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Caxton increases web traffic by 65% with HubSpot

Caxton Payments, a leading player in the software as a financial service (SaaFs) and payment industries, adopted HubSpot to revamp its marketing, website management, and sales operations and scale to new growth. Transitioning from a disjointed marketing tech stack to an integrated, user-friendly platform has been a game-changer.

  • 12x number of segmented email nurtures running

  • 300% Increase in email comms productivity

  • 65% increase in web traffic after implementation of HubSpot CMS

The Challenge

Lack of connection between departments and data visibility

Caxton Payments, a leading financial services company in the UK, was facing significant operational challenges in the marketing department due to a disparate and disconnected marketing tech stack. With a small team and multiple brands to manage, the department was not delivering its best, with fractured data streams and a lack of immediate access to crucial information.

Burdened by fragmented marketing technology, while relying on a headless CMS and a WordPress website, their marketing efforts were hampered by slow, laborious systems. This disjointed setup required frequent involvement of developers for even minor updates, making it difficult for the marketing team to respond quickly. To make matters worse, the lack of integrated analytics and data visibility led to inefficient lead management.

Sales teams were using Microsoft Dynamics for lead management and often received MQLs that appeared unqualified, leading to frustration and missed opportunities. Lauren Smith, Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) of Caxton Payments highlighted the difficulty in accessing real-time data, which required queuing for assistance from the business intelligence team. This not only delayed decision-making but also impeded the team’s ability to deliver personalised customer experiences.

The security risks associated with WordPress were another concern. The marketing team was constrained by limited resources, making it difficult to manage multiple brands and execute timely campaigns.

The complexity of managing multiple systems stymied their productivity and growth. The team recognised the need for a cohesive solution that would streamline operations, enhance data accessibility, and ultimately improve customer engagement. The solution came in the form of HubSpot, a comprehensive Smart CRM that has since transformed the way Caxton engages and communicates with its 600k+ customers.

The Solution

Recognising the need for an integrated solution, Caxton Payments adopted HubSpot, taking a phased approach to its implementation. This strategy allowed different parts of the business to adopt and adapt to the new system gradually, ensuring a smoother transition and minimising disruption.

After implementing Marketing Hub, and then Sales Hub, the team has now migrated their websites from WordPress and Strapi to HubSpot’s Content Management System (CMS). This move not only improved security but also provided the marketing team with a user-friendly interface that significantly reduced their dependency on developers.

The ease of editing and updating content within HubSpot’s CMS was a game-changer, allowing the team to respond quickly to business changes and customer needs. When asked about her favourite feature, Lauren shared: ‘At the moment, my favourite place to be is editing landing pages, and the fact I can be on any page and just click the sprocket... I don’t know how I ever lived without it."

HubSpot’s CRM became the central hub for marketing and sales operations, integrating marketing communications, lead generation, reporting and data management. This integration brought all customer interactions into one system, providing a unified view of each customer’s journey. For the first time, the marketing and sales teams could access real-time data on customer behaviour, such as website visits and email interactions, enabling more targeted and effective communication strategies.

One of the most valued features was the HubSpot dashboards, which provided the team with immediate access to critical data. These dashboards are customisable and can be tailored to track specific metrics, making it easier to monitor performance and make data-driven decisions. The ability to create and manage hundreds of dashboards meant that even as their needs evolved, the system could adapt accordingly.

The implementation of Sales Hub also improved the company’s lead management process. By using HubSpot’s deal pipelines and workflows, Caxton was able to streamline its marketing qualification process. The automation capabilities of HubSpot allowed the marketing team to segment data and create personalised campaigns more efficiently, while the sales team benefit from receiving better-qualified leads.

"Our long-term goals are to serve our customers well. Being able to communicate easily with our customers in a personalised way is just one of the best things that we can do, and HubSpot is allowing us to do that,” says Lauren.


The implementation of HubSpot has brought about a transformation in marketing at Caxton. A critical impact was on the team’s ability to manage its websites. Transitioning from WordPress and Strapi to HubSpot's CMS reduced the time required for editing each page by at least 30 minutes, allowing the team to concentrate on more strategic initiatives.

The new websites nimbl and Caxton.io, built from the ground up with a focus on security and usability, have also improved the company’s search engine rankings, particularly in response to Google’s algorithm update. HubSpot’s user-friendly interface and integrated systems have empowered the small marketing team to accomplish more with less, increasing web traffic by 65%.

The centralised data within HubSpot has revolutionised how departments work together and with customers. The sales and marketing teams now have access to comprehensive data on content engagement, allowing them to tailor their approaches more effectively. The frustration of handling poor leads has diminished, as the teams can now see the full picture of a customer’s engagement with the company, leading to more informed and productive conversations.

"The insights we're getting from HubSpot's analytics have been crucial. We've been able to fine-tune our approach based on real data, which has improved not just our marketing efforts but also how we serve our customers,” shared Lauren.

HubSpot enables Caxton to continue delivering the best customer service in the industry by personalising customer interactions, streamlining internal processes, and creating a seamless experience for website management.


I must say, HubSpot has absolutely spoiled me for life. The ease of use, the fun and intuitive functionalities within Marketing Hub are a breath of fresh air. Having everything in one place has given us time back to concentrate on innovation and creative campaigns, which I'm truly excited about.

Lauren Smith

Chief Marketing Officer


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