Industry Verticals:
Partner Resources

Industry Slide Decks & One Pagers

Reminder: if you would like to customize one of our slide decks, you will need to make a copy of the master deck by going to File > Make a Copy. You cannot edit our master template.

Manufacturing: Slide Deck & PDF

Software & Technology: Slide Deck

eCommerce: Slide Deck 

Higher Education: Slide Deck 

Franchises: Slide Deck 

Media and Marketing: Slide Deck

Healthcare: Slide Deck & PDF

Travel & Hospitality: Slide Deck

Consumer Services: Slide Deck

Financial Services: Slide Deck & PDF

Banking: Slide Deck 

True Enterprises: Slide Deck 

Professional Services: Slide Deck & PDF

Senior Living: Slide Deck 

Construction: Slide Deck 

Consumer Products: Slide Deck 

Industry Resource Pages

Below is a library of industry best practice resource pages and slide decks. You'll find specifics on industry best practices, how to align with HubSpot's tools, and relevant case studies.
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Learn more about prospects and customers who sell products or services online.

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Learn more about prospects and customers who are in the manufacturing industry.

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Real Estate

Learn more about prospects and customers who are in the real estate industry.

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Looking for more resources?

Head back to the partner resource center.