Feature Spotlight - Conversation Intelligence

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Thriving businesses are winning on customer experience. The root of all customer experience is the quality of your data and your ability to personalize based on that. Without good data and the right tools, experiences are left uninformed and impersonal, causing your success to suffer.

Sales conversations are the first impressions with your buyers and service conversations are your opportunities to truly delight. But the hundreds of hours of your conversation data are locked up or not captured. Sales and service representatives have this intel locked in their minds, accessed through conversation, and perhaps in call notes, but not directly tied to a contact record, easily accessible to your team, or actionable.

In addition to missing customer data, sales and service leaders are challenged to provide effective, efficient coaching to growing, geographically distributed teams. Short of spending time they don't have shadowing calls directly, managers have limited visibility and opportunities to directly coach reps for improvement. 

What is Conversation Intelligence?

What it is:

Conversation Intelligence built on HubSpot’s all-on-one CRM platform gives you the insights to transform your sales team and delight your customers at scale. It enables you to record, transcribe, and analyze information from Sales and Services conversations and writes these directly to the contact profile. Get AI-powered call transcription and analysis that enables your team to coach top performers, improve your sales and service strategy, and deepen your customer relationships.

CI unlocks three primary benefits:

  • Capture: Capture calls & video conferencing placed through HubSpot, or integrated provider like Zoom Enterprise.
  • Coach: Improve team performance by efficiently understanding why outcomes occurred and providing specific feedback to reps for their development.
  • Analyze: Collaborate without silos with a 360 degree view of customer interactions. Search for keywords/phrases across your teams entire history of calls.

Key Resources

Packaging & Features

Conversation Intelligence is available in both Service Hub Enterprise and Sales Hub Enterprise. Included is 1,500 hours of transcription per portal per month (pooled limit). Additional capacity is available in 400 hour blocks for $250 USD (can purchase multiple, renews each month, can be purchased touchlessly or via quote)
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Call Capture

Improvements to calling. Automatically record calls placed via HubSpot’s native calling & other channels. See an index of all your team’s calls in a single place.

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Call Transcription

Capture calls & video conferencing placed through HubSpot, or integrated providers like Zoom Enterprise. Transcribe calls across channels to unlock intelligence.

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Quickly listen to the important parts of a call using speaker tracks or the transcript. Speed up a call, share, or search. Leave comments and notes to give feedback.

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Analyze & Report

Search for keywords and phrases across your team’s entire history of calls.

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Challenges in the Market


of reps will outperform the bottom 30% by as much as a factor of four.


of sales organizations waste resources due to random and informal coaching approaches


Firms that provide an optimal amount of coaching realize 16.7% greater annual revenue growth.

Current Problems:

  • Balancing the ability to coach effectively and hire at scale: there isn’t enough time to listen to 45-minute calls to provide feedback to reps. Multiple that by 7 reps on your team and it’s very unscalable.
  • Gaining visibility into rep performance is harder than ever and with 82% of company leaders looking to allow employees to work remotely in the future, they need to gain efficiencies around their visibility with rep performance.

How HubSpot Solves These Problems

Automatically get data into the CRM: Get all the relevant data you need into the CRM without having to think about it. Rather than requiring reps to enter properties after every call, we can just set up automatic recording and all the relevant data will be linked on the records.

Coach on real data - not second hand salesperson account: Once all of these calls are in the CRM teams can look directly at what happened instead of having to rely on notes or memory. This enables a whole new world of coaching behaviors. Reps can review their top hits with their managers. Teams can create weekly meetings to review specific sales tactics and how effective they are.

Analytics & Insights: Once we have all this data accessible in the CRM we can then take it to gain insight into our whole business process. These insights can come at every level of the organization. Within a call it becomes possible to quickly jump to the important parts (like next steps).

It also becomes possible to aggregate this across an org to get a high level view of what is being discussed on the ground. For example, without any required properties VP's and Managers can get an idea of how many deals you lose to a competitor over time. The possibilities are endless.

Competitive Intelligence

Overview: HubSpot is new to the Conversation Intelligence space but offers cost and all-on-one advantages for businesses looking to scale efficiently.

Outreach: While Outreach offers strong sales engagement tools, it doesn’t support native Conversation Intelligence Customers must purchase a standalone tool like Gong to connect with Outreach, which means added costs from connecting the point solution.

Salesloft & Salesforce: The biggest battle for “all-on-one” will be against Salesloft as they 1) offer sales engagement, 2) Have their own Conversation Intelligence built in, 3) Connect well to Salesforce (CRM). The downside is cost. You’re looking at $1,750/month (low end for 10 seats) or $2,750/month (high end for 10 seats). HubSpot’s Sales Hub Enterprise (CRM + Sales Engagement + CI) costs $1,200/month for 10 users.

Point solutions (Gong, Chorus, Insight Squared): We suggest you lean on the all-on-one value. Businesses looking for an all-on-one solution (CRM + sales engagement + Conversation Intelligence) will get the most value from HubSpot, compared to using point solutions (Gong, Chorus, InsightSquared) and purchasing a CRM and Sales Engagement tool separately. HubSpot’s Conversation Intelligence won’t be as feature-robust as these point solutions, but covers the essential components to deliver the right benefits and will improve over time.

Demo Resources

Industries & Good Fit Clients

Good Fit Clients

Scaling mid-market businesses with 20-200 employees who are looking to grow fast. They often have an inside sales team who are on the phone cold-calling and demoing their product. This can also be an ideal fit for field sales teams who are always on the move and need automatic transcription and data populated.

Best Fit Clients:

  • Organizations that already practice call recording who already understand their compliance requirements and have processes and policies in place to ensure they are compliant. These customers will be most prepared to evaluate and add conversation intelligence tools to their operation and consider any changes they need to make to their call recording practices to remain compliant and address any added legal risk
  • Organizations already using third-party call recording solutions that support customer compliance with call recording laws and data privacy regulations (ex: Zoom, Gong). Customers who are using Zoom to record their conversations are great fits because recorded Zoom meetings can be easily synced to HubSpot Conversation Intelligence.

Good Fit Industries

  • Computer software
  • IT & services
  • Internet
  • Marketing and advertising
  • Financial services
  • HR
  • Construction

Services to Monetize & Partner Advice

Services to Offer:

  • Sales rep coaching
  • Call reviews
  • Call scoring
  • Win/loss analysis
HubSpot Video


Our sales and service reps have conversations with prospects and customers every day. We had recordings and even transcriptions of those conversations, but we couldn’t make the data accessible and useful for teams operating with precious time. We started looking for solutions, but they added extra direct and indirect costs. What made HubSpot’s Conversation Intelligence stand out is that it’s built into the CRM Platform. With Conversation Intelligence we can quickly identify and access conversations, which we then use for coaching and improving our sales and service processes. This has given managers better surveillance as their teams work remotely. There is no question that we’re able to review calls at lightning speed and provide better coaching recommendations than ever before.

Doug Davidoff


Imagine Business Development

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