

    The BridgeRev team loves the Webflow app. “We have joked that it solved all of our pain points,” Erin says. 

    They can share data and assets automatically, eliminating manual work and improving overall data hygiene, making work much easier and more efficient for her team. “Data entry is usually just part of the game, nobody looks forward to it but it has to get done,” Erin says. “With the app, we don’t have to recreate everything twice.” 

    She estimates that the Webflow app saves at least an hour of setup time per HubSpot form, and overall manual data handling has been reduced by 75%.

    “With this integration, we have the ability to utilize HubSpot marketing and automation in conjunction with a really nice-looking, high-quality design,” she adds. “Having the ability to manage the two systems without a lot of overhead or any extra work has been great. It gives the team more time to focus on more value-additive services for our clients,” she says.

    30% Increase in Customer Engagement

    Thanks to the Webflow app, BridgeRev can create more personalized marketing campaigns for their clients in a fraction of the time. Thanks to these personalized marketing campaigns, BridgeRev have seen a 30% increase in customer engagement. 

    “We can offer our clients the best of both worlds. They can have their data in one system, with automation powered by the best-in-class HubSpot marketing platform. And they can keep their high-gloss, nice-looking website with a lot of design control and granularity. They don’t have to pick between the two.”

    BridgeRev has also improved data hygiene significantly: incidents of data inaccuracies have decreased by 60%, enhancing the overall quality of customer information. 

    Lead processing time was reduced by 50%, and lead conversion rates increased 40%. “Many of our lead-scoring campaigns involve looking at user behavior and user-submitted data,” Erin says. “By streamlining the process for the user to input data and get it into our CRM, we are able to significantly increase the efficacy of that cycle.” 

    Today, Erin can’t imagine going back to the way BridgeRev worked before. “Life without the Webflow app for HubSpot would be chaos. If we’re not careful, data hygiene can get away from us very quickly. Having those two systems streamlined makes for a much less chaotic CRM.”

    Erin Headshot
    Having the ability to manage the two systems without a lot of overhead or any extra work has been great. It gives the team more time to focus on more value-additive services for our clients.
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