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Using HubSpot for your Clients

With the Solutions Partner Program you'll have access to HubSpot's powerful software platform and dedicated expert support to create growth solutions that your clients will love.

The Solutions Partner Program in one minute

Expand Service Offerings with the Power of HubSpot

With HubSpot, your company is able to clearly articulate the value you bring your clients because HubSpot measures everything from page views, to landing page conversions, to new customer revenue. The value you bring to clients is reported inside HubSpot, so you can say goodbye to exporting multiple Excel documents.

Build more sophisticated campaign strategies for clients

A digital marketing agency, Revenue River grew qualified registrants for an in-person seminar series by 454% for their client using HubSpot. These results broke records for their client. How did they do it?

Their client moved the marketing for their in-person seminar series online, giving the agency the opportunity to recommend and build a more advanced strategy to increase seminar registrations. Using HubSpot, the agency built 'city specific' social media campaigns, created unique tracking links for vendors to promote registration, leveraged the Eventbrite integration to tie registrants to the existing database and added the GoToWebinar integration for custom post-event nurturing based on attendance data.

Revenue River grew seminar registrants by 90%, attendees by 40%, and qualified registrants by 454%. These results broke records for their client.

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Expand beyond content marketing services, and offer SEO, email automation and Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO)

To help their client grow, 3P Creative Group built custom lead nurturing flows based on buyer personas, and trigger nurturing based on when a lead completes a high-value action on their website. Since the agency could track where the drop-off was happening in the website, they optimized landing pages and doubled the conversion rate.

3P Creative Group increased their client’s website traffic by 44% and lead generation by 90%. Most importantly, their pipeline is filled with 13x more qualified sales opportunities than last year.

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Prove ROI by measuring revenue generation, not simply page views or form submissions

When OverGo Studio implemented marketing automation for their manufacturing client, they pulled all ROI reporting directly inside HubSpot. They could tie every email they wrote to number of generated page views, leads, qualified leads and customers.

The ROI speaks for itself. The agency drove $2.1M in additional revenue in only 11 months, and a 311% increase in leads from website visits.

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Deepen relationships with your clients and implement sales services

When SalesHub created an inbound marketing strategy for their client, their pipeline was thriving, but the company still wasn't seeing a profit. A piece of the inbound puzzle was missing: sales enablement.

Working with the sales team and deepening their relationship with the client, SalesHub was able to restructure a compensation plan that maximized business profits, refine their sales process, and offer sales training services to help reps increase their close rate from 15% to 45% of new deals.

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Recommend Sophisticated Strategies using Integrations

Tap into an ecosystem of hundreds of pre-built, third-party software integrations to build even more sophisticated marketing strategies. These integrations pipe directly into HubSpot’s reporting features so you prove campaign effectiveness in real-time.
Using HubSpot for your Clients
Ecommerce Integration Effortlessly Ties Agency’s Marketing Services to New Revenue for Client

Kuno Creative leveraged HubSpot’s native Shopify integration and HubSpot’s workflow tools to nurture prospects with abandoned shopping carts. Because Shopify is connected to each prospect's contact record, the agency pulls ROI reports in minutes and the client sees campaign effectiveness of marketing automation in real time.

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Using HubSpot for your Clients
Build Retargeting Paid Ads, Coupled with Unique Conversion Paths, and Measure Revenue

Through working with HubSpot partner, The Kingdom, Brauer Natural Medicine began using Perfect Audience to target specific web visitors and remarket related products. This campaign also increased customer engagement by 5x using the native Survey Monkey integration. These small budget, high impact marketing tactics are made possible through HubSpot integrations.

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Using HubSpot for your Clients
Craft and Execute a Sophisticated Webinar Strategy with a Native HubSpot Integration

One agency used HubSpot to deliver webinar invitation emails and GoChime for webinar invitation Facebook ads. Prism Global Marketing Solution's client saw a quick increase in webinar registrations after enabling the integration. These targeted campaigns created a 495% lift in webinar registrations.

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Learn more about the Solutions Partner Program

HubSpot partners don’t have to go it alone. We’re dedicated to your success, and to ensuring that your teams are equipped with the tools and training they need to deliver client services around HubSpot’s software.

  • When you sign on to become a HubSpot partner, you’re set up for success from the get-go. Partner onboarding, delivered by your Channel Account Manager (CAM) and Channel Consultant (CC), guides you through your first six months as a partner to ensure you have everything you need to build a dedicated leads list, define your core service offerings, and deliver inbound services to your clients.
  • Are your sales skills rusty and could use a refresh? Is your pipeline running dry? A key benefit of the Partner Program is exclusive small group trainings offered throughout the year by seasoned sales professionals at HubSpot to help agencies like yours ramp up their pipelines and streamline their sales processes to open, and close, more deals.

As a partner, bringing clients onto HubSpot comes with the added benefit of commission. You'll receive a 20% commission for every client you bring onto the platform. Plus, the commission is ongoing so the more HubSpot clients you retain, the more you can save.

Partners also get the added benefit of waiving a one-time $3,000 HubSpot onboarding fee for their clients. That means you get the opportunity to custom-build onboarding for your clients and charge for your services.


When you become a HubSpot partner, you’ll get access to a number of great benefits designed to help your business grow your business, meet other partners from around the world, and drive success for your clients.

Hear from some of our partners about why they love the growing HubSpot partner community.

Talk to a Partner Specialist

Fill in the form to talk to a partner specialist about how the Solutions Partner Program can help your business grow. Or visit our website to learn more about our two partner packages.